THE ABA’S JIHAD: PAMELA GELLER The ABA’s Jihad By Pamela Geller The American Bar Association (ABA) has decided to undertake the fight for Sharia law. The ABA’s Executive Counsel “has organized a Task Force to review the legislation of 14 states — Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming […]

QARADAWI AND THE TREASON OF THE INTELLECTUALS Qaradawi and The Treason of the Intellectuals By Andrew G. Bostom Last Friday (2/18/11) marked the triumphal return to Cairo of Muslim Brotherhood “Spiritual Guide” Yusuf al-Qaradawi. After years of exile, his public re-emergence in Egypt was sanctioned by the nation’s provisional military rulers. Qaradawi’s own words were accompanied by images and actions during […]

AL QAEDA ON THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI…. EDITORIAL: Al Qaeda’s Sputnik Moment Mideast uprisings not likely to bring western-style democracy Al Qaeda fighters have declared an Islamic emirate in northeast Libya and the leader of that North African nation, Muammar Gadhafi, is reportedly on the run. It might soon be time for the Marines to revisit the shores of Tripoli. Residents […]

CHRISTIE’S STYLE DAZZLES CONSERVATIVES Christie’s confrontations put conservatives in awe N.J. governor denies higher aspirations By Ralph Z. Hallow Every time Gov. Chris Christie plays another round of smash-mouth politics with New Jersey’s public-sector unions, conservative voters across the country lead the cheers. “When he speaks to the unions and the other parasitic special-interest groups ripping off the […]

ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN: THE GOP’S FORCE ON THE HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the first Hispanic chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, plans to defund the U.N., push a pro-Israel, anti-Castro agenda—and somehow remain civil, writes Sandra McElwaine. There are a lot of firsts in the life of the exuberant Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. The first Republican woman elected to the House of Representatives from Florida. […]

LIBYAN MASSACRES…ANY UN ENQUIRIES? RAYMOND COOK Libyan massacres – UN enquiries? Ray Cook on February 20th, 2011 I eagerly await the UN’s enquiry into the violent suppression of the popular demonstrations in Libya. According to the latest reports there was what has been characterised as a ‘massacre’ by the BBC in Benghazi. At least 200 protesters have been killed. But […]

THE SULTAN: THE TAXPAYERS CIVIL WAR The Taxpayer’s Civil War The protests in Wisconsin represent a split in American politics. Not a split between Republicans and Democrats, but between those who believe that the government should continue expanding, and those who see the continued expansion of governments as the greatest threat to their political and economic freedoms. This is not […]

UK: FOUR MOSLEMS SLASH TEACHER’S FACE AND FRACTURE HIS SKULL Four Muslims Slash Teacher’s face, Fracture His Skull for Teaching Other Religions to Muslim Girls More tolerance and understanding from the most radical, extreme ideology on the face of the earth. Keep feeding the monster. There. are. no. words. Four men slashed teacher’s face and left him with fractured skull ‘for teaching other religions […]

CALIFORNIA MOSQUE DISTRIBUTES ACCUSATION OF ZIONIST COMPLICITY WITH NAZIS California mosque distributes literature accusing Zionists of complicity with Nazis in Holocaust Blaming the victim, and joined by one of the victims to do it. Islamic Antisemitism Update: “Steinberg criticizes flier at Muslim center,” by Stephen Magagnini for the Sacramento Bee, February 21 (thanks to Weasel Zippers): Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg has […]


The Palestinians’ New Enemy: US and Obama by Khaled Abu Toameh The Palestinian Authority, which over the past two decades has received millions of dollars in aid from the US, is now waging a fierce campaign against the US Administration and President Barack Obama. The anti-US campaign began immediately after the US vetoed last […]