FBI Warns of Fertilizer Purchases for Explosives On the same day federal authorities announced the arrest of a Saudi Arabian man in Texas on charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, ABC News today obtained a letter sent by the FBI to businesses across the country, warning them to watch out […] My piece in this week’s Jewish Chronicle looks at the question of whether there is any justification for calling Israeli “settlements” in east Jerusalem and the West Bank illegal following the Obama administrations recent veto of a UN resolution describing them as such. There is a fascinating detail arising from the American decision to […] Barry and the Pirates By Eric Clary After the brutal murders of four American retirees by Somali pirates, the Obama administration continues its incompetent foreign policy. Secretary of State Clinton’s response of generic rhetoric, adding, “We will honor their memory by strengthening international responses and partnerships to bring these criminals to justice and to […] Libyans Draw Star of David on Photos of Gaddafi Looks like he was also given some horns. Chances this relates to fact that Gaddafi is possibly Jewish? Israel’s Channel 2 News last year interviewed two Israeli women of Libyan origin who claimed to be relatives of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Israel Today’s Ryan Jones […] The English Defence League: The Jewry’s Still Out – But What of The Jury? Frequently characterised in the British media and elsewhere as a thuggish neo-Nazi organisation that must at all costs be ostracised, the anti-Islamist English Defence League was formed following inflammatory – indeed highly despicable – comments and actions of a bunch of Islamic fanatics who […] FINALLY A REAL CHALLENGE TO THE EU AND FRAU MERKEL? SOUNDS PROMISING…. ‘Our taoiseach-in-waiting is going to have to move quickly to end the scenario where the dwindling resources of private citizens are being cannibalised to meet the demands of Ms Merkel and our public-sector Petains, who would destroy the state to retain their […] ROBERT BARR “Fine Gael said it would seek to balance public finances mainly through cuts, not tax hikes; it would also reform the health service and abolish 150 public bodies.” DUBLIN (AP) — Ireland’s ruling Fianna Fail party faced its worst defeat in nearly 80 years, an exit poll predicted Saturday, as a tidal […]
Home Why the Jews are losing the battle for the campus Charles Jacobs CHARLES JACOBS OMITS CRITICAL MATERIAL HERE. FIRST THE MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION (MESA) SUPPLIES ALL TEACHERS FOR ALL MIDDLE EAST DEPARTMENTS, AND THE CATCH IS THAT ONE MAY NOT BELONG TO MESA IF ONE DOES NOT BOW TO THE LEFT/ANTI ISRAEL LINE. […],7340,L-4034719,00.html “Destroying Israel to make way for Palestine hardly seems like a humanitarian alternative.” Thanks to uprisings throughout the Arab world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has avoided one of the most difficult domestic – and international – issues on the table: the fate of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, “the settlements,” “the occupation,” and […]
Pro-Israel companies. I ASK YOU TO SHOW THESE COMPANIES SUPPORT. LET US SUPPORT THEM AND PLEASE PASS ON TO EVERYONE YOU DEEM FIT! THANK YOU!! ***’ Israel ‘s’ country prefix is ‘729’ on barcodes. You will typically only see it on imported foods and not the products listed below… as many of the companies below […]