HER QUESTION WAS ENTIRELY LEGITIMATE….THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAS HOUNDED AND PERSECUTED LOYAL AND PATRIOTIC AMERICANS WHO INTERROGATED KSM…..RSK Debra Burlingame, the sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame (pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon) told Fox News Thursday that President Barack Obama turned his back on her during the 9/11 memorial when she […] The ability of the U.S. to conduct operations like this is precisely what Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are targeting. That’s why prosecution has to be considered. By Gabriel Schoenfeld “Absolutely amazing.” That is how Vice President Joe Biden described the secrecy surrounding the successful raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Amazing […] It is not true that the Islamic Republic of Iran lacks compassion. It is not true that the Islamic Republic hangs people without a hint of mercy. Here is the proof. Recently, I met Mrs. M at a gathering of Iranian ex-pats in a park. I would also like you to meet this elderly […]
Martin Heidegger’s Honorary Degree From CUNY Were Martin Heidegger alive today, would he be granted an honorary degree from the City University of New York (CUNY)? We might consider that question in the matter of whether playwright Tony Kushner should be granted an honorary degree from CUNY. Perhaps so. Honorary degrees are granted for […]
Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, the CUNY trustee who initiated the CUNY board’s action to deny Tony Kushner an honorary degree, has this to say about the decision in today’s Algemeiner newspaper: Following our consensus decision to table the honorary degree nomination of Mr. Tony Kushner it is worthy to note that Mr. Kushner repeats the ugly charges […]
Supreme Court steps into White House-Congress feud over Jerusalem status By Warren Richey Our contributor’s child, born in Jerusalem to American parents, was told that his passport must list “Jerusalem” — without a country — as the place of his birth. Why? Because America doesn’t recognize the Holy City as the Jewish State’s capital. […]
HotAirPundit: Flashback 2009: Barack Obama to Release Up to 2,000 Photographs of Prisoner Abuse Flashback 2009: Barack Obama to Release Up to 2,000 Photos of Detainee Abuse 4/24/2009 President Barack Obama is to release up to 2,000 photographs of alleged abuse at American prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan in a move which will […] Former Supreme Court president Moshe Landau honed the notion that the powers-that-be aren’t above the law and that the law isn’t obliged to bow to their interests. There was seeming symbolism in the fact that former Supreme Court president and 1991 Israel Prize laureate Moshe Landau died, at age 99, on the eve of […]
Mexicans Who Happen To Be Living In America Want Their Racial-Grievance Studies GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary By Don Feder Multiculturalism, which used to be merely noxious, has become a raging infection which poses as much of a threat to America as the national debt or terrorism — before Osama assumed room temperature. Last week, a […] The paradigm of psychology rests on the notion that introspection will lead to a better understanding of what our problems truly are so that we can improve our skills in coping with them. It further insists that since we are unable to control other people’s thoughts and conduct, the most pragmatic way to deal […]