How Desperate Are You to Cut a Deal With Iran, Mr. Biden? Shoshana Bryen

Here is what happens when a country cedes control of its foreign policy. The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a bad deal. The Iranians cheated on the baseline, the commitment, and the execution, and then President Donald Trump walked away. Approve of any given decision or not, the president controlled the action of the United States. Now however, looking for a way to reconstruct the deal, the Biden administration has outsourced American policy.

First, President Joe Biden agreed to Iran’s demand that the U.S. not be in the negotiating room in Vienna, but be represented by intermediaries—including China and Russia.

Then, Washington gave theoretical agreement to Iran’s demand that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) be removed from the U.S. designated terror organization list. After strong bipartisan objection in Congress—owing to the fact that the IRGC is responsible for hundreds of American military deaths—Mr. Biden appears to have told Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in May that he wouldn’t do it.

But also in May, Enrique Mora, the European Union official coordinating the Vienna talks, visited Tehran. As reported at the time, “Western diplomats are expecting Tehran to put forward potential alternative demands, giving Washington a chance to think about other concessions it could offer. The aim is to find a way around the IRGC hurdle that will let both governments sell the deal domestically.”

The latest such concession is the current American plan to give visas to Iranians who have been drafted into the IRGC, trained by it, and employed by it, “provided they satisfy relevant agency authority that the individual…poses no danger to the safety and security of the United States.” According to The Jerusalem Post, other factors taken into consideration include whether the individual had any “intent or desire to assist a terror organization or activity or had prior knowledge of targeting ‘noncombatant persons, US citizens, or US interests.’”

Sleepers, anyone?

While America grovels in Vienna, it turns a blind eye to Iran’s continuing violations of its nuclear agreements.

Deal or No Deal, Iran-Israel War Is Coming to the Middle East It seems increasingly likely that Israel will strike Iran to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear weapons. by Sean Durns

Iran,  Naftali Bennett warned on June 12, “is dangerously close to getting their hands on a nuclear weapon.” In an interview with The Telegraph, the premier pointed out that “Iran is enriching uranium at an unprecedented rate.” Bennett added: “Iran’s nuclear program won’t stop until it’s stopped.”

Bennett isn’t alone in expressing concern.

The United States has also raised alarm. In a March 2022 hearing of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) observed that “Iran has made key advances” and has “decreased its [nuclear] breakout time to several weeks from a year” compared to what it was under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), colloquially known as the Iran nuclear deal. Indeed, in April 2022, U.S. secretary of state Antony Blinken said that Iran’s breakout time was “down to a couple of weeks.”

On June 6, 2022, the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, said that Tehran was “very close” to crossing the nuclear threshold and that it “cannot be avoided at this point.” Grossi also presented the board with a report “showing that Iran effectively already has enough enriched uranium for three bombs,” the news service JNS reported.

Grossi also told the IAEA’s board of governors that “Iran has not provided explanations that are technically credible in relation to the Agency’s findings at three undeclared locations in Iran.” Grossi noted that Iran has also failed to provide the IAEA with “the current location, or locations, of the nuclear material and/or of the equipment contaminated with the nuclear material” that was moved from the site of Turquzabad in 2018.

Adding to concerns, the Islamic Republic has begun installing advanced IR-6 centrifuges at its underground enrichment plant in Natanz and has said that it plans to install more at other sites. The centrifuges will enable the Islamic Republic to increase enrichment by as much as 50 percent.

Tucker puts together the long list of political arrests in Biden’s America By Andrea Widburg

We’ve all been aware of the stories about the FBI arresting conservatives—and by that, I don’t mean the way the FBI has hunted down every grannie and veteran who, made ignorant by the systematic removal of “no trespassing” signs and fencing, and the Capitol police holding open doors, entered the Capitol and wandered around reverently. That’s bad enough. But the FBI is also going after high-level, high-profile political operatives (advisors, politicians, journalists) who have dared challenge Biden’s rise to the White House. On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson finally put together a list of the brutal, humiliating, seemingly lawless arrests, and it’s really shocking.

What you see in Tucker’s opening monologue is something I don’t believe we’ve ever seen before in America: A presidential administration is systematically using its police power to intimidate the political opposition at the highest levels. As Tucker points out, Democrats have declared every successful Republican presidential election illegitimate since Bush in 2000, but no Republican administration has ever used its police power to silence these people.

Democrats, though, are enamored of the police state. Obama spied on both the Senate and on journalists. Then, probably heartened by the minimal pushback, he authorized spying on a presidential candidate—and got away with it.

The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when Democrats lose the Congress in November. By Victor Davis Hanson

Modern progressives assume moral and intellectual authority. 

Consequently, their supposedly superior ends naturally justify almost any means necessary to achieve them. 

Among the elite, the Democrats’ “blue-wall” states were once considered a testament to the wisdom of the Electoral College. When that wall crumbled in 2016 to Trump, the Electoral College suddenly was blasted as a relic of our anti-democratic founders. 

