Negative Reports Bring Negative Results. Yet, “Impartiality – something that interests me greatly” says the BBC’s Middle East editor! Yep, folks, the demonization of Israel in which the BBC is a master, both at home and abroad, is doing its nefarious work.The BBC World Service asked people in 27 countries their opinion of 16 […] The Last of the Red-Hots? By Sam Munson The past decade has witnessed a seeming revival in the fortunes of America’s old, new, and newest Left. Some notable elders, including Mario Savio and Bill Ayers, have enjoyed career recrudescences. For years after the 2000 presidential elections, a cadre of young people vocalized their rage […] Friends and Politics, Part 1: Saul Bellow. The Nobel Prize-winner and I shared a love of literature and of Yiddish, but our friendship was tested by decades-long disagreements over politics. On March 26, 2005, while my husband Len and I were out of town, Saul Bellow left a message on our answering machine—speaking […]
Sacred Values vs. Scientific Dispassion by Herbert I. London As you might guess, discrimination is high on the agenda at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference where psychologists discuss racial prejudice, homophobia, sexism, and so on. Remarkably the most controversial speech at this year’s meeting was by Professor Jonathan Haidt from the […]
Caliphate, Jihad, Sharia: Now What? by Raymond Ibrahim “Suppose you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Islam is constitutionally violent, where do you go from there?” This question was asked from thre floor by Columbia professor Hamid Dabashi during a 2008 debate titled “Clash of Civilizations” (see first minute here). It came inresponse […]
Law in Austria: Guilty for Questioning Islam by A. Millar The European “elite” has increasingly asserted that any questioning of Islam is criminal. A few weeks ago Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was fined 480 Euros for the “denigration of religious teachings of a legally recognized religion in Austria.” In a three-part seminar Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff had referred […]$50,000_orgasm/print BTW: I AM THE MUM OF A NORTHWESTERN ALUM…AND THE FALL 2010 ALUM NEWS PROUDLY ANNOUNCED THE SISTER CAMPUS IN QATAR (REMEMBER TO PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY AS GUTTER)…”NORTHWESTERN’S NEW HOME IN THE MIDDLE EAST”…GEEZ DO YOU SUPPOSE THE SHARIA POLICE THERE WOULD APPROVE NORTHWESTERN’S EXPLICIT “SEXUALITY” EXHIBIT???? DENNIS PRAGER On Feb. 21, the 600 […] “On the question of continued aid to Israel, the poll found 61 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of Democrats and 34 percent of unaffiliateds in favor.The idea of maintaining a balance of power in the region might make more sense if the Arab states had any real enemies. But their only declared enemy is […] The biggest myth about labor unions is that unions are for the workers. Unions are for unions, just as corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians. Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act” that the Obama administration […] The occupant of the White House’s middle name is Hussein, every school curriculum lists a whitewashed history of Islam that ignores the genocides and atrocities, and there are now more positive depictions of Muslims on TV, than there are of Christians and Jews combined. But Muslims in America still aren’t happy. From all the […]