IN MANAMA, CAPITAL OF BAHRAIN ARMY LOCKS DOWN ATER POLICE BEAT DEMONSTRATORS MANAMA, Bahrain – Army patrols and tanks locked down the capital of this tiny Gulf kingdom after riot police swinging clubs and firing tear gas smashed into demonstrators, many of them sleeping, in a pre-dawn assault Thursday that uprooted their protest camp demanding political change. Medical officials said four people were killed. Hours after […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS: THE IMBECILE MEDIA AND DOUBLE STANDARDS Egypt is now under a military dictatorship once again with precious little prospect of true democratic reform or human rights. It has also been reported that an Islamist theocratic fanatic has been appointed to head Egypt’s Constitutional Committee. So much for all those hailing the fall of Mubarak as the brave new dawn of […]

RALPH PETERS: THE GYPPER AND THE GIPPER….SEE NOTE PLEASE PETERS WROTE THE FOLLOWING BLURB FOR MICHAEL SCHEUER’S NEW BOOK? “Avoiding sensationalism, this definitive, courageous, and clear-headed book allows the facts and expert analysis to do the job of educating intelligence professionals, decision-makers, and lay readers alike on the most-accomplished terrorist of modern times. Not just recommended – indispensible!” [Ralph Peters, author of Beyond […]

NEW BOOK: THE ROAD TO FATIMA…AN INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR MICHAEL TOTTEN Here is a preview of the opening pages of my new book, The Road to Fatima Gate: The Beirut Spring, the Rise of Hezbollah, and the Iranian War Against Israel. Introduction: The Beirut Spring “We don’t want the great Syrian prison.” — Kamal Jumblatt “Rafik Hariri is the person who made Lebanon into a […]

WHEN IN DOUBT, SLAM ISRAEL: CLAUDIA ROSETT For the Islamic despotisms of the Middle East, it’s an old rule of thumb. When things get tough, or confusing, or frustrating, or when you simply want to deflect anger in the direction of a communal scapegoat, go on the offensive and blame the Jews. In the United Nations Assembly, where the 56 states […]

CUBAN FILMAKER STONEWALLED IN TRYING TO PORTRAY THE REAL CHE GUEVARRA: MARY GRABAR THE SITE OF CHE GUEVARRA’S EXECUTION IN BOLIVIA IS NOW VIRTUALLY A NATIONAL SHRINE VISITED BY THE “MOTORCYCLE DIARIES” LEFTIST GROUPIES….RSK “Agustin Blazquez has produced a compelling film that demolishes the radical heartthrob’s reputation as a brave guerrilla fighting on behalf of the oppressed.” Among Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s final requests before he was executed […]

DEAR ROGER AND BACK AT YOU SALIM….VERY INTERESTING EXCHANGE OF LETTERS…..SEE NOTE PLEASE YOU CAN READ SALIM’S LETTER IN FULL BELOW….MORE DESPERATELY SEEKING A MOSLEM MODERATE…AND SIMON’S POLITE BUT DETERMINED RESPONSE…..READ THEM BOTH PLEASE Dear Salim, I am flattered you chose me as the recipient of your eloquent A Letter from a Fearfully Concerned Muslim to an American-Jewish Friend. In many ways I don’t feel worthy, not […]

JAY NORDLINGER: OUR ANTI-BOLTON AT THE UN…. SEE NOTE PLEASE BOLTON’S AFFECTION FOR JAMES BAKER IS INEXPLICABLE….AND UNFORGIVABLE….AND AN INSULT TO GEORGE SCHULTZ…..RSK In December, I wrote a longish piece about John Bolton, the Republican foreign-policy whiz. (Actually, he whizzes on other issues as well — so to speak.) In that piece, I mentioned that Bolton called Jim Baker “the best secretary of state […]

READ THIS INCREDIBLE INTERVIEW WITH BILL WARNER IN 2007 ON ISLAMIC THEOLOGY ON SLAVERY AND RAPE……. [Editor’s note: The interview with Bill Warner below is reprinted from our Nov. 23, 2007 issue. The subject is Islamic theology’s position on slavery and rape when it comes to kafirs (non-Muslims). Frontpage’s editors thought it would be relevant in light of the vicious sex attack recently suffered by “60 Minutes” reporter Lara Logan […]

IRAN UPS ITS ANTI-ISRAEL HATRED: STEPHEN BROWN With protests gathering steam in Bahrain, demonstrations reported in Libya, and clashes between pro- and anti-government movements in Yemen, Iran has exacerbated Middle Eastern tensions even further with its reported plan to send two warships through the Suez Canal. Israeli government officials and the Israeli Navy are closely monitoring two Iranian warships, which are anticipated to make a […]