Democracy or Dollars?Weapons Sales to the Arab World under Scrutiny By Benjamin Bidder and Clemens Höges,1518,754224,00.html In recent years, Western countries have made a bundle selling arms to Arab despots. But, as with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, some of yesterday’s buyers have become today’s enemies. Now major weapons exporters must seek a new balance […] An Anti-Blasphemy Measure Laid to Rest An essential battle for freedom is won at the U.N. A long-term campaign by the U.N.’s large Muslim bloc to impose worldwide blasphemy strictures — like those in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran — was given a quiet burial last week in the Human Rights Council, the U.N.’s […] The Tea Party Goes to War A rallying cry for The Fight of Our Lives. ‘Let us avoid . . . suicide.” William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn certainly know how to grab your attention. In their call to arms, The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth & Choosing to Win the War Against […] Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer. — Hillary Clinton on Bashar al-Assad, March 27 Few things said by this administration in its two years can match this one for moral bankruptcy and strategic incomprehensibility. First, it’s […] Britain’s policy on Israel a total mess By Robin Shepherd, March 31, 2011 The bizarre, contradictory mess that is British foreign policy towards Israel was on display yet again last week with that great stage of fools, the United Nations Human Rights Council, providing the setting. It rarely makes a difference what’s on the […] Long ago and far away, when the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos fell in the Philippines, the dictator’s wife, Imelda, became an object of global ridicule for her extravagant wardrobe — especially her shoes. She had 2,700 pairs of shoes. When the Marcoses fled Manila for refuge in Hawaii, in February of 1986, Imelda left […] TERRORISTS ARE REAPING REWARDS FROM REVOLTING ARABS….RSK Arab Revolts Improve Al-Qaeda’s Strategic Position Posted By Brian Fairchild Some well-known commentators [1] have recently claimed that al-Qaeda has been diminished and made irrelevant because the popular uprisings in the Middle East are not motivated by radical Islam and are not controlled by al-Qaeda. This kind of […] Incitement by Palestinian Arabs: The Role of J Street By Lawrence W. White MD Incitement of Palestinian Arabs is a major reason for the absence of peace between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. Raising children to hate Israelis, and glorifying the killers of Jews as “martyrs”, has largely prevented any progress on peace between […] Muslim Politician: Muslims To Wear Yellow Star They First Imposed On Jews Abderrahmane Dahmane wants Muslims to wear a green star–equating the treatment of Muslims in France with the way Jews were treated by the Nazis: When the Germans occupied France in 1942, wearing a yellow star was imposed on all French and foreign […] Don’t forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan Read more: In an effort to get closer to the local population, American female soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. But some question whether the practice constitutes cultural sensitivity or […]