Americans Are ‘Collateral Damage’ In Dems’ Insane War On Energy

Maybe the Jan. 6 hearings are, as some assert, really about distracting Americans from the Democrats’ shocking policy failures. How else can one explain the refusal of President Joe Biden and the Democratic Congress to address our ongoing energy crisis?

And, no, it’s no exaggeration to call this a crisis. With consumer prices rising at a four-decade-high of 8.6% in the most recent year-over-year comparison, Americans are watching their standard of living fall fast.

A just-released national survey has found that 83% of U.S. households are cutting their personal spending and travel due to soaring inflation. These cutbacks are being driven almost entirely by energy costs, which have spiked nearly 35% in the past year.

The economic disaster Biden has created is ultimately a result of surging federal spending during the pandemic, foolish Fed policies that poured monetary gasoline onto a raging inflation fire, and the ongoing effort by Biden and the Democrats to punish the very companies that provide our energy, threatening them with smothering regulations, painful taxes and even public shaming.

Things have reached a fever pitch of late, with Democrats’ extremist anti-free-market green wing suggesting, as gasoline prices roar past $5 a gallon and cities across the nation face blackouts, we would all be better off if we just nationalized our oil and gas industry.

For the record, no we wouldn’t.

Testimony Of Cassidy Hutchinson Falls Apart As New Reports Surface About Secret Service

The explosive testimony delivered by former White House official Cassidy Hutchinson Tuesday to the January 6 House select committee appears to be falling apart as more reports surface of pushback coming from the U.S. Secret Service and other individuals.

Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, claimed that Trump on the day of the January 6 rally tried to get Secret Service to take him to the U.S. Capitol building, and that he became enraged when they would not do it because the area was not secure.

Hutchinson claimed that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the armored presidential limousine and that Bobby Engel, who was the lead security detail, had to tell him, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel.” Hutchinson claimed that Trump then lunged at and assaulted the agent.

Hutchinson claims that she was told this information from Anthony Ornato, a senior Secret Service official who was detailed to the White House and served as deputy chief of operations.

CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz reported that “a Secret Service official familiar with the matter told CNN that Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.”

The Left-wing Insurrection Intensifies Paul Krause

It’s only insurrection when the other side does it! For one and a half years, the Left and its media allies have peddled the narrative of a Republican insurrection. Meanwhile, Democrats and their supporters burn federal courthouses, attack property rights and the rule of law, and now call the Supreme Court illegitimate after its ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson.

This isn’t just a few fringe voices. Prominent legal analysts and authors are calling the Court illegitimate. The chair of the Democrat National Committee has pulled out the bullhorn to condemn the Court. Writers at Teen Vogue, whatever one thinks of Teen Vogue, have also used their cultural clout and reach to spew their propaganda. The “mainstream” of the Democrat Party and their allies are calling the Court illegitimate; they have joined the very far-left that have been saying this for decades.

Insurrection is a violent uprising against legal authority with the intent to overthrow it. Of course, liberals won’t openly admit that what they advocate is insurrection. But that is, in essence, what the left is advocating.

By demonizing and attempting to delegitimize the Supreme Court, whose function is to uphold the Constitution and its rule of law, the Left intends to weaken the last bastion of American civil society and legal order to overthrow it. By eliminating the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, this will give the Left a blank check to open power to remake America and its laws in their image. It’s an insurrection and revolution in all but name.

If the Left can’t achieve policy victories because their policies lead to depression and societal ruination, then they will do so by force and ignore the people and the rule of law. That has been the playbook of left-wing revolutionaries since the Jacobins. When you can’t win by legislation, win by force. When you can’t change the system from within, overthrow the system from the outside. That is insurrection.

Of course, irony is not lost on left-wing zealots. They have no principles. Their only concern is political power by any means necessary. This is something that patriotic Americans must always understand. And they must be willing to support the institutions and organizations that stand athwart utopian insanity ad its inevitable cascading crash into violence.

The Donald Trump Show’s biggest plot twist yet Choking a Secret Service agent? Possible perjury? Reality is channeling ‘24’ Matt Purple

Since it debuted in 2016, The Donald Trump Show — the televised meta-commentary from hell we’ve all been living in — has been through many reinventions. Its first season was a tautly plotted election thriller that managed to make the impossible seem possible; its middling stretches were a darkly comic take on The West Wing. It even proved later on that it could continue without its main character, introducing a new president, Joe Biden, who ushered in elements of slapstick humor and cringe comedy.

Now, with last night’s episode, The Donald Trump Show has veered into Kiefer Sutherland territory.

The testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson before Congress was one of the program’s most dramatic moments yet. Just when you thought Trump had finally been written out of the script, there he was again, chewing the scenery and possibly drenching it in ketchup. The writers, via Hutchinson, introduced a side of Trump that we’d never seen before, not just chaotic but violent and even dangerous. Per Hutchinson, Trump once slung his lunch at the wall in a fit of rage and tried to choke his own Secret Service agent.

