APPALLING HUMAN BONDAGE IN THE US HEARTLAND: CHUCK NEUBAUER Human bondage hits U.S. heartland Illicit trade for labor, sex generates billions in profits People were shocked when federal prosecutors charged the owners of a motel in Oacoma, S.D., a town of fewer than 500, with keeping Philippine women in virtual slavery, forcing them to work 20-hour days under the threat of violence and […]

ELI HERTZ: THE UN CHARTER DOES NOT SUPPORT GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 377 The UN Charter Does Not Support GA Resolution 377 The most recent unlawful use of Resolution 377 was in 2004 when the UN General Assembly called upon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for an advisory opinion regarding the construction of the fence to stop Palestinian Arab terrorists from infiltrating into Israel. | Eli. […]

BREAKING PITA AT THE MUSLIM VICTIMHOOD LUNCHEON IN NEW JERSEY New Jersey: DHS, FBI, key pols attend Muslim victimhood luncheon A four-hour-long orgy of victimhood posturing and deflection of attention from jihad terror activity and Islamic supremacism. “500 attend Muslim tolerance luncheon,” by Melissa Hayes for The Record, March 28: When Mohamed Younes selected “Religious Freedom and Tolerance” as the theme for the American […]

CAL THOMAS: A GIFT FOR THE OBVIOUS…THE NYTIMES GETS IT ON THE MB IN EGYPT If there were an award for stating the obvious when it comes to the Middle East, it would go to The New York Times. On its front page last Friday, the newspaper ran a story headlined, “Muslim Group is Rising Force in New Egypt.” What group would that be? Why, the Muslim Brotherhood, of […]


The Palestinians: Why Is Abbas Running After Hamas?by Khaled Abu Toameh I USUALLY AGREE WITH TOAMEH…BUT WHAT “PEACE PROCESS” IS HE TALKING ABOUT REVIVING?….AND WHY NOW?…AIN’T NOTHING THERE TO NEGOTIATE ANYMORE….RSK Instead of searching for ways to revive the peace process with Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been busy seeking permission from […]

Steve Emerson Exposes Sen.Durbin Hearings as Cover for Islamists Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism joined me on the radio today and shared some shocking information about several people involved in the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights hearing set for Tuesday in the US Senate. The first, a witness for the hearing, Farhana Khera of Muslim […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: SENATOR DURBIN TRIES TO SUPPRESS REP. PETE KING’S HEARINGS Durbin launches the ‘anti-Pete King’ hearing Center for Security Policy | Mar 28, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. How curious.  At the very moment that the threat posed to U.S. interests by the toxic Islamist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood is becoming ever more palpable, a top Senate Democrat seems determined to suppress Americans’ […]

SAMANTHA POWER OBAMA’S RISING ANTI-ISRAEL STAR Samantha Power; President Obama’s Anti-Israel Rising Star One of the side stories of Obama’s action in Libya is the “comeback” of Samantha Power,  Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council. That should frighten any American who supports the strong friendship between […]

THE FALLACY OF CO-EXISTENCE Former Republican Congressional candidate  Ari David sent in his analysis on the fallacy of coexistence. The Fallacy of Co-Existence – by Ari David Conservatives are logical people that ask logical questions about themselves, of themselves and about the world around them. A great failing of conservative thought on a mass scale is an inability […]

CARLINE GLICK: THE SYRIAN SPRING Anti-regime protests in Syria are welcome departure from grim choices posed by Egypt, Libya because supporting protesters there is actually good idea. Amidst the many dangers posed by the political conflagration now engulfing the Arab world, we are presented with a unique opportunity in Syria. In Egypt, the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak has […]