“With all due respect for the eminently qualified for something else, Dr. Krauthammer, he left medicine to work for Jimmy Carter, before going to work for Mondale and is little more than a complete creation of the so called elite political and media establishment so out of flavor in America today. Leaving the Democrat Party, only […]
REGISTRATION HERE: Z STREET Presents RETHINKING THE END GAME: Improving Lives in the Middle East MAY 4th, Washington DC Z STREET believes the goal of the Peace Process should be peace. The rest of the world, however, acts as if the goal has to be the immediate creation of a Palestinian State, regardless of […]
Iraq: Will Sadr’s Mahdi Army Return?by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi Eight years after American forces toppled Saddam Hussein’s regime on April 9, 2011, Shi’ite cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr’s followers held a demonstration in Baghdad to commemorate the end of the Baathist government and to demand an end to the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq. Some […] Michigan Court Establishes “Blasphemy”-Free, No-Go-Zone for Islam Writing at The Corner, Nina Shea recaps the latest in the saga of Terry Jones, who has been trying to take a peaceful, non-flammable protest of sharia and jihad to the sidewalk outside the largest mosque in America in Dearborn, Michigan only to be outlawed by the […]
Hello, I have made today a new video, that shows how Muslims did illegally pray on the ground in the center of Rome, this Friday, April 22nd, 2011 : Déclaration de guerre – Prières musulmanes en plein Rome (22 avril 2011) Those illegal Muslim prayers took place on the Piazza Venezia, in front of […] THE FIGHT OF OUR LIVES: KNOWING THE ENEMY, SPEAKING THE TRUTH AND CHOOSING TO WIN THE WAR AGAINST RADICAL ISLAM By William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn At a time when mixed mes- sages come from the administration about foreign affairs in general and the war declared on us 13 years ago by Osama […] PA daily: “Jews, Jews! Your holiday [Passover] is the Holiday of Apes” by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook An article in the official PA daily newspaper claims that Palestinian Christian youth perform a spring march in the streets that includes the chant: “Jews, Jews! Your holiday [Passover] is the Holiday of Apes.” (See PMW […],7340,L-4060142,00.html Witness: Shooters yell Allahu Akbar Breslov Hassid injured in shooting tells Ynet: They were shooting to kill, It was crazy. Incident fatality Ben-Yosef Livnat will be buried today in Jerusalem Yair Altman A group of Breslov Hassidim’s regular twilight visit to Palestinian controlled Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus came to a tragically violent end Sunday: […],_part_1/print The Troubling Past and Frightening Future of Jihad, Part 1 By Michael Youssef Michael Youssef is a pastor and founder of The Church of the Apostles. During the Egyptian uprising, shortly before Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was forced from office, I was a guest on CNN Newsroom with anchor Don Lemmon. As the Egyptian […]
Thomas Friedman, Anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan Moshe Phillips For decades New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman has indoctrinated his readers in his personal idea of what are moral and just policies towards the Middle East and Israel. But Friedman’s morality should be in question: he is accepting an honor from a college that […]