REMEMBERING IWO JIMA The Honorable Allen B. Clark February 19, 2011 was the 66th anniversary of the initial beach landings in the epic Marine battle for the tiny island of Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945. A Dallas group, Daughters of World War Two, sponsored an incredibly touching and poignant historic event at the Majestic Theatre in […]

UN TRIBUNAL RULES THAT TERRORISM CAN BE PROSECUTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW….SEE NOTE,1518,746835,00.html Landmark Decision by Lebanon Tribunal Court Ruling Opens Up Terrorism to International Prosecution WHY AM I SUSPICIOUS? TERRORISTS AND THEIR ENABLERS WILL NOW RULE ON THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM?…RSK Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was killed in a 2005 bomb attack in Beirut. The UN tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik […]

GERMAN TROOPS FEAR THAT “PARTNERING” WITH AFGHAN TROOPS CANNOT WORK AFTER A TRAINEE KILLED THREE,1518,746855,00.html Doubts about methods used to train Afghan soldiers are growing among German troops after a deadly shooting last Friday, which killed three. The attacker, a trainee, may have been turned by the Taliban. Bundeswehr troops are concerned that joint missions with Afghan comrades are too dangerous. The concept is known as “partnering.” Rather than merely training […]


Muslim Rape, Feminist Silence Posted By Jamie Glazov On February 22, 2011 [Editor’s note: The article below is reprinted from our Nov. 1, 2006 issue. The subject is Western feminist silence about Muslim rape of kafirs (non-Muslims) and the Islamic theology that sanctions it. Frontpage’s editors thought it would be relevant in light of […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: WHO ATTACKED LARA LOGAN AND WHY? For the world’s billion-plus Sunni Muslims, al-Azhar University in Cairo is the center of the theological universe, its faculty and scholars the most authoritative voice on the meaning of Islam. It is not very far from Tahrir Square, ground zero of Egypt’s revolution. It was in Tahrir Square last Friday that the Muslim Brotherhood […]

TRIUMPH FOR THE AMERICAN MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN EGYPT AND TUNISIA Egypt and Tunisia: Triumphs for the American Muslim Brotherhood Few have mentioned that what is happening throughout the Middle East is a huge boon and triumph for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. BRIAN FAIRCHILD Last Friday, Yusuf al-Qaradawi — the most influential Muslim Brotherhood cleric in the world — returned triumphantly to […]


Obama and Israel at the Security Council: A Tie? By Richard Baehr So what should we make of the U.S veto of a Security Council resolution on Friday, after which our Ambassador to the U.N. effectively endorsed the very resolution she had vetoed in a sneering attack on Israeli settlements, later compounded by Secretary of […]

THE ABA’S JIHAD: PAMELA GELLER The ABA’s Jihad By Pamela Geller The American Bar Association (ABA) has decided to undertake the fight for Sharia law. The ABA’s Executive Counsel “has organized a Task Force to review the legislation of 14 states — Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming […]

QARADAWI AND THE TREASON OF THE INTELLECTUALS Qaradawi and The Treason of the Intellectuals By Andrew G. Bostom Last Friday (2/18/11) marked the triumphal return to Cairo of Muslim Brotherhood “Spiritual Guide” Yusuf al-Qaradawi. After years of exile, his public re-emergence in Egypt was sanctioned by the nation’s provisional military rulers. Qaradawi’s own words were accompanied by images and actions during […]

AL QAEDA ON THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI…. EDITORIAL: Al Qaeda’s Sputnik Moment Mideast uprisings not likely to bring western-style democracy Al Qaeda fighters have declared an Islamic emirate in northeast Libya and the leader of that North African nation, Muammar Gadhafi, is reportedly on the run. It might soon be time for the Marines to revisit the shores of Tripoli. Residents […]