The ‘1967 border’ — the lie that won’t die Both the New York Times and the Washington Post, in their April 22 editions, report that a group of prominent Israeli leftist intellectuals demonstrated in Tel Aviv in support of a Palestinian state based on the “1967 borders.” Except that there was no “border” on […]
Reconciling Rand with the Gospel By Ann Barnhardt The motion picture Atlas Shrugged – Part 1 was released in theaters last week, and coupled with the positively prophetic mapping of the plot of Atlas Shrugged to current events, Ayn Rand and her Objectivist Philosophy are front-burner topics. I know that many Christians read Rand […]–.html Congressman Paul Ryan, one of the least insane men in Washington, has a 10-year plan.President Barack Obama, one of the most insane spenders in Washington, has a 12-year plan. After hearing the president’s plan, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. Sovereign debt outlook to “negative.” Ah, the fine art of understatement. In 1940, after […] Ice makers are the latest target in the left’s ongoing war against the conveniences of modern life. Earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a report that may condemn this essential household item to the contraband list that already includes functional light bulbs, toilets, washing machines and showerheads. Those […] A federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., on Friday indicted three persons and two companies on charges of illegally exporting millions of dollars worth of computer-related equipment from the United States to Iran via the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Todd Hinnen, acting assistant attorney general for national security, said Jeng “Jay” Shih, 53, a […] NEW YORK (AP) – Former chief U.N. nuclear inspector Mohamed ElBaradei suggests in a new memoir that Bush administration officials should face international criminal investigation for the “shame of a needless war” in Iraq. Freer to speak now than he was as an international civil servant, the Nobel-winning Egyptian accuses U.S. leaders of “grotesque […]–1.html Pamela Geller, Big Government: Islamic Law Comes to Dearborn Check out my oped in today’s Big Government. Mind you, this is where I just won my lawsuit to run my bus ads offering help to Muslims in fear of their lives. Islamic Law Comes to Dearborn Pamela Geller, Big Government Dearborn, Michigan has become […]
Click here: Functional Analysis of President Obama’s Foreign Policies – Maggie’s Farm Functional Analysis of President Obama’s Foreign Policies Credible, mainstream foreign policy analysts express dismay that President Obama’s foreign policy actions are so often contradictory, misdirected from commonly perceived national interests, and counterproductive to even stated goals. Such critiques, seeking sanity and to […] AND JUST HOW DID THIS ANTI-SEMITISM START?A PERVERSE COMBINATION OF MULTICULTURALISM PILED ON BASHING OF ISRAEL….AND THOSE LEFTIST, PACIFIST SEDITIOUS JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THE NEW ISRAEL FUND, AND J STREET ARE AS GUILTY AS ALL THE OTHER BASTARDS….RSK Should the federal government intervene when an American university permits its campus to become unsafe for […] This is “postcard” from Afghanistan by Paul Avallone, someone who has drunk more than his share of cups of tea there. first as a Green Beret and later as a photojournalist. Readers will recall his pungently evocative writings and photos from his “Flirting with Afghanistan” series published here in 2010. It is a most […]