US envoy Rice doubts Goldstone report can be fixed US ambassador to UN says she wants report to “disappear, no longer be a subject of discussion, debate in the UNHRC, or General Assembly.” WASHINGTON – Susan Rice, the US envoy to the United Nations, said on Wednesday she wanted a controversial report on Israel’s […]
Remembering the Massacre of the Hadassah Convoy April 13, 1948 Dr. Alex Grobman During World War II, the staff of Hadassah Hospital played a significant role in helping Allied military forces throughout the Middle East. They offered weekly lectures and meetings to British medical personnel that acquainted them with regional medical issues including blood diseases, […]
IT’S NO DEAL, IT’S A SELLOUT By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN on April 9, 2011 John Boehner has just given away the Republican victory of 2010 at the bargaining table. Like the proverbial Uncle Sam who always wins the war but loses the peace, he has unilaterally disarmed the Republican Party by showing […]
Russia wants ‘red button’ rights for US missile defence system By Andrew Osborn, A top Kremlin official has told the United States Russia wants “red button” rights to a new US-backed missile defence system for Europe, a move that would allow it to influence the shield’s day-to-day operational use. “Robert Gates, the US defence […] It’s what passes for high drama in America’s most parasitic city: Washington, D.C., home of the takers, not the makers, lair of the folks that make dependency this country’s biggest growth industry. “Government shutdown averted at the 11th hour!” (Make that “shutdown,” in quote marks, since nothing would have, you know, actually shut down, […]
THE DEMOCRATS HEEDING THEIR LEADER’S REQUEST FOR A MORE CIVIL TONE SCARED ME SILLY LAST NIGHT. I AM A WOMAN, A SENIOR, A GRANDMA, AND A CONSERVATIVE…IS THIS WHAT I HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO? THE THEFT OF MY REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS?….YIKES!!!! FIRST SEN. MAJORITY LEADER REID WARNED THAT IF THE GOP BUDGET PASSES HIS WIFE, […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Coast to Coast They Hate the Most Wisconsin’s labor vote effort may have failed to displace Prosser, but that’s only one plank of the Democratic program to mobilize their base. So far the theme is labor, women and blacks. Wisconsin kicked the labor unions into high gear, which is important […] Hizballah Rockets Target Tel Aviv Steve Emerson Hizballah plans to empty its storehouse of 40,000 missiles in a new war with Israel, including sending 100 missiles per day toward Tel Aviv, U.S. diplomatic cables show. The cables, released by Wikileaks to Israeli newspapers this week, are based on Israeli intelligence and defense assessments provided […] Why confront Islamism? Because if we don’t it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their apologists protest. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Detestation of Islamism, the violent form of Islam, is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically […] We’re There to Help And they’re there to kill us. Last week in the northern province of Faryab, two more American soldiers were murdered by one of the police officers they are in Afghanistan to train. As my friend Diana West calculates, that brings to 17 the number of U.S. troops killed in just […]