Israel – A Favorite American Ally Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative”,7340,L-4040704,00.html At the end of 1989, Israel’s top Foreign Office bureaucrats argued that Israel was, ostensibly, losing ground in the USA, due to the end of the Cold War, a supposed New World Order and Prime Minister Shamir’s dismissal of “land-for-peace.” Therefore, […] Washington has a strange new bird — the Libya Hawk. It has been seen alighting in potentially dangerous numbers on the Right side of the political spectrum, neoconservative wavelength. It appears to be a mutation of the War Hawk and the Democracy Hawk. Its throaty warble tells us there is some imaginary but overriding […] Islamism: Free Speech or Sedition? Shari Goodman Sedition is still a crime under American law, so why are Islamists allowed to call for the overthrow of America, its democracy and government. Is this free speech? During the middle of January the Muslim Student Association (MSA) held an Islamic Conference with about 700 students in […] 1. How the Wisconsin Senate Passed Walker’s Bill 2. Video: Upset Protesters Burst Into Wisconsin Capitol Building 3. Video: Founder of U.S. Muslim TV station sentenced for wife’s beheading 4. Video: Coulter: Wisconsin and NPR Victories “These are the battlefields for the nation.” 5. Video: North Korea Nears Completion of Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb 6. […] Colin Firth’s Upcoming Travesty ARNOLD AHLERT If the version of the script read by Big Hollywood columnist Joel B. Pollak is any indication, Best Actor Oscar winner Colin Firth’s next movie may be one in which dramatic license gives way to historical revisionism. Firth will be playing the role of British Assistant District Commissioner Robert Chambers […]
It’s Not Just Al-Qaeda The Muslim Brotherhood also promotes jihad. AND IT’S NOT JUST THOSE TWO THAT PROMOTE JIHAD…SO DO THEIR COUSINS AND THEIR SISTERS AND THEIR AUNTS….AND THEIR “SOLEMN TEXTS”….RSK It is a fact — not an opinion — that al-Qaeda and similar groups are waging what they call a jihad against America, […]
Of Sandmonkey, Peter King, Mao and my Islamophobia: a second letter to Salim Dear Salim, I am sorry I have not responded to your new letter sooner, but my day job here at PJM keeps me a bit busy. Moreover, to be completely honest, I was not really sure what I wanted to say. […] Preaching to the Choir The posting of articles and columns elaborating a conservative point of view isn’t just preaching to the choir, it’s also the opportunity to slowly win hearts and minds. Contributors to conservative sites such as this one are often reminded, and sometimes accused, of merely “preaching to the choir” and thus […] Yesterday’s videotaped revelations by the intrepid James O’Keefe provides welcome grist for many mills. Most obviously, it offers irrefutable evidence that National Public Radio employs elitists who are hostile to Republicans, Tea Party activists, and others derided as gun-toting, white “racists.” The principal focus of the expose filmed last month, Ron Schiller, the network’s […] No Intervention in Libya In the absence of compelling national-security interests, we should stay out. I am against intervention in Libya. In explaining why, four things about the ongoing commentary and handwringing over no-fly zones and other potential U.S. intrusions seem noteworthy. First are the sudden torrents of disdain for Muammar Qaddafi by commentators […]