The Biden Regime Collapses the ‘Public’-‘Private’ Distinction Merging the state and the corporate sphere into one disfigured blob, historically speaking, is a hallmark of actual fascism.  By Josh Hammer

On Thursday, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is also the Show Me State’s candidate for U.S. Senate this November, unveiled some very interesting documents that his office, along with the office of Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, have received since the two states jointly filed a potentially pathbreaking lawsuit in May. Their lawsuit alleges that various high-ranking Biden administration officials have been colluding, in censorious fashion, with the purportedly “private” oligarchs of Big Tech. The straightforward aim of this collusion is the suppression of the dissident “wrongthink”—viz., conservative speech—that threatens the Biden regime’s tenuous grasp on power.

The documents Schmitt and Landry have received, pursuant to their serving of discovery requests and issuing of third-party subpoenas, shine a spotlight on the depths to which the Biden regime has fallen to collapse any putative distinction between the “public” sector and the “private” sector. Their findings thus far in this still-pending litigation reveal to all, as if we needed more evidence but a week after Mark Zuckerberg’s podcast confession heard ’round the world with popular host Joe Rogan, the extent to which Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter no longer qualify as meaningfully “private” and have instead simply become appendages of the state.

According to Schmitt, the Biden Department of Justice has, since Missouri and Louisiana’s lawsuit was filed, identified 45 federal officials who have “interacted with social media companies on misinformation.” What’s more, Meta (Facebook’s parent company) pinpointed 32 additional Biden functionaries with whom it communicated, and YouTube (a Google product) identified 11 such flunkies with whom it communicated.

Medical Breakthrough By Chris Pope

Making conservative health reform popular

For a generation of Republican political candidates, Obamacare was a gift that kept on giving. The Democrats’ enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 gave the GOP historic gains in that year’s midterms; its bungled implementation handed them the Senate in 2014; and soaring premiums helped Donald Trump capture the White House in 2016.

But the Trump administration fell well short of its promises to replace Obamacare with “something terrific,” and many Republicans have become wary of entering a complex policy minefield. This aversion has had electoral consequences: Voters who cited health care as their most important issue cast their ballots three to one for Biden over Trump in November 2020 — accounting for much of the swing from 2016.

Any Republican hoping to win the White House in 2024 cannot simply run against Obamacare, but must have a health-care agenda that is compelling to voters — and, once in office, will need the ability to deliver on it.

With a combination of $1.2 trillion per year in private insurance and $1.9 trillion per year of public spending on health care, Americans enjoy the best access to cutting-edge medical care in the world — without comprehensive rationing of drugs, physician services, or hospital procedures. Yet America’s great willingness to pay for access to ever-improving medical capabilities has led it to neglect keeping costs under control. In November 2021, while 82 percent of Americans rated the quality of the health care they received “excellent” or “good” (only 3 percent judged it “poor”), 77 percent were dissatisfied with the nation’s health-care costs.

Déjà Vu? DOJ’s ‘Classified Documents’ Narrative Feels Like A Get-Trump Trick We’ve Seen Before By: Margot Cleveland

As has been the case with every previous get-Trump effort, the deep state seeks to convict Trump first in the court of public opinion.

Since news first broke of the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, the Department of Justice has primed Americans to believe that former President Donald Trump hid classified documents at his Florida home in defiance of a grand jury subpoena. But even with leaks pushing claims that the documents seized included potential nuclear secrets, the public remains equally split on whether the Biden administration abused its power in targeting Trump.

With criticism of the raid remaining high nearly a month after the FBI executed the search at the former president’s home, the DOJ on Tuesday escalated its public-relations pitch by releasing several documents that seemingly establish that Trump failed to comply with the subpoena and that his representative lied to the government about the documents retained at Mar-a-Lago. While nothing is impossible, this narrative seems extremely unlikely.

Another Week, Another Leak at the IRS The newly supercharged agency shows again that it can’t protect confidential taxpayer data.