The nine-person Supreme Court was once beloved. On issues like abortion, school prayer, same-sex marriage, pornography, and Miranda rights, the Left cheered the Court as it made the law and ignored legislatures and presidents. 

Republican Court picks—Harry Blackmun, William Brennan, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor, Lewis Powell, John Roberts, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, Potter Stewart, and Earl Warren—would often flip leftward. How could they not be swayed by the greater brilliance of their liberal colleagues? 

From affirmative action to Roe v. Wade to Obamacare, apostate Republican justices for a half-century greenlighted legislating from the bench. 

In response, was there any serious right-wing talk of packing the court with six additional justices to slow down its overreaching left-wing majority—or of a mob massing at the home of a left-wing justice? Certainly not.

But now? 

Suddenly a narrow constructionist majority has returned matters of abortion to the states. And the once-beloved Court is being slandered by leftist insurrectionists as illegitimate. 

Every sort of once unthinkable attack on the courts is now permissible. 

EU Signs Deal with Egypt and Israel to Boost Gas Exports to Europe by Soeren Kern

Over time the agreement could spur new investment in gas exploration and infrastructure in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Israel and potentially transform the Eastern Mediterranean into an energy powerhouse.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described the agreement as “a big step forward in the energy supply to Europe” and “the first step leading to a Mediterranean-wide agreement.”

“The war in Ukraine has really changed the equation in a way, including for the EU where they’re willing to overlook, at least in the short term, the desire to go green as soon as possible.” — Dov Lieber, The Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2022.

The European Union has signed a memorandum of understanding with Israel and Egypt that paves the way for potentially significant quantities of Israeli natural gas to be shipped to Europe.

The trilateral agreement, signed on June 15 in Cairo at a meeting of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF), an intergovernmental organization, calls for Israeli gas to be sent to liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities in Egypt. From there, the gas in liquid form will be transported across the Mediterranean Sea on LNG vessels to markets in Europe.

Initially, the volumes of Israeli gas sent to Europe will be relatively low due to a combination of factors, including infrastructure limitations, the high costs of producing and shipping LNG, and the politics of climate change and clean energy. Over time, however, the agreement could spur new investment in gas exploration and infrastructure in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Israel and potentially transform the Eastern Mediterranean into an energy powerhouse.

Leaked Documents Reveal Wide Scope of China’s Human Rights Violations in Xinjiang by Lawrence A. Franklin

One of the leaked documents, which contains “a shoot to kill order” for guards in the camp’s watchtowers, confirms that these camps are indeed prisons. Another leaked report stipulates how detainees are to be transported from one site to an alternate location: ankle shackles, handcuffs and hoods.

Previous leaks of official documents, unauthorized films, commercial satellite images and testimony from escaped former inmates have scripted a profile of the hell that the Chinese Communist state has crafted for the Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang. This massive province-size gulag regime includes forced abortions, sterilization and rape of female detainees, separation of husbands and wives, removal of children from the custody of parents, obligatory retraining of workers in skills supportive of CCP economic goals, and daily ideological indoctrination of inmates.

Democratic countries should distribute these leaks globally as cautionary warning to all societies that the CCP’s projected panda bear image of China obscures the reality of a quite different animal with an insatiable appetite.

Documents and photos of thousands of ethnic Uighurs arrested by Chinese authorities, made public in late May, lend additional indisputable evidence to the Communist regime’s massive human rights violations in Xinjiang. Many of the leaked documents are official Chinese Ministry of Interior dossiers of incarcerated individuals just from Shufu, one among 61 counties in Xinjiang Province. The Shufu County in the Kashgar Prefecture is the site of several large internment camps.

Supreme Court Decision Advances Educational Freedom The timing could not be better. Larry Sand

Last week, the Supreme Court delivered three decisions that have the left in a snit of epic proportions. On Friday, the Court decided there is no Constitutional right to an abortion, and threw Roe v. Wade into the trashcan. The prior day, the justices made clear that the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense. And on Tuesday, in Carson v. Makin, the Supremes asserted that if a state subsidizes private education, it cannot disqualify religious schools.

The latter case revolves around Maine’s town tuitioning law, which allows parents living in districts that do not own and operate elementary or secondary schools to send their children to public or private schools in other areas of the state, or even outside the state, using funds provided by the child’s home district. Until Tuesday’s decision, the school a parent chose could not be a religious one. But as Chief Justice John Roberts explains, “The State pays tuition for certain students at private schools – so long as the schools are not religious. That is discrimination against religion. A State’s antiestablishment interest does not justify enactments that exclude some members of the community from an otherwise generally available public benefit because of their religious exercise.”

The Carson case was the fourth in a series that have involved the faux “separation of Church and state” argument. In the 2002 Zelman v. Simmons-Harris decision, SCOTUS ruled that because financial aid goes to parents and not the religious school, vouchers are indeed constitutional.

