THE RENOUNCE THE VIOLENCE CHARADE: BILL SIEGEL The “Renounce Violence” Charade Bill Siegel As America’s relationship with its second best ally in the Middle East, Egypt, heads into transition, it is important for us to get clear about exactly what is and is not being determined. This is particularly critical as President Barack Obama seems to encourage the role of the […]

SEE BRIGITTE GABRIEL IN THIS REMARKABLE INTERVIEW ON THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD…BRAVO! SHE DID NOT YIELD AN INCH!!! They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It – Hardcover – Bargain Price (Sept. 2, 2008) by Brigitte Gabriel Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America – Paperback (Jan. 8, 2008) by Brigitte […]

MANCHESTER UK: STUDENTS’ TAUNT …..YOU’RE A FILTHY TORY JEW” “You’re a Filthy Tory Jew” Here’s video footage of a student protest in Manchester on 29 January against the Coalition government’s policy on tuition fees , in which marchers hurl abuse at National Union of Students’ president Aaron Porter. Notice how chants of “Aaron Porter, we know you, you’re a f*cking Tory too” quickly […]

GEN.JAMES JONES. FORMER OBAMA NATSEC ADVISER STICKS TO THE “ROOT CAUSE” SCRIPT AND THROWS IN RELIGION Gen. Jones does it again By Jennifer Rubin The Herzliya conference made front-page news today in Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains the core problem in the Middle East, and solving it will go a long way toward securing regional and even global peace, James Jones, US President Barack Obama’s former […]

THE SULTAN’S CONVERSATION WITH A NEOCON ABOUT EGYPT 1. “Egypt has undergone a democratic revolution” Egypt has not undergone anything of the sort. Street protests by a few percent of the population is not a democratic revolution. The majority of Egypt’s 80 million people have not made their feelings known. Nor can they make their feelings known except through a democratic election. […]

WHO IS RENE STADKEWITZ, LEADER OF THE GERMAN FREEDOM PARTY…?? New German Freedom Party leader: “We criticise the socio-political component of Islam, which I see as an ideological one similar to other totalitarian systems, and which I think is dangerous” I met Rene Stadtkewitz when I spoke in Berlin for Pax Europa in 2009. He is a stand-up guy. And of course he is […]


Libertarian Wankers…ROLAND SHIRK kind of libertarianism is more concerned with the way airport security guards frisk Americans than why they are being frisked in the first place. It worries more about the rights of terrorists in custody than their thousands of past (and future) victims. It congratulates itself at undermining the civic foundations that […]


Egypt: Secularism? What Secularism?by Tuvia Tenenbom Last Friday in Egypt people showed up for a “Day of Departure” protest at et-Tahrir Square. But somehow during the day it became unclear just how many of them exactly showed up. Western news organizations did not find it contradictory to concurrently give different figures. Take The New […]

IN TEXAS PLAN TO TEACH ARABIC LANGUAGE AND SCHOOLS IS ON HOLD….STAY TUNED NEXT WILL THEY ALSO CHANGE THE NAME TO “DALLAHS”…RSK MANSFIELD (CBSDFW.COM) – A Mansfield ISD program to teach Arabic language and culture in schools is on hold for now, and may not happen at all. The school district wanted students at selected schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a […]

IN AFGHANISTAN A HERO’S FUNERAL FOR GITMO TERRORIST Hundreds attend funeral of Guantanamo Bay detainee By ADAM SCHRECK, KABUL, Afghanistan – Hundreds of mourners, some chanting anti-American slogans, turned out Monday for the funeral of an Afghan prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who collapsed and died while exercising at the U.S. detention center last week. The mourners ran alongside a vehicle carrying the […]