‘Speedy” isn’t the first word we associate with the Internal Revenue Service, but the agency hardly wasted a minute in showing why it shouldn’t be trusted with tens of billions of dollars in new funding. Once again it has managed to fail its most basic mandate: Keep taxpayer information private.

The IRS told the press Friday that it had inadvertently published confidential information on its website, with details from about 120,000 filers. “Disclosures included names, contact information and financial information,” the Journal reported.

The error affected taxpayers who filed 990-Ts, which individual retirement account holders use to report certain taxable business income. The data was apparently public for months until the mistake was spotted. The agency believes human error was the cause, with an internal coder accidentally posting private records alongside public corporate records.

How Democracy Dies in Darkness in Five Easy Steps.

Part 1

August 26, 2022

What if you believed that the U.S. was in mortal danger because its elections continually led to the wrong results and policy choices?

What if the “people” were just too ignorant of what was good for them and continually displayed such dangerous cluelessness in how they voted? How could you even work with such chumps, dregs, crazies, clingers, deplorables, and irredeemables?

What if you still gave them lots of chances to reform and become enlightened on climate change, transgenderism, and race relations? And yet still they never appreciated your efforts on their behalf. Instead, they continued to buy AR-15s, or watch NASCAR or buy a RAM 2500 with a 700hp engine.

What if you worked hard to instruct these idiots through the media, social media, the arts, entertainment, foundations, academia, public schools, professional sports, Hollywood, Wall Street, and even the corporate board room—and yet still despite your control of the nation’s messaging and influencing, the dumb electorate voted for ignoramuses and unqualified buffoons?

What then would you be willing to do to save the country?

In a word, you would say “democracy dies in darkness” (darkness as in ignorance). And then you would scream “FORWARD!” And rally, with “YES, WE CAN!”

Then, as the saints you are, you would have to “intervene” extra-legally to save America. There would be no other choice. That is, you would have to destroy democracy to save it.

So, what you would do?

STEP ONE. Go after the wrong-minded Supreme Court. Discredit it. Have senators declare it “illegitimate.” Talk openly of ways the Pentagon or National Parks could avoid or weaken the Court’s rulings by creating sanctuary areas immune from federal jurisdiction.

Have the senate majority leader lead a mob to the court’s very doors and openly threaten conservative justices by name. Threaten their persons by warning that because they sowed the “wind” they would soon reap the “whirlwind” and thus had no idea what would “hit” them. Have mobs surround their houses and violate—with impunity—all federal laws prohibiting such intimidation of justices. In fact, ignore the law entirely and let anyone scream 24/7 outside the incorrect justice’s home.


In presidential election years and midterm years, I have regularly made predictions on the winners, and intend to do the same in the coming months. I think the current cycle is very unsettled. I was skeptical of forecasts for a red wave and giant gains for the GOP, especially in the House, early in the year, and I also don’t think some of the supposedly settled senate races favoring Democrats have really been settled. After reviewing the records of polling firms for many years, it is also apparent that some firms are wrong in one direction routinely and are unreliable. . The Washington Post/ ABC poll had Biden ahead by 17 points in Wisconsin, a week before election day in 2020, in a state he won by 0.7%. Wisconsin, with a few exceptions (when Obama was on the ballot), has always had close statewide contests. I won’t give much weight to the ABC/Post poll on this year ‘s Wisconsin’s senate and governor’s race. If you want the polar opposite-a reliable poll, consider the Des Moines Register surveys, which have tracked results in that state with remarkable accuracy.

I think the GOP has an advantage on issues of concern to most voters-starting with the open border, with illegals numbering close to 4 million crossing in 19 months since Biden decided the best policy was whatever Trump did not do. The migrant surge is from many places, not primarily from Central America or Mexico, and enormous quantities of deadly fentanyl is coming with them. Over 100,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses in a year, which in addition to covid deaths accounts for a loss of 3 years in life expectancy since 2019. Surging crime, especially violent crime and increases in suicide deaths have also contributed. to the life expectancy decline. Nationally, murders are up near 50% in 3 years, as the war on cops initiated by the left and advocacy groups like BLM after George Floyd’s death, led to large jumps in police retirements , the election of district attorneys more sympathetic to criminals than victims, and more aggressive behavior by thugs who think they will likely pay no price for crime.. Today there is much more crime, and many fewer police. It should not be surprising that many people of all races are leaving Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles.

