RICHARD BAEHR: STORIES YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED The Baehr Essentials Richard Baehr 1. Congressman Paul Ryan has offered his deficit reduction plan. Democrats in the House have come up with theirs. 2. Have you noticed that the Libya war has quickly faded from the news? Could this be related to the fact that it is a war begun by a Democratic […]

ANN BARNHARDT:THE KEYSTONE OF THE ISLAMIC MILIEU: INBREEDING The Keystone of the Islamic Milieu: Inbreeding By Ann Barnhardt The darkest hour is just before dawn.  A huge swath of this planet, from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Philippine Sea, has been held in a synthetic, forced nightfall for nearly fourteen centuries.  But the sunrise is coming, it is coming sooner rather […]

PAUL RYAN’S CRITICS…DISTORITIONS AND FALSE FRONTS “These attacks amount to false fronts for the real objection, which is over the role of government. Mr. Ryan’s critics understand very well that he wants to substitute markets for bureaucratic central planning.” One point of a document as subversive as Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget is to provoke debate, and has it ever. But […]

THE RYAN EXPRESS: HIS PLAN IS A GAME CHANGER SEAN LENGELL As the House begins debate this week on the Republicans’ budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year, provisions that call for massive cuts to Medicare and Medicare will dominate – a precursor to the battles over entitlement spending expected to define the 2012 elections. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan ramped up […]


AFTER THE PREDICTABLE PLEA FOR “DEMOCRACY” AND RESPECT FOR MINORITIES, WOMEN, CHILDREN, TREES, FOOD ETC…..SHE PROMISED THEM “PALESTINE”…..RSK Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told US and Arab policy makers that Washington will renew efforts for talks between Israel and Palestine. Clinton was the keynote speaker at a world conference on US Islamic World Relations. Leaders […]


How Many Palestinian Arab Refugees Were There? by Efraim Karsh Israel AffairApril 2011 The number of Palestinian Arabs fleeing their homes during the 1948 war has constituted one of the most intractable bones of contentions of the Arab-Israeli conflict, not least since the Palestinians have insisted on the “right of return” of these individuals […]

IN PRAISE OF ISRAEL’S RECORD OF SELF-INVESTIGATION: RAFFE GOLD In the wake of the reprehensible Boycott of Israeli goods that forms part of the platform of the Green Party in New South Wales, and in the wake too of Richard Goldstone’s recent mea culpa in the Washington Post, political scientist Raffe Gold has written the following hard-hitting piece,  Entitled “Israel’s Record of Self-Investigation: Obvious to […]

KOSOVO’S POLITICAL SCENE LOOKS INCREASINGLY SQUALID: DANIEL HAMILTON Constitutional crisis proves just how far Kosovo has to go The West took a big gamble in pushing for an independent Kosovo. Building a stable democracy is proving far harder than many had hoped, and the country’s political scene is looking increasingly squalid Article Constitutional crisis proves just how far Kosovo has to go […]

A TRIBUTE TO ALEXANDER HAMILTON: HERBERT LONDON It may be hard to believe but Alexander Hamilton lives. He lives in a brilliant documentary biopic directed and produced by Michael Pack and written and hosted by Richard Brookhiser. This documentary recaptures Hamilton’s birth in Nevis, his military exploits in Yorktown, his fiscal policies on Wall Street and his duel on the Palisades […]


Operation Cast Lead II Mark Silverberg In March, Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the West Bank community of Itamar and murdered five people in their sleep, including three young children. Days later, a bomb exploded at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing one woman and wounding dozens more. This was followed by a Hamas missile attack on […]