THIS IS A HOOT: DEMS WHO FAVOR AMNESTY FOR ALL ILLEGALS ARE NOW FRETTING ABOUT CUTS IN BORDER CONTROL: MICHAEL CUTLER RESPONDS Hi Gang: I have provided you with an article that appeared in the Washington Times yesterday, February 22nd that reported on how Chuck Schumer, the Senior Senator from the State of New York and the Chairman of the Senate Immigration Subcommittee is now claiming that the Republicans are endangering national security by trimming […]


Egyptian Armed Forces Demolish Fences Guarding Coptic Monasteries by Mary Abdelmassih Assyrian International News Agency February 23, 2011 at 4:20 am Egyptian armed forces this week demolished fences surrounding ancient Coptic monasteries, leaving them vulnerable to attacks by armed Arabs, robbers and escaped prisoners, who have seized the opportunity of the state of diminished […]


Supreme Court refuses appeal about Ten Commandments displays By Warren Richey Displays were altered, but a federal judge issued a permanent injunction against them | (TCSM) The US Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to take up a case examining whether Ten Commandments displays in two county courthouses in Kentucky were an unconstitutional endorsement of […]

THE GREAT MYTH OF PALARAB STATEHOOD By EMANUELE OTTOLENGHI The Great Myth of Palestinian Statehood Arabs’ revolutionary awakening belies Western conventional wisdom in the Middle East. Since Sept. 11, 2001, American neoconservatives have forcefully argued that the combination of economic stagnation, rapid demographic growth, lack of upward social mobility, and political repression in most Arab countries was a breeding ground […]

THE SUPREMES WIN ONE AGAINST JUNK SCIENCE:VACCINES 1…LAWYERS 0 Science and public health got a booster shot yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled 6-2 that vaccine makers can’t be sued in state courts for injuries supposedly caused by their vaccines. The decision was an important strike against a scare campaign that has caused too many parents to put their children at risk by […]

CAROLINE GLICK: OBAMA’S DEVASTATINGLY MIXED SIGNALS Obama’s devastatingly mixed signals For better or worse, each passing day the Middle East is becoming more unstable. Regimes that have clung to power for decades are now being overthrown and threatened. Others are preemptively cracking down on their opponents or seeking to appease them. While no one can say with certainty what the […]

ROGER KIMBALL: ON ALLEN WEST I wish I had been in Pompano Beach, Florida, last night. Not only was it a balmy 70-something while it was spitting snow and freezing rain in Milwaukee, where I was holed up, but Pompano also featured an illuminating townhall meeting with one of my favorite new members of Congress, Allen West. Here’s something […]

THE UN….UNITED IN BASHING ISRAEL: ANNE BAYEFSKY Here are some vital statistics on the current crisis in the Arab and Muslim world and the role not being played by the “global leader,” the United Nations. The UN Security Council job description (The Charter of the United Nations) The Purposes of the United Nations are: (1) To maintain international peace and security, and […]

IRAQI IMMIGRANT CONVICTED OF HONOR KILLING OF HIS DAUGHTER IN ARIZONA Iraqi Immigrant Dad Convicted of ‘Honor Killing’ Published February 22, 2011 | Associated Press A jury convicted an Iraqi immigrant of second-degree murder Tuesday for running over and killing his daughter in a case prosecutors called an `honor killing.’ Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 50, also was convicted of aggravated assault for injuries suffered by the […]

THE WEB OF JIHADISTS: SAMI SHIHAB’S HEZBOLLAH NETWORK Sami Shihab, a Hezbollah operative who escaped from an Egyptian prison, participated in a Hezbollah rally in Beirut. His network infiltrated operatives and weapons into the Gaza Strip and planned attacks against tourist sites in Egypt. His public appearance was a Hezbollah defiance of Egypt and might indicate Hezbollah-Iran self-confidence. Sami Shihab, Hezbollah operative […]