ALL EYES ON WISCONSIN…BUT DON’T OVERLOOK NEW HAMPSHIRE How to Live Freer in New Hampshire With all eyes on Wisconsin this past week, overlooked has been the conservative policy changes that are moving ahead in New Hampshire. By STEPHEN MOORE With all eyes on Wisconsin this past week, overlooked has been the conservative policy changes that are moving ahead in New Hampshire. […]

DAVID KAHANE: ON ELECTIONS…. During elections, we will not take part in the political process unless and until ACORN is immediately reinstated, Planned Parenthood refunded, and Keith Olbermann restored to his rightful place on network television, with his show to be co-hosted by Pee-Wee Herman. When casting our ballots, we reserve the right to assist the lame, the […]

THE SECOND DAY OF J STREET’S TIRADE/CHARADE…SOROS MUST BE SO PROUD RON RADOSH On J Street’s second day, I attended the main morning plenary session, “History Before Our Eyes: Broader Implications of Movements in the Arab World.”  The panelists were Mona Eltahawy, an Egyptian journalist; Ron Pundak, director general of the Peres Center for Peace and an architect of the original Oslo agreement; and Robert Serry, […]

JOEL POLLAK: WE MUST NOT FEAR THE TYRANTS OF LIBYA We Must Not Fear the Tyrants of Tripoli Joel Pollak was the GOP nominee for U.S. Congress in Illinois’s 9th district in 2010. Ran against the J street pin up doll Jan Schakowsky, arguably the worst woman in a congress where Maxine Waters has set the bar high for dumb and dumber…..rsk The favored […]

ALLEN WEST VS. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL….NO CONTEST Allen West vs. Lawrence O’Donnell: No contest Rick Moran Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” tried and tried and tried some more to get Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) to apologize and retract his statements that Obama should be willing to go to the location of the troops and put himself in harm’s way […]

TERRORISM AND PIRACY: THE NEW ALLIANCE Terrorism and Piracy: The New Alliance Tara Helfman   &   Dan O’Shea — February 2011 With the tragic news that four Americans have been killed by Somali pirates, the scourge of modern-day pirate militias is driven home as something more than an occasional colorful nuisance. It is a global threat linked not only with failing […]

WITNESS TO LIBYA’S POGROM IN 1967 A Kiwi Witness to a Libyan Pogrom in 1967 There’s been publicity recently of the fact sometime during his ignominious regime, which began in 1969, Muammar Gadaffi ordered the destruction of Jewish graves in Libya, dumping the contents into the sea.  As in Cairo and Tunis, antisemitism has featured during the current unrest in Libya […]

FIDEL COMES TO QADDAFI’S DEFENSE… Cuba’s Granma carried this pablum from Fidel Castro concerning events in Libya.  The great champion of “human rights” and the oppressed has nothing to say about Gaddafi shooting his own people in the streets.  (Maybe because Castro would do the same thing.)  Oh,  and we’re the bad guys.  An excerpt: One can be […]

THE SULTAN: THE THUG OF WAR IN WISCONSIN The Thug of War in Wisconsin ‘Government workers have become the Second Estate of the American Republic, with most of the population reduced to the Third Estate grubbing through to pay their wages. And the more the Second Estate keeps growing, the more it impoverishes the Third Estate, pushing them down further below the […]


  By Nurit Greenger / February 27, 2011 In the conflict the Arab world has with Israel, one side – the Arab side – wants the other side – Israel – dead! If they did not, there will be peace! Remember this: there has never been, never in the history of the world, a state […]