HUMBERTO FONTOVA: CARTER CHARMS THE CASTRO BROTHERS Carter Charms the Castro Brothers Posted By Humberto Fontova Embracing a recent invitation by the Castro brothers, Jimmy Carter visited Cuba this past week. “We greeted each other as old friends,” gushed Carter regarding his meeting with Fidel Castro. “In 2002, we received him warmly,” reciprocated Castro. “Now, I reiterated to him our respect […]

STANLEY KURTZ: SAMANTHA POWER’S POWER Samantha Power’s Power On the ideology of an Obama adviser A member of the president’s National Security Council who shares Noam Chomsky’s foreign-policy goals? An influential presidential adviser whom 1960s revolutionary Tom Hayden treats as a fellow radical? A White House official who wrote a book aiming to turn an anti-American, anti-Israeli, Marxist-inspired, world-government-loving […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: GOLDSTONE’S MEA CULPA AND ISRAEL’S WARS Goldstone’s Mea Culpa and Israel’s Wars Posted By P. David Hornik On Friday, the Washington Post published [1] Judge Richard Goldstone’s retraction of most of the Goldstone Report. Just two days earlier, the Post published [2] Israeli military maps — apparently supplied by the Israeli army — of Hezbollah’s underground bunkers, arms caches, and […]

ROBIN SHEPHERD’S NEW BLOG:EVEN AS GOLDSTONE RECANTS UK PLEDGES CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR HIS REPORT!! Britain pledges continued support for Goldstone report against Israel, even as Goldstone retracts allegations The UN Goldstone Report alleging Israel targeted civilians in Gaza is now in tatters, but so is the credibility of the countries that gave it credence The British Government is standing by the United Nations Goldstone Report alleging that Israel […]

GOLDSTONE IS TOAST BUT THE NYTIMES TAKES UP THE SLANDER Goldstone is gone — but NY Times steps into the anti-Israel breach LEO RENNERT Richard Goldstone has confessed his sins against Israel by retracting his infamous UN report which falsely accused Israel of “war crimes” by deliberately targeting civilians during the 2008-2009 Gaza war. But in the upside-down reporting of Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem […]

GHANDI AND THE JEWS: ELLIOT JAGER Gandhi and the Jews By Elliot Jager Gandhi, Schlesin, and Kallenbach, 1913. A new book about Mohandas Gandhi (1869–1948) has set off stormy protests in India for implying that the country’s founding father was bisexual. That’s only the beginning of it. The Gandhi-Kallenbach Ménage Akshaya Mukul,  Times of India.  India’s embassy in Tel Aviv has been negotiating […]

RICHARD GRENIER: THE GHANDI NOBODY KNOWS(1983)…please see note THIS RANKS AS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIE REVIEWS EVER….MILLIONS WERE FOOLED BY BEN KINGSLEY IN A DIAPER WITH A CANE IMPERSONATING THE NASTY LITTLE GNOME…..RSK The Gandhi Nobody Knows Richard Grenier — March 1983 I had the singular honor of attending an early private screening of Gandhi with an audience of invited guests […]

GENERALLY CLUELESS PETRAEUS BEING “SERIOUSLY”CONSIDERED FOR TOP ROLE IN CIA? General David Petraeus is being “seriously considered” for the job of CIA director, according to a report by National Public Radio. Petraeus is the commander of US forces in Afghanistan but plans to leave that post later this year, and NPR, citing unnamed government officials, reported that Petraeus “would take the job if offered.” […]

HUFFINGTON POST/AOL; A SLANDER OF ILARIO PANTANO TO TOUT CONTROVERSIAL IMAM….SEE NOTE THIS IS SO SHAMELESS…PANTANO WAS CLEARED….OF ALL CHARGES…..RSK AOL/Huffington Post Slander Ex-Marine Ilario Pantano To Tout Controversial Imam Posted by Dan Riehl Thanks to what many believe to be a foolish decision by AOL, to engage Arianna Huffington to oversee what they hope will be a significant  online national news content network, this editorial would […]


The Importance of the Whole Truth About Palestine, 1919-48 The following article, entitled “Palestine – Understanding the Present by Remembering the Past,” is by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.  It comes via the antipodean J-Wire service.  The article by retired Saudi commodore Abdulateef Al-Mulhim to which Singer refers was the subject of […]