Everyone Dribbles for Haaretz by Giulio Meotti “Israel is the only nation that has virtually no civilians, the only UN member that is threatened with extinction and is always under existential threat by a nuclear apocalyptic Iranian leadership, Haaretz is a dangerous news media wedge with its cultural wickedness and pathological self-hatred [of the […]
Nuke reactors to power your home? Nuke reactors to power your home? – Communities could run for decades without having to refuel Jerome Corsi, Bill Gates announced last week that his start-up company, TerraPower LLC, is ready to build and test a small-scale nuclear reactor that theoretically could power a local community for […] The Economic Counterrevolution of the Environmentalists Capitalism had won. It was not people’s revolutions, but the slow industry of a rising middle class that toppled feudal monarchies. Productivity led to prosperity, and succeeding generations of new money made the class system nearly irrelevant. The process moved swiftest in the new American colonies, where a […] Obsession with Israel makes us all ignorant By Robin Shepherd ” Because the bright lights of publicity suddenly go dark over the Middle East when Jews cannot be held responsible for misbehaviour.Want a sneak preview of what’s coming next? I’ll say it in a whisper. Did you know that Saudi Arabia funds university faculties […] By Nick Meo, Benghazi 6:00AM GMT 06 Mar 2011 When Colonel Gaddafi hanged his first political opponent in Benghazi’s basketball stadium, thousands of schoolchildren and students were rounded up to watch a carefully choreographed, sadistic display of the regime’s version of justice. They had been told they would see the trial of one of […]
COMMENT FROM AN OBSERVER…. Friends, Look what we have here! Hannah Rosenthal, the head of the State Department’s International Anti-Semitism Committee (Appointed by Hillary and Obama) recently delivered a keynote speech at the March, 2011, Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) D.C. interfaith event. Do a little research on ISNA and you learn that it […] The Libyan School of Economics by Michael Weiss “Professor Mundy is an interesting sort of British academic, a woman who looks as if she might deceive an experienced undertaker into embalming on sight and yet can grow quite visibly animated when it comes to the issue of Jewish statehood and its discontents.” For a […] “Buzz off.” I wanted to put it less politely, but what follows is a message that should be taken on board by even by the most tenderhearted, so I decided on delicacy. A few days ago, the journalist Michael Weiss posted a column on The New Criterion weblog called “The Libyan School of Economics.” […] Why America Will Stay on Top Eminent historian Paul Johnson on Sarah Palin, the tea party, and ‘baddies’ from Napoleon to Gadhafi. By BRIAN M. CARNEY London In his best-selling history of the 20th century, “Modern Times,” British historian Paul Johnson describes “a significant turning-point in American history: the first time the Great Republic, […]
SERVES THE DESIGNER JAMAL TASLAQ RIGHT. HE LIVES IN ITALY AND HIS OFFICIAL BIO SAYS HE WAS BORN IN”PALESTINE”…IN 1970 Ramallah fashion show draws condemnation from Hamas By KHALED ABU TOAMEH Event featuring designs of famous Italian designer of Palestinian descent dubbed “immoral and corrupt” by radical Palestinian groups. A fashion show that was […]