DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN…UN AMBASSADOR SUSAN RICE…CLAUDIA ROSETT When President Obama made Susan Rice his ambassador to the United Nations, in 2009, he thought the job was so vital that he gave her cabinet rank. Now, here we are, with the Arab world in tumult, two dictators gone in the past two months, and the UN aflutter over scenes of Libyans dying […]

CHEERING THE FALL OF DICTATORS…BUT IGNORING FANATICS POISED TO REPLACE THEM AND THE THREAT TO ISRAEL: CHARLES MOORE Libya: What happens after we stop watching these revolutions against Col Gaddafi? We cheer the toppling of dictators, but ignore fanatics poised to take their place, writes Charles Moore. In Israel this week, I flew to the northern border with Lebanon. From a military outpost, I looked over the barbed wire which separates the […]

RESCUED CHILEAN MINERS VISIT ISRAEL IN PILGRIMAGE….AND THE NYTIMES USES IT TO BASH ISRAEL LEO RENNERT NY Times Uses Rescued Chilean Miners’ Pilgrimage to Holy Land to Score Points Against Israel By Leo Rennert Twenty-five of the rescued Chilean miners have arrived in Israel for a week-long pilgrimage to sacred Christian sites.  They are there with spouses and other relatives as invited guests of the Israeli government.  Given […]

THE NEXT WAVE OF TERRORISTS ARE EDUCTED RIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES Alleged Texas Jihad Plot Underscores Threat of Lone Wolf Terrorists Inside U.S. By Catherine Herridge The next wave of Al Qaeda recruits are born or educated right in the United States. Most are just old enough to remember 9/11, yet a decade a later they are turning their back on the United States. The […]

DAPHNE ANSON: THE MASSACRE OF JEWS IN HEBRON 1929 “They Stuck a Sword Down his Wife’s Throat”: A Hebron Schoolgirl amid the Arab Riots, 1929 Devorah Schneersohn was born in Hebron, one of the holy cities of Judaism, in 1916, to a family connected with the Chabad movement. Her great-grandfather had moved to Eretz Yisrael, then part of the Ottoman Empire, from Russia, where […]

FROM OBAMA TO KHADDAFI, WISCONSIN, EGYPT: THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP Friday Afternoon Roundup – From Obama to Khaddafi, a Tale ofTwo Tyrants While Americans are going hungry and cutting back, not because Michelle Obama told them to, but because they can’t afford it– the White House is throwing yet another party. This time to celebrate the cultural accomplishments of Motown complete with performances by […]

MICHIGAN: THE GOVERNOR GOES FOR BUDGET REFORM…SEE NOTE Businessman-governor tries to right-size state governmentBy Brett M. Decker SEE WHERE THIS GOES…SNYDER HAS STATED THAT HE WON’T “PICK A FIGHT” WITH UNIONS,,,BUT HE HAS HIS OWN BLIZZARD OF OPPOSITION TO CONTEND WITH…..RSK A blizzard slammed the Great Lakes region this week, with blankets of snow and sheets of freezing rain closing roads and […]


Yusuf Qaradawi’s U.S. minion The real aim of the Fiqh Council of North America By Alyssa A. Lappen Act for America special report | Feb. 25, 2011 Those who believe Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Qaradawi doesn’t threaten Egypt — or the U.S. — should reconsider. The U.S. banned Qaradawi as a terror-sympathizer in late […]

MORE ON GLENN BECK VS. JEWISH REFORMISTAS AND ISLAM….PERFECT RESPONSE “Beck’s a better man than George Soros, and he’s a better Jew, too. If something bad, God forbid, ever happened to Israel, I’m convinced it would bother Beck more. One guy cares about me and the two countries I love. One guy doesn’t. I don’t like it when someone who cares about […]


The Iconoclast Ambassador Dennis Ross, radical Islamists and Jewish enemies of Israel to Speak at J Street Washington Conference by Jerry Gordon We have seen through the charade of Jeremy Ben-Ami and his leftist pro-Arab allies at J Street. Apparently Ambassador Dennis Ross, Special Envoy on the Obama West Wing National Security staff hasn’t seen […]