NO MORE DHIMMITUDE: ANDREW McCARTHY No More Dhimmitude[1]   By Andrew C. McCarthy Posted on April 04, 2011 11:52 AM As always, Mark[2] leaves nothing left to say regarding Sen. Lindsey Graham — though I am tempted to suggest that maybe the country would have been better off if he hadn’t exercised his First Amendment right to offer help […]

JUST A TRAFFIC MISTAKE AT PENDLETON? GADI ADELMAN I Knew I Should Have Made That Left Turn at AlbuquerqueGadi Adelman I have said it and written about it before. There is a difference between “profiling” and good law enforcement. The statistics tell us that most terrorists will be male, aged 18-35, Muslim and of Middle Eastern descent. This is not profiling, this […]

HOT PICKS AND VIDEOS FROM FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS April 4, 2011 * VIDEOS * TODAY’S HOT PICKS * s 1. Amazing Videos: Safe and hound: Tsunami dog found alive and well in Japan after THREE WEEKS adrift at sea on a floating house 2. Video: Entertainment Reporter Concedes ‘Kennedys’ Movie Was Pulled Because of Conservative Producer 3. Video: Former White House adviser […]

THE MUSLIM SISTERHOOD: FREEDOM IS FINE BUT ISLAM FIRST,1518,754250,00.html The Muslim Sisterhood Visions of Female Identity in the New Egypt By Dialika Krahe The women of the Muslim Brotherhood played a supporting role in Egypt’s revolution, and now they want to have a hand in shaping its democratic future. Although many wear Western clothing under their veils, use Facebook and Twitter, and talk […]

PHYLLIS CHESLER: GOLDSTONE’S RECANTATION “Interestingly, in recent years, Richard Goldstone published three op-ed pieces in the New York Times, all in 2009; one was about his investigation into what happened in Gaza. Funny, this recantation, which has major policy implications, not only for Israel but for any country which the UN wishes to similarly target—this recantation op-ed appears […]


Al-Qaeda Seizes Town in Teetering Yemen Posted By Ryan Mauro URL to article: According to Yemeni officials and the state-controlled press, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has seized the city of Jaar and declared an “Islamic Emirate” in Abyan Province. This is certainly a frightening development that raises concerns about the future of the […]


Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad Sends an Email to President Obama By Barry Rubin The following email was recently received by the White House: Dear President Obama: My name is Bashar al-Assad. Not long ago my father died and left me an entire country in his will. It is a very valuable property but I […]

THE EFFECT OF MOHAMMED’S LIFE AND TEACHING: HEGE STORHAUG The Stifling Effect of Muhammed’s Life and Teachings on Muslim Society- by Hege Storhaug Hege Storhaug’s Norwegian bestseller, But the Greatest of These is Freedom: The Consequences of Immigration in Europe, has just been published in English. We need a constructive and fact-based debate about Muhammed’s life and his meaning for society today. ”You […]

TEA TIME: ROGER KIMBALL Yes, it’s getting to be that time again.  During the run-up to the November 2010 elections, many observers — including me — remarked that the tea party, which was clearly shaping up to be a major power in many states, was not so much anti-Democrat or even anti-incumbent as it  was anti-business-as-usual.  The tea […]

RICHARD BAEHR: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION USED TO JUSTIFY OBAMACARE During the long debate over health care reform in 2009 and 2010, the advocates for the legislation made several key arguments, suggesting most of all that a health care financing system that covered a large number of the currently uninsured would be fairer — that a primary goal of health care reform was redistribution. […]