Then, in 2017’s Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley, a Missouri church that was operating a daycare and pre-school applied to a state grant program that helps non-profits pay to install rubber playground surfaces. The church’s application was denied because “the state constitution bars the state from providing funds to religious entities.” But Trinity Lutheran pursued the case all the way to the Supreme Court, where it prevailed. Chief Justice Roberts delivered the opinion of the 7-2 majority, stating, “The Court held that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment protected the freedom to practice religion and subjects laws that burden religious practice to strict scrutiny.”

Once Again, Stop Talking Like Progressives The vital importance of fighting off “semantic infiltration.” Bruce Thornton

Anyone who regularly comments on current political affairs will eventually end up repeating himself. Usually that’s because politicians and pundits keep making the same errors of thinking, and displaying the same lack of critical self-awareness of those mistakes. Some, like Capote’s Holly Golightly, are true believers who sincerely believe all “this crap” they believe, and “can’t be talked out of it.”  Or they are conscious liars who don’t care that their ideas and beliefs are incoherent or pernicious, as long as they win them more power and privilege.

That truth is a commonplace. But as novelist André Gide once said,  “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again,” in the hope that somebody will be listening, since using the dishonest, politicized words of progressives helps to spread the malign concepts and ideologies like a virus, infecting the body politic.

Recently columnist George Will called this phenomenon “semantic infiltration . . . the tactic by which political objectives are smuggled into discourse that is ostensibly, but not actually, politically neutral. People who adopt a political faction’s vocabulary also adopt — perhaps inadvertently, but inevitably — the faction’s agenda.”

Will’s example is the “woke” economic term “stakeholder,” a synonym for “stockholder.” Extending a “stakeholder” to include anybody and everybody whom a business even slightly affects is to indulge a false analogy, the logical fallacy favored by those who are up to no good or smuggling their ideology into an argument––which, as Will points out, is exactly what the “stakeholder” metaphor does: “Stakeholder capitalism violates fiduciary laws that require those entrusted with investors’ money to employ it ‘solely in the interest of’ and ‘for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to’ the investors.”

Most of us can cite a whole catalogue of scare-words and question-begging epithets, like “racist” and “sexist,” used not to communicate precisely but to demonize a political enemy or advance a dangerous ideology under cover of invective.

Virulent Anti-Semite Maher Abdel Qader Campaigns with Multiple Democrats Birds of a feather. Robert Spencer

Maher Abdel Qader of the Palestinian American Congress is the Leonard Zelig of the modern Democrat Party; he seems to know everyone, has appeared in photos with most of them, and is connected to everything. He has hosted numerous fundraisers for New York City Mayor Eric Adams; he was part of a committee putting together a fundraiser for Jesse Jackson’s son Jonathan Jackson, who is running for the House in Illinois; and he is close to Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) and Cori Bush (D-Race Hate), as well as a prominent former congressman, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. Abdel Qader is also a virulent anti-Semite, which should surprise no one, given the bent of today’s Democrat Party.

It is odd, however, that Adams, who has courted New York’s Jewish community and appointed two Orthodox Jews to his administration, would have close ties to Abdel Qader. Early in 2021, Abdel Qader was one of only six community leaders to speak with Adams on a Zoom call and talk over the then-candidate’s “campaign vision [and] issues,” as well as to “engage in his campaign.” Abdel Qader noted in an Instagram post that has apparently been removed that Adams was “on board with our community and will stand to support us.” Then in September 2021, Abdel Qader posted on Instagram in another post that was later removed or concealed: “Arab and Muslim community leaders met at Marriott hotel – LaGuardia and held a Fundraising for Eric Adams the democratic nominee for New York City mayor….Event was organized by the Muslim Agenda 2021 Coalition.”

When Small People (Like Cassidy Hutchison) Have Big Moments Bob Maistros

Anyone who has spent much time in the room with major politicians or C-Suite executives can tell out-of-school stories that would curl your hair.

The bad conduct and off-the-wall statements attributed to Donald Trump by 20-something former White House aide Cassidy Hutchison before the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, if true, are not excusable – but also not all that surprising.

One quickly learns that world-changers are generally big personalities who break eggs, occasionally dishes, and frequently, the rules.

Sometimes, along the way, they blurt out-of-the-box ideas and are talked down from the ledge by wise counselors whose job it is to steer them away from their worst impulses – and help build on their best.

And sometimes, small people like Ms. Hutchison who also get to be in the room, but lack that skill or insight, think instead that they can make themselves bigger by eschewing the loyalty that is supposed to come with access, and bringing those big personalities down based on what they’ve witnessed.

Rarely, when there is conduct that somehow crosses the line – or as has been the case over the last few years, a line newly established – they succeed.

More commonly, they only succeed in making themselves look smaller and wrecking their own careers. Yes, they will have 15 minutes of fame and may be remembered fondly (or otherwise) within the confined and insular worlds of politics or business. But for the most part, they will be shunted aside as the world moves to the next big story, often by the very wreckers (read: Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney) for whom they are briefly useful fools, and the sycophants tweeting plaudits about their “courage.”