THANKS TO NRG Long article (copied in full below) on Chris Christie in Sunday’s NY Times Magazine, which included the graph immediately below, which shows CT, Alaska, Hawaii and NJ leading in terms of the per household burden of unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities. CT might take the lead if the reported unfunded pension liabilities were “marked to market” by […] How Chris Christie Did His HomeworkBy MATT BAI Like a stand-up comedian working out-of-the-way clubs, Chris Christie travels the townships and boroughs of New Jersey, places like Hackettstown and Raritan and Scotch Plains, sharpening his riffs about the state’s public employees, whom he largely blames for plunging New Jersey into a fiscal death spiral. […]
Wisconsin…this is why ‘They’re Mad as Hell and don’t want to take it any longer!” 2010 Teacher Actual Wages – Govt wages exposed and a note from a friend HL Ruth – …and these figures don’t include benenfits (holidays, sick days, health insurance, disability insurance, vacation time, retirement benefits including pension payments free of state […]
The Rehabilitation of the Muslim Brotherhood The Rehabilitation of the Muslim Brotherhood BY Herschel Smith The Muslim Brotherhood is smart. They haven’t limited their attack to a single approach, but you can be assured that they all work – and war – towards the same end, i.e., the imposition of sharia law on Muslim and […] Kim Jong Il’s Nuclear Resolve By JACK DAVID AND MELANIE KIRKPATRICK THIS IS THE RESULT OF LEAVING WARS UNFINISHED….AMERICA LOST 53,000 TROOPS IN A WAR THAT LEFT THE KOREA DIVIDED AND THE NOTORIOUS KIMS IN CHARGE OF THE NORTH…..ANOTHER FOUL LEGACY OF THE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION….RSK “North Korea will never give up nuclear weapons.” So […]
Controversial Muslim cleric caught being smuggled into U.S. over Mexico border Read more: Hi Gang: The news report I am forwarding to you was sent to me Sunday evening by one of the folks who is on my e-mail list and communicates with me regularly. The article was posted by a Fox News […]
U.S.’s Best Mideast Policy Is Through Israel: Daniel Kurtzer By Daniel Kurtzer – Feb 27, 2011 Does the U.S. have the assets, influence and will to affect the course of Middle East politics? At first glance, the answer appears self-evident given the extent of the country’s involvement in the region. Since the 1970s, the […]
Congress: Yes, We Can! Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative” Home It was Congress – on both sides of the aisle – which led the Obama Administration to veto its own ideology and policy, at the UN, on February 17, 2011. Majority leader Cantor, Minority Whip Hoyer, Foreign Relations Committee Chairwoman Ros-Lehtinen and Ranking […] Obama in Ditty With gratitude to the wondrous—and inimitable—W. H. Auden: Stop all the cock-ups, send home the cicerone, Prevent the lapdog tweeting on his new iPhone, Silence Arianna, and with muffled Christiane, Bring out the coffers, let the donors come. Let the neocon denouncers debark my Clairoled head— Scribbling in Politico my policies […] Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma France’s President Sarkozy has stated that multiculturalism has failed, insisting that Muslim immigrants merge into the “national community”. German President Angela Merkel made virtually the same statement earlier at her party’s convention. British PM David Cameron went further saying that Islamism had taken root because multiculturalism had […]