Peter King: Doomed to Failure Posted By Robert Spencer Congressman Peter King (R-NY) told Politico Tuesday that “he’s not planning to call as witnesses such Muslim community critics as the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson and Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer, who have large followings among conservatives but are viewed as antagonists by many […]

MICHELLE MALKIN: HOW MASS MURDER GETS A PASS The Philadelphia Horror How mass murder gets a pass. “Deadly indifference to protecting life isn’t tangential to the abortion industry’s existence — it’s at the core of it. The Philadelphia Horror is no anomaly. It’s the logical, bloodcurdling consequence of an evil, eugenics-rooted enterprise wrapped in feminist clothing.” Let’s give the “climate of hate” […]

IS THIS BELIEVE IT OR NOT? OBAMA LOBBYING TO RETURN ZELAYA TO POWER IN HONDURAS Obama Admin Lobbying Honduras To Allow Zelaya Back In? Are You Kidding? ALBERTO DE LA CRUZ On the last day of December last year, Manuel “Mel” Zelaya, the deposed Honduran president and self-described victim of high-frequency radiation attacks by Israeli mercenaries, vowed to the press that he would return to Honduras. Few outside of […]

JESSE JACKSON HAS FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE TO HONOR HIM….APPALLING STEVE PLAUT Anshe Emet is the name of an upscale ultra-trendy leftwing synagogue in Chicago associated with the “Conservative” movement. Its clergyperson, one Michael S. Siegel, is part of the movement calling itself Hechsher Tzedek, which argues that a kosher certificate should be a confirmation of the political correctness of the establishment. These are […]


Hamas and Fatah Take Their War to Hospitals by Khaled Abu Toameh Palestinian patients in the Gaza Strip have become the latest victims of the ongoing power struggle between the two Palestinian governments of Fatah and Hamas. Until recently, the two governments used to blame Israel for the shortage of various types of medicine […]

UK’S TONY FORMER P.M.:”IT IS STILL NECESSARY TO CHALLENGE ISLAMIC EXTREMISM” Tony Blair has told the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war that it is still necessary to confront and challenge violent Islamic extremism. Making his second appearance before the Iraq Inquiry, the former prime minister warned that it was impossible just to manage the threat. The hearing opened with the inquiry chairman Sir John […]

MORE MONEY, LESS EDUCATION AND THE FEAR OF STUDENT RIOTS: ROBERT WEISSBERG Education Cutbacks and Urban Violence By Robert Weissberg Bloated public education budgets in our large cities may be immune from serious cuts for an unpalatable reason: the threat of urban violence. For decades education budgets have grown fat, though America has little to show for this generosity. Alas, as cities and states increasingly face […]

WALID PHARES: TUNISIA’S JASMINE REVOLUTION (THROUGH ROSE COLORED GLASSES) SEE NOTE Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution vs. the Forces of Counter-democracy By Walid Phares WALID PHARES IS SUCH A THOUGHTFUL MAN….BUT HE DISMISSES THE POWERFUL MOVEMENT OF RADICAL ISLAM IN TUNISIA…..RSK When his Computer Science degree failed to corral meaningful employment, twenty-six-year-old Mohamed Bouazizi resorted to selling vegetables on the street in Sidi Bouzid[1] to support his […]

ASSANGE ABETS MUGABE Late last month Julian Assange secured a million-dollar advance from two publishers to write his autobiography. The WikiLeaks founder says he needs the money to cover the legal expenses arising from charges that he raped two women in Sweden. But perhaps Mr. Assange would do better to defend himself and pay the lawyers’ fees […]

RUTH WISSE: A TRIBUTE TO IRVING KRISTOL The Conscience of a Jewish Conservative By Ruth R. Wisse A Jewish thinker is normally someone devoted to the study and interpretation of Jewish texts, Jewish history, Jewish issues, Jewish ideas. The late Irving Kristol (1920–2009) was, for the most part, something else: a consummate American intellectual. Founding editor of the Public Interest, contributing […]