Or did he? This is the great thing about The Donald Trump Show going all the way back to the James Comey arc: it never lets you get too comfortable. No sooner had Hutchinson testified than — plot twist! — a source told reporters that the Secret Service had denied the allegations. The writers have thus put two very different and sympathetic characters on a collision course: the twenty-five-year-old civil servant and the head of the former president’s security detail. One of them has to be lying…or both? With plotting this devilish, who can be sure?

Hillary Clinton trashes Clarence Thomas; Sotomayor disagrees ‘He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I’ve known him’

A few mornings ago, Cockburn caught Hillary Clinton on one of the CBS morning shows. As it turned out, she was on to discuss the recent Dobbs decision, and she had some choice words for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

“I went to law school with him,” she said. “He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I’ve known him. Resentment, grievance, anger…women are going to die, Gayle. Women will die.”

Clinton is entitled to her opinion (though who is she to call anyone else resentful?) but her sentiment on Thomas’s statements has been contradicted by none other than Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Thomas’s ideological opposite on the Supreme Court. Here’s what Sotomayor said two weeks ago in a speech to the American Constitution Society:

I suspect I have probably disagreed with him more than with any other justice; that we have not joined each other’s opinion more than anybody else. And yet, Justice Thomas is the one justice in the building that literally knows every employee’s name… He is the first one who will go up to someone when you’re walking with him and say, “is your son okay?” …He is the first one that when my stepfather died, sent me flowers in Florida. He is a man who cares deeply about the court as an institution, about the people who work there, about the people.

The point is that while Sotomayor disagrees with Thomas, she still sees him as a good man doing what he sees as right. And while Thomas has become the mainstream media’s biggest target since his controversial Dobbs opinion, her comments seem far more informed than those of her fellow birthing person.

The question should be asked: who knows Thomas better? Someone who might crossed paths with him at law school decades ago? Or someone who currently works with him every day? Cockburn can only suppose the latter.

A Jan 6 witness ludicrously claims Trump tried to choke his Secret Service agent By Andrea Widburg

The headlines were ominous and the leftist gloating on Facebook was disturbing: It seemed as if the January 6 Committee finally had its smoking gun in the form of an attractive, mid-20s woman named Cassidy Hutchinson. The big excitement came when she recounted a wild tale about President Trump, desperate to get to the Capitol, trying to choke his Secret Service agent as they wrestled for control of Trump’s car, Outside of the kangaroo court, though, actual facts indicate that nothing she said actually happened.

The media was in a frenzy of excitement over Hutchinson’s testimony. Among other things, she testified that, when the Secret Service informed Trump that there were armed with everything from rifles to bear spray at the Stop the Steal rally, and asked to limit the crowd, Trump pushed back. “I don’t f***ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me.”

But the real bombshell was some hearsay Hutchinson offered. She claimed she learned the following from Tony Ornato, the deputy White House chief of staff for operations:

When Trump was told it was not safe to go [to the Capitol] — the riot was already under way — he was quoted saying words to the effect of, “I’m the f- – -ing president, take me up the Capitol now.” Then he had reached up to the front of the vehicle to try to grab the steering wheel. Robert Engel, the head of Trump’s security detail, grabbed his arm and said, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.” With his free hand, Trump “lunged” at Engel and Ornato gestured toward his clavicles, suggesting Trump went for Engel’s throat.

There was more, of course, all sorts of gossip and tittle-tattle. But that bit about Trump turning into a wild man and trying to beat his way through the Secret Service agents in the car to grab the steering wheel and take control was the biggie. My Facebook page, on which I have a lot of  “friends” from my past life in Democrat enclaves, exploded with glee, with many claiming Hutchinson was a new American heroine.

What all these leftists (in the media and out) forgot is that a kangaroo court doesn’t get to the truth. It is, instead, a forum for promoting lies. After all, in a court of law, Hutchinson would never have been allowed to get away with quoting Guiliani and other unnamed people in the office or recounting the narrative about a frenzied Trump fighting for control of his armored car. Every bit of it (and most of the other things she testified to) is hearsay and inadmissible.

There’s good reason for hearsay’s inadmissibility: Hearsay is inherently unreliable. Subject to specific exceptions, in a proper proceeding, one hedged about with due process protections, unless it comes from the horse’s mouth, it’s kept out lest it prejudice the defendant—and Trump is a defendant here, despite his being denied any opportunity to cross-examine witnesses or present his case.

Discrimination at Brown University By Jack Wolfsohn

In May, Brown University offered an online teacher-training course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) that ironically created a lot of stress among the population that was not allowed to take the course: whites and Asians. The course was only offered to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) students, and even to students who did not attend Brown. One anonymous student filed a complaint against the university on May 13 with the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR). According to the complaint, the professors of the class are only those who identify as BIPOC (supporting professors may be white).

