THRILLED BY THE “ARAB SPRING”…YOU’RE DELUSIONAL Fred Grandy has been a successful actor on television (The Love Boat), a four term congressman from Iowa, the CEO of Goodwill Industries, International, and until recently the host of The Grandy Group, a weekday morning news/talk radio program on WMAL in Washington, DC. So forgive me, esteemed elders of Fox News, if I […]

Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics: LEO RENNERT Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics Leo Rennert Benjamin Disraeli is credited with the saying that there are three kinds of lies — lies, damned lies and statistics.  The legendary British statesman could have spotted another example of his adage in an article in the March 28 edition of the Washington Post about […]


Hillary’s War By Victor Sharpe Let us first look back to the bombing of Serbia by President Clinton and who was most instrumental in encouraging him. According to Dean Murphy in the New York Times of October 2000, “Hillary Clinton called for the US to reject isolationism and aggressively engage itself in world affairs […]

Egypt—The Hangover Cairo’s liberals tell a different story than Team Obama. BRET STEPHENS Egypt—The Hangover Cairo’s liberals tell a different story than Team Obama. By BRET STEPHENS Cairo Talk to top U.S. officials here about how things are going in Egypt, and the gist of the answer reminds me of what Apollo XI astronaut Michael Collins told Mission Control while sailing over the Sea of Tranquility: “Listen, […]

Egypt’s Islamists: A Cautionary Tale Hillel Fradkin & Lewis Libby

Egypt’s Islamists: A Cautionary Tale Hillel Fradkin & Lewis Libby — April 2011 On March 20, Egypt held a referendum vote, and it is the common consensus that the results indicate the degree of support and power for the Muslim Brotherhood. In this special preview of an article from Commentary’s April issue, written several weeks before, […]

PROFESSOR OF LAW AMOS GUIORA: LESSONS FROM ISRAEL ABOUT THE WRITER Amos N. Guiora is a professor of law at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. In an interdependent world threatened by transnational terrorism, Israel, as much as any other nation, has a vital stake in ensuring that the United States pursues its wars within the bounds […]

GO FOR IT ISRAEL!!!Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements…

Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements JERUSALEM – An Israeli official says Israel is considering annexing major West Bank settlement blocs if the Palestinians unilaterally seek world recognition of a state. The official said Tuesday that Israel can respond to unilateral Palestinian action with one-sided acts of its own. Annexation of settlements is one […]

THE SULTAN: ON THE AGENDA OF “EARTH HOUR” Forget the World’s Fair, we now have a new way to celebrate human accomplishment. Instead of going to see a vision of the future, we turn off the lights and sit in the dark for an hour. Earth Hour shows how far we have come from celebrating human accomplishment to celebrating the lack of […]

THE PRESIDENT’S SPEECH: WASHTIMES EDITORIAL..LATE AND LAME When King George VI gave his Sept. 3, 1939, war message to the people of the British Empire, it was a time of great moment. It was a “grave hour,” he began, “perhaps the most fateful in our history.” The king said that “for the second time in the lives of most of us, […]

NO END TO AL’S GOREONIC THEORIES ON RISING SEA LEVELS Allison Shelley/The Washington Times Former Vice President Al Gore wanted Live Earth to be staged on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, but Senate Republicans blocked a resolution authorizing the show, calling it a “partisan political event.” Eighteen years ago, Al Gore warned that Florida’s coastal regions would one day be wiped off the […]