Despite an all-out propaganda offensive by the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its useful idiots in the mainstream media, Rep. Peter King (R.-N.Y.) went ahead last week with his hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in the U.S. King had allowed himself to be cowed by his opponents, striking several useful witnesses […] Canada: Mounties bring charges against al-Qaeda suspects, including former U of Manitoba student When this story first broke, the Muslim community was quick to complain it felt “stressed” over the investigation — not so much, apparently, over the suspects’ disappearance or their potential victims. This, of course, has become standard operating procedure: try to […]
Canada’s Multicultural Trap: A Country Under Siege by Christine Williams Multiculturalism in Canada contains loopholes that threaten Canada’s homeland security, national identity and democratic heritage as well as pose a threat to the United States of which it borders. Although the Canadian Multicultural Act celebrates the racial diversity of Canada, and is harmless in […] Though few knew about it, the controversy has now landed in court EW YORK CITY —(MCT)A New York state judge Tuesday said he was leery about overturning a city landmarks preservation agency’s decision last year that cleared the way for a controversial mosque and community center near the Sept. 11 ground zero site. “I’m […]
Jan Mel Poller I am truly fed up with the hypocrisy, duplicity, and dishonesty and Jew- hatred shown by Western Civilization towards fellow democracy Israel. Everything I am saying below is true and you know it to be true. If you think something is not true, use Google or Bing and verify it yourself. […]
David Wilder The Jewish Community of Hebron P.O. Box 105, Kiryat Arba 90100 Israel Tel: 972-2-9965333; Fax: 972-2-9965304 Seven years ago. Friday night. March 7, 2003. Two Arab terrorists cut through a fence on the eastern side of Kiryat Arba. Knowing that the fence emits an electronic signal if touched, they prop the cut-out […],1 Tel Aviv Journal: Obama’s Scandalous Approach to the Middle East :Martin Peretz What is now clear is that the only help Barack Obama was willing to give to the Arabs was his coldness to the Jewish nation. Or, and I want to be frank, his hostile indifference to Israel. It has been a not […]
J’Accuse: Palestinians of War Crimes and Genocide By Phyllis Chesler Palestinian and Arab propaganda has demonized Jewish settlers as illegal, fanatic, racist, violent, angry, and hell-bent on revenge. The mainstream media has followed suit and has consistently justified Palestinian terrorism against Israelis as caused by the “provocative” settlements. People consistently forget that Arabs were […]
BECK BROKE THE GEORGE SOROS STORY WHILE HIS CRITICS WERE SMIRKING HE GAVE THE BEST EXPLANATION OF THE NUCLEAR DISASTER IN JAPAN LAST NIGHT WHEN IT COMES TO ISRAEL, THERE IS NONE BETTER…..NONE AND HE FOUND THE TIME FOR THIS GRISLY STORY AND COMMENTARY ON ITAMAR HE IS A BETTER MAN THAN ALL HIS CRITICS FROM […] Weekly synopsis for the week ending March 15, 2011. Vin’s Notes is a series of downloadable pdf files, documenting important news items from around the world that catalog the encroachments of radical Islamism into the civilized world. My Two Cents Mohammad’s failure to leave a clear successor resulted in a deep schism that quickly […]