The Sharia Catechism I must admit that when I first began studying Islam and its political manifestations, I found myself puzzled and put off by the sheer foreignness and apparent complexity of the issues—in much the same way that patriotic Americans who supported the free market and a free society felt when confronted (during […]

THE AUDACITY OF GOLF: MARK STEYN The Audacity of Golf No-Change You Can Believe In! By the time you read this, President Obama will be taking a well-deserved break from the 54th hole of today’s scheduled golf game and the grueling responsibility of picking out his Final Four priority high-speed-rail projects on ESPN by relaxing on a beach in . […]

THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY RUNDUP So now we have a No Fly Zone resolution on Libya. And the man who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008 as being the candidate who wouldn’t have gone into Iraq, is now running in 2012 as the candidate who will go into Libya. Hypocrisy is a beautiful beast and politics is a […]

CAROLINE GLICK: THE MEDIA HAVE TURNED THE MASSACRE OF THE FOGELS INTO A STORY ABOUT “SETTLEMENT” Instead of considering what murder says about Palestinian society, media have turned massacre of Fogel family into story about “settlements.” Over the past several years, a growing number of patriotic Israelis have begun to despair. We can’t stand up to the whole world, they say. At the end of the day, we will have […]


US should shun enforcing no fly zone in Libya Andrew G. Bostom President Obama has given an ultimatum to Col. Qaddafi: “accept an immediate ceasefire, pull back from Libyan rebel strongholds and permit humanitarian assistance – or face the full onslaught of UN-endorsed air strikes.” The aptly named (hat tip Diana West) American “Libya […]

MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD GLORIFIES AND ENCOURAGES FEMALE JIHADISTS The Muslim Brotherhood Glorifies and Encourages Female Jihadists Posted by Al Mutarjim Writing for the European Council of Fatwa and Research, a Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Dr. ‘Ali Muhiy al-Din al-Qarah Daghi in his 2006 treatise “Al-mar’a wal-musharika al-siyasia wal-dimuqratia” (Women and Political and Democratic Participation) lists six political rights that women […]

WHO’S REALLY MINDING THE BUDGET? PAUL RYAN “Budget boot camp”: Congressman Paul Ryan trains GOP freshmen on the debt crisis In an interview with Mike Huckabee on Fox News, Representative Paul Ryan discusses his efforts to educate congressional newcomers about the “Tidal Wave of Debt” currently threatening the nation, and the solutions which need to be pursued to ensure enduring fiscal […]

Ongoing Efforts to Derail the Tea Party Christopher Adamo When the burgeoning Tea Party first became apparent in early 2009, the Democrat/media political machine attempted to simply ignore it. Later on, their response was to try to trivialize it as a “fringe movement” or, in the words of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA) as “Astroturf,” an obvious intimation that it was a […]

BRUCE KESLER:Obama Administration Compounds the Inherent Contradictions in Foreign Policy From Vietnam to today, the majority of US public opinion has supported confronting active threats to US security. And, naturally, Americans sympathize with the oppressed and their human rights. However, as the costs rose, time elapsed, and foreign policy dilettantes recoil from the realities of armed intervention, other firmer supporters increasingly bemoan the restrictions […]

VIDEOS FROM FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS….SEE NOTE PLEASE THIS DOG IS DOG’S BEST FRIEND…IN VIDEON 1….AND SPEAKING OF CURS CHECK OUT JOY (WHAT’S IN A NAME?) BEHAR….AND HARRY “THE TEA PARTIES WILL BE GONE SOON” REID….RSK 1. AMAZING Video: Dog in Japan stays by the side of its ailing friend in the rubble 2. Video: Behar: “People In Concentration Camps Made Jokes […]