SOLAR ENERGY ECLIPSES “Politicians always seem to show up for the green energy ribbon-cuttings but somehow they manage to miss the plant closings. Evergreen Solar is indeed a “symbol”—of the folly of taxpayer green subsidies.” Not long ago, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick was calling Evergreen Solar a “symbol” of his state’s economic future. Symbolism would appear to […]

STUXNET DELAYS BUT IT DOES NOT DETER IRAN: BRET STEPHENS Long before there was the Stuxnet computer worm there was the “Farewell” spy dossier. In 1980, a KGB officer named Vladimir Vetrov began passing secrets to French intelligence. Vetrov was in a position to know the names of a network of Soviet agents (known as Line X) involved in pilfering capitalist technologies, which is […]

HOMELAND SECURITY SCRAPS BORDER FENCE PROJECT….SEE NOTE Homeland Security Scraps Border Fence WHAT ABOUT THE  THREAT OF THE MEXICAN CARTEL WARS SPILLING INTO OUR NATION THRUGH THOSE SOUTHERN STATES?….RSK WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday ended a high-tech border fence project that cost taxpayers nearly $1 billion but did little to improve security. Congress ordered the high-tech fence along the […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: HU’S ON FIRST? Hu’s becoming first? Center for Security Policy | Jan 17, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. In one of the great comedic routines of all time, Abbott and Costello went round and round about a baseball player by the name of Who and which base he was on.  As Chinese President Hu Jintao shows up to […]


IRAQ Christian doctor assaulted in Mosul – Asia News Christian doctor shot at point blank range in Mosul Layla Yousif Rahema, Asia News.IT The victim is one of the most famous cardiologists in the region. An armed group shot him at point-blank range, the man is seriously injured. West accused: you can not do […]

FOREIGN AID TO PALARABS: NO BANG FOR THE BIG BUCKS,7340,L-4013700,00.html GIL KOHL Attention United States Congress! [Yoram Ettinger: Since 1994, the highest per-capita-foreign-aid in the world has been provided – mostly by the US taxpayer – to the Palestinian Authority. Since 1994, there has been an unprecedented intensification of Palestinian anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-US hate-education and incitement in PA-controlled  schools, mosques and media, an […]

CAROLINE GLICK: TUNISIA’S LESSONS FOR AMERICA Tunisia’s lessons for Washington By Caroline B. Glick Tunisian president’s regime was not the only thing destroyed. The two main foundations of ‘expert’ Western analysis of the Mideast have also been undone | If at the height of the anti-government protests in Tunisia last week, Israel and the Palestinians had signed a final peace […]


Move over MLK Jr Day, CAIR makes it Muslim Capitol Day « Creeping Sharia Move over MLK Jr Day, CAIR makes it Muslim Capitol Day Posted on January 16, 2011 by creeping CAIR bills itself as a “civil rights” organization although it is not. If the issue doesn’t benefit Muslims, Islam or sharia, you can […]

REMEMBER MARK RUDD THE AMERICAN TERRORIST SHO WORKED WITH BILL AYERS AND BERNARDINE DORHN? In a recent Washington Post commentary on the Arizona killings, Mark Rudd admits he was complicit in the planned bombing of an NCO’s dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1970 – an act that if it had succeeded may have killed many young soldiers and their dates. Mark Rudd is a former leader […]

GIULIO MEOTTI: JEWS MUST FLEE HOLLAND IN 2011 Jews Must Flee Holland in 2011 by Giulio Meotti Jews will flee the multicultural Netherlands before it is too late, says Meotti.. As author Manfred Gerstenfeld, said: “Antisemitism is a perfect prism to understand the failure of Dutch multiculturalism”. During last summer, a monumental tree trunk collapsed in Amsterdam. It was the old tree seen by Anne […]