If I recall correctly, we went into Libya – or, at any rate, over Libya – to stop the brutal Gadhafi dictatorship killing the Libyan people. And, thanks to our efforts, a whole new mass movement of freedom-loving democrats now has the opportunity to kill the Libyan people. As the Los Angeles Times reported […] The Senate and the No-Fly Zone: The Legend Begins Posted By Claudia Rosett Out of extremely thin air, the Obama administration is now conjuring the narrative that Congress actually did approve a Libyan no-fly zone before President Barack Obama signed onto the project with the United Nations. Speaking last Sunday on ABC’s This Week, […] “The Muslim Brotherhood shares America’s concern with human rights, democratic governance, and the need for values-based political activism, Toth said. “We just needed to strongly motivate some of our senior staff in order to make them see it.” U.S. Intelligence Agencies Find New Partners For decades, U.S. intelligence agencies have routinely shared critical information […] The English Defence League on Jews and Israel In an article entitled “Israel and the Unholy Trinity” the English Defence League (EDL), often depicted as a neo-Nazi organisation with links to the British National Party (BNP), unequivocally supports Jews and Israel. There is an unholy trinity that has come together to bring about what […] From Ancient Appeasement to Modern Dhimmitude A review of Bruce Thornton’s The Wages of Appeasement. A timely and necessary book, as we flounder in Libya. April 1, 2011 – by Andrew G. Bostom Classics professor Bruce Thornton is a courageous rarity within the academy — an unabashed conservative public intellectual. Rarer still, even when […]
Z Street: A Pro-Jewish Pro-Israel Pride Organization in the Spirit of the Bergson Boys by Jerry Gordon (April 2011) SHE’S MY PAL AND I WAS PRIVY TO HER EARLY CONSIDERATIONS OF FORMING Z STREET WHICH SHE BUILT INTO A POWERHOUSE DESPITE ALL THE “FRIENDLY FIRE” FROM EXISTING ORGANIZATIONS….J STREET IS A DEAD END, AND Z […] Speaking of the wonders of government officials, (Via Western Rifle Shooters) Stephen Moore’s WSJ article on the transformation of America into a nation whose chief industry is government. The whole piece is worth reading, but I’ll excerpt and comment on a few sections First the collapse of the manufacturing sector and its replacement by […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Bully for You In New York, Osman Daramy, a 12 African boy was charged with a ‘hate crime’ because while bullying a number of kids in the school, one of the kids he bullied was a Muslim girl. And in between punching her, he tore off her Hijab. The message […]
[For latest on Richard Muller’s emerging temperature con and Kerry Emanuel’s woes — go to — Muller and Emanuel are both coped on this email.] Richard Muller’s Temperature Project Aptly Termed The ‘Berkeley Scam’ — — Muller’s team ‘are completely unbiased and open minded, though they have already determined (ahead of their neutral study) that […]
PRUDEN: The kinetic warriors playing at war – Washington Times The kinetic warriors playing at war Wesley Pruden, Washington The revolutionaries in Libya are hitting their target, the empty sky, but Barack Obama, who wants to be a secret enabler, keeps firing blanks with his teleprompter. With no particular plan and nobody in […]