If the resignations at National Public Radio continue at last week’s pace, there may be no need for Congress to defund the aging dinosaur, because there will be no one left there to turn the lights on. The latest is Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving. Conservative activist James O’Keefe secretly recorded phone […],_no_glory/page/full/ In early March 1991, all the smart people in politics knew one thing about the upcoming 1992 campaign: President George H.W. Bush was unbeatable. Fresh from victory in the Gulf War, Bush enjoyed a job-approval rating around 90 percent. At a time when potential challengers should be enlisting supporters and planning campaigns, Democrats who […]
The Fight Against The New START Treaty Has Only Just Begun by Taylor Dinerman March 15, 2011 at 4:30 am The news that the Obama administration gave the Russians detailed classified information on Britain’s national nuclear deterrent — while neglecting to inform the US Congress that it did so — shows not only that […]
A Test of U.S. Mettle by Herbert I. London Two Iranian warships with weapons material on board travelled through the Suez Canal on their way to Syria in defiance of American government restrictions and there is barely a word of denunciation from our State Department. Radical Sheikh Yousef al Qaradawi spoke to a million […] | It is very difficult to hate babies. It takes a special person. As morally wrong as it is to murder innocent adults, mankind seems to have a built-in revulsion against killing babies. If a baby does not evoke any tenderness, if a baby is regarded as worthy of being deliberately hurt or […] | It is not every day that Congress breaks a major taboo and, in so doing, performs a real service to the nation. Last Thursday, however, was one such day when Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, demonstrated impressive leadership in conducting a four-hour hearing on “extremism” in the American Muslim community. For […] NUGENT What Mr. Holder could not have imagined is that even the Dayton NAACP believes lowering the scores is wrong. Flunking is the new norm at racist Eric H. Holder Jr.’s Department of Injustice. In yet another ugly, blatant and defining racist move, Mr. Holder is forcing the city ofDayton, Ohio, to lower the […] David Eldridge “It’s great that governors in Illinois and Connecticut are raising taxes, it gives people more of a reason to move their companies down here,” he said. Florida Gov. Rick Scott said Monday that fellow Republican Gov. Scott Walker did the right thing by limiting the collective-bargaining rights of state workers in Wisconsin. […] Dead Men Risen: The snipers’ story: TOBY HARNDEN Operating from a remote patrol base in Helmand, two British snipers were responsible for killing 75 Taliban fighters in just 40 days. In one remarkable feat of marksmanship, two insurgents were dispatched with a single bullet. The arrival at the newly-established Patrol Base Shamal Storrai (Pashto […] Ruth Fogel was in the bathroom when the Palestinian terrorists pounced on her husband Udi and their three-month-old daughter Hadas, slitting their throats as they lay in bed on Friday night in their home in Itamar. The terrorists stabbed Ruth to death as she came out of the bathroom. With both parents and the […]