Steyn on the World Listening to lifelong regime toadies belatedly call for the seizure of Mubarak’s assets or calibrate the precise moment when it’s safe to demand the overthrow of the strongman you’ve happily served all your life, I’m reminded of the Hakim of Bahrain’s visit to London for the Queen’s Coronation in 1953. Late […] Obama decries terror in Libya Speaks of sanctions, no call for ouster By Ashish Kumar Sen President Obama strongly condemned the violence in Libya but failed Wednesday afternoon to call for the resignation of Moammar Gadhafi hours after the Libyan dictator unleashed a wave of terror in the streets of Tripoli against opponents demanding […] Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels did himself no favors with many conservatives yesterday in his response to a walk-out by Indiana state legislators protesting action on a right-to-work bill. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie may be facing down teacher unions, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker may be pushing back against public sector privileges, but Mr. […]
Daniels’s damage control By Jennifer Rubin DANIELS IS PLAYING IT BOTH WAYS….AS A PRESIDENTIAL WANNABE HE HESITATES TO TAKE ON ORGANIZED LABOR….WHAT A WIMP…..RSK This afternoon, sensing he was on thin ice politically, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and his staff went into damage control mode. His office put out this: Governor Mitch Daniels today […]
Britain hymns Middle East democracy — except the one it throws under the bus While the British Prime Minister David Cameron is in Egypt hymning the prospect there of democracy and human rights (which looks increasingly as if it’s destined to remain merely a pipe-dream in the minds of western ostriches) what has been […] Kevin Myers: Little hope of democracy as Arab despots overthrown And so, just eight years on, the neo-con dream that prompted the invasion of Iraq is finally coming to pass with the collapse of the various Secular Arab Despotisms.The great neo-con theory was that with such SAD dictatorships abolished, democracy, the rule of […] Editorial: $100 Oil Is Devil’s Due For Drilling Bans Energy: President Obama talks much of moving to sustainable energy. But as he blocks domestic drilling, the reality is he’s outsourced U.S. oil needs to mad-dog dictators like Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi. That’s even less sustainable. Oil prices hit $100 a barrel Wednesday as thousands of […] The Threat of Government Power Time and time again, the liberal defenders of government power have attacked any call for reform as a plot by the wealthy. Even now New York Times editorialists pound their keys about the “Concentration of Wealth”, invoking presidents from Andrew Jackson to Theodore Roosevelt. But in our America, the […]
REVOLT!: STATES LEAD THE WAY Published on on February 23, 2011 As predicted in Revolt! (Dick’s and Eileen’s new book) – States Lead the Way Toward Reform It is not only the Arab world that is in turmoil! Reform Governors like Scott Walker (Wisconsin), John Kasich (Ohio), Mitch Daniels (Indiana), Tom Corbett (Pennsylvania), Butch […] “Where could a formula for a governmental valuation of human life lead? If government gets to determine our worth, it could lead to government determining when in its judgment we are worthless. It could lead to government deciding that when we are costing the state more than we are paying in taxes, we might […]