FOX NEWS – Today, IRAN officially becomes a member of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. Only three days ago, the U.N. General Assembly voted to suspend Libya’s membership on the U.N. Human Rights Council in a desperate bid to save the Council’s tattered reputation and itself. But not a single state, including the […] PRESERVE TALK RADIO FROM FCC ASSAULT Published on on March 6, 2011 REVOLT! Tells how to save free speech talk radio from assault by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC is planning to cripple talk radio. Not by the fairness doctrine, but by something far worse – threatening to close down stations […]
Norming Evil: Race-Baiter and Jew-Hater Farrakhan to Keynote City Event READ FULL COLUMN RE PITTSBURGH BELOW: So you tell me how America went so horribly wrong. Those of us fighting for freedom and justice and against oppression, gender apartheid, individual rights are slammed, smeared, libeled, and marginalized on a daily basis. And the […] Muslims threaten imam with death over Darwinist views Why reform is Islam will be difficult, if not altogether impossible, part 12203: “Scientist Imam threatened over Darwinist views,” by Tom Peck and Jerome Taylor in the Independent, March 5 (thanks to Buraq): A prominent British imam has been forced to retract his claims that Islam […] ZAKA is a humanitarian voluntary organisation, coordinating nearly 1000 volunteers responding to tragic incidents in Israel. ZAKA has emerged as the dominant rescue, life-saving and recovery non-governmental organisation in Israel, working alongside law enforcement and emergency personnel in responding to incidents of terrorism, accidents or disasters. ZAKA operates out of, and those wishing […] Between 2006 and 2007, Doku Umarov was formerly the head of the “Chechen Republic of Ichkeria,” a group that wants to see the Russian Federal Republics in the North Caucasus secede from Russia. Since that time he has announced that he is the Emir (Spiritual leader) of the the Russian North Caucasus (see map […] EDWARD CLINE On February 22nd, four Americans were executed by Somali pirates as a U.S. warship bore down on the yacht they had hijacked. The U.S. government and the military are not saying much about why the pirates killed the Americans, but it just might have something to do with the fact that the […] In a critical passage from The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James associates evil with the concept of “dirt.” Evil, he says, is “an alien unreality, a waste element, to be sloughed off and negated, and the very memory of it, if possible, wiped out and forgotten.” It is “diseased, inferior, and excrementitious stuff,” […]
Romney and Gingrich on Jihad (and Sharia)Andrew G. Bostom During an interview with US News reporter Dan Gligoff published June 3, 2009, Mitt Romney offered the following bizarre observation about the living Islamic institution of jihad, ostensibly to “clarify” remarks made during an earlier speech at the Heritage Foundation: I spoke about three major […] NEW YORK (AP) – A decade ago the U.S. government attacked Al-Jazeera as a propagator of anti-American propaganda. Now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is citing the network for fine news coverage—and tweaking the U.S. media in the process. The Arab broadcaster says it’s ready to take advantage of what it considers a […]