The student wrote, “Brown is offering a RACE-BASED teacher training program that is ONLY open to certain demographics (black, latino, indigenous).” The anonymous student also pointed out the reality of the situation: “This is a return to educational segregation based on skin color.” The student claims in their complaint that only BIPOC students receive financial aid in the MBSR program, which the student rightly decries as “discriminatory.” The student has decided to unenroll from the MBSR program because of the school’s decision to engage in patent segregation:

As a student of the program, I find myself being unable to continue my training with this institution as I refuse to support educational segregation based solely on skin color as it violates my core principles, values, and the Buddhist teachings that which this program is based on.

Failed Leadership in America as Defined by Lawrence Kadish

A contemporary of Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, penned a series of acerbic commentaries and observations in a book, The Devil’s Dictionary, still in print.

Some of his biting but spot-on definitions include:

Apologize, (verb) – to lay the foundation for a future offense.

Acquaintance, (noun) – A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. A degree of friendship called slight when its object is poor or obscure, and intimate when he is rich or famous.

Politics, (noun) – A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.

Year, (noun) – a period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.

Bierce was clear eyed about the human condition and politics in particular. One can only imagine what he would make of our current political landscape.

Consider some of today’s words and phrases that would provide him with much to consider. He might hope that his scathing wit could prompt within us the wisdom we all need now. Channeling our inner “Ambrose Bierce,” we might tackle these words with the following definitions:

Schadenfreude, (noun) – In German, it means taking pleasure in the pain of others; in Washington, it seems a state of being.

Power Player Profiteers, (noun) – Lobbyists, political advisors, and special interests reportedly sometimes masquerading as patriots.

Fifth Columnists, (noun) – Clandestine political forces hiding in plain sight while waiting for the moment we are distracted to undermine our democracy.

Biden’s Energy Crisis by Judith Bergman

The ongoing world energy crisis… seems to have proven for once and all that energy independence is a matter of national security.

To transition to renewable energy, America would have to transform its energy infrastructure and invest heavily in wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars, all of which require rare earth materials as central components. A single industrial-size wind turbine, for instance, requires about one ton of four different kinds of rare earth materials.

Guess who mines more than 70 % of the world’s rare earth materials, and holds at least 85% of the world’s capacity to process them into materials that manufacturers can use? China. Who produces more than 60% of the world’s solar panels, and 45% of the global supply of solar-grade polysilicon, the base material used in solar cells? China. Moreover, rare earths is not a market that outsiders can simply enter. According to the Danish Institute for International Studies: “China today has the expertise, IP rights and production facilities, as well as its own REE- [rare earth elements] consuming industries. China also manufactures a significant and growing share of goods containing REEs, making it practically impossible for competing companies outside China to get a foothold.”

The ongoing world energy crisis, which began in 2021 and has caused record price spikes for oil, natural gas and coal — in combination with Russia’s war on Ukraine — seems to have proven for once and all that energy independence is a matter of national security. Both Europe and the US have recently had to relearn this lesson — yet again — when Russian President Vladimir Putin cut gas supplies to a number of European countries after they refused to pay in Russian rubles — and before that, when the West was confronted with the need to sanction Russian oil and gas exports, while at the same time being dependent on them.

Beware America, Gavin Newsom Is Running For President

The governor of the biggest state in the country has said he isn’t running for president. But there’s no question Gavin Newsom wants to be in the White House. The only question: Is this country foolish enough to elect such a miserable failure?

Newsom has said publicly that he has no presidential ambitions. But it’s no secret that he’s been groomed for White House occupancy by rich, progressive San Francisco elites. And now he’s “picking exactly the kinds of fights that presidential candidates like to pick” and is “clearly laying the groundwork for a presidential run,” in 2028 if not 2024.

California, the “damn state” Newsom swears he loves, was once the destination for those who wanted a better life and were willing to work for it. Now, both residents and businesses are fleeing. They’re fed up with confiscatory taxation, a can’t-do-business-here regulatory regime, an extreme cost of living that’s been driven by public policy, and a prohibition agenda that threatens to ban every consumer convenience Americans have grown accustomed to.

No longer golden, California is the center of the universe for homelessness. At 4.3%, the state’s unemployment is worse than in all but seven states, the poverty rate is higher than in any other state, blackouts are becoming more rule than exception, soft-on-crime policies have shown up in ugly street crimes, a politically created drought has a distinct Third World feel, and personal freedom is on the decline while economic freedom has been near rock bottom for more than two decades.

No, Newsom did not create these problems. But his party did. And as governor, he’s done nothing to solve them, which he was elected to do. He has talked a lot, though, and has yet to see a camera or microphone that didn’t need his presence.