Teachers unions pressed for distance “learning” and it looks like not that much learning took place, with major drops in test scores for public school students, especially those in areas where schools were closed, and particularly among black and Hispanic students. Keeping schools open and teaching basic subjects would do much more for minority kids than DEI initiatives.
Parents who had a chance to see what their kids were learning online, were also shocked to discover how woke politics had moved down the education tree from colleges to high schools, and primary schools. Joe Biden won Virginia by 10%, but Glenn Youngkin defeated a popular former governor by 2% a year later, largely based on a campaign focused on issues, especially education. Americans by enormous margins, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. This usually is not a good sign for the party in power, and incumbents generally.

Then throw in the highest inflation rate in 40 years, a looming or existing recession, rising interest rates, sinking stock prices, and economic fears are growing. All of this favors Republicans.

On the other hand, Democrats will have a huge campaign financing advantage. It is the Republican party which now relies more on small gifts, and Democrats, who are funded by the plutocrats, especially in the tech industry, and the old standbys- Hollywood, trial lawyers, academia, public employee unions. Democrats have had more money to spend, and still have more money on hand to spend in every competitive senate race.

And then there is free media- which also is far more provided to the left than the right. Donald Trump received a lot of free media due to the unusual nature of his candidacy both times he ran. That has changed . Now we have nationally televised prime time coverage of the January 6 commission, with all members of the committee appointed by the Speaker, and all members in the bag with their conclusions before the first day of testimony . Then throw in Hollywood allies of the Democrats stage managing the hearings. Of course, maybe you disagree and think Jamie Raskin was openminded on the subject at the start.

The Democrats have also gotten an enthusiasm boost from the Dobbs decision on abortion rights. This will likely result in a wide gender gap this year, and increased turnout by Democrats, who lagged in this department earlier in the year.

The Democrats are also winning the distraction battle- focusing on January 6, Donald Trump, the GOP’s supposed “semi fascist ultra maga” supporters , the invented “assault on democracy”, the Mar A lago raid, and did I mention Donald Trump? If Trump remains the big news story through November, it will be a good year for Democrats.

It is somewhat amazing that a campaign speech by the president who ran on unifying the country, will be delivered and broadcast in prime time, and enable him to slander half the voting population. Then again, anyone who has seen Biden deliver “remarks” of late, has seen an angry dim-witted man, and maybe this is unappealing to voters who are not locked in their partisan corners. The dim-witted part , of course, has been evident for most of Biden’s career. It is remarkable to consider the cynicism which produced his candidacy (with most of his opponents ordered to drop out after South Carolina) so that the real powers that be could manipulate and hide Biden and avoid a Sanders nomination, which might have sunk the Democrats in 2020.

This is not a pleasant stew to consider digesting, Things are moving in different directions politically. I think it is possible that Republicans win control of both the Senate and House, or that Democrats retain control of both. It is also possible, and maybe a bit more likely, that each party win one of the houses of congress, with Dems ahead in the Senate contest, Republicans in the House. But the races are close, just as the current split between the parties in congress is near equal. And even though, Biden and the Democrats won in 2020 by 7 million votes out of 158 million cast, a shift of 25,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin , (less than 0.3% of the votes in those states), would have enabled Trump to win a second term. If Democrats do not understand why Republicans care so much about the Hunter Biden laptop story and social media cancellation of it, this is because they believe, and it is almost certainly true, that had this story not been suppressed, the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption might have shifted the few votes needed by Trump to win in 2020 (Biden won all of the states decided by 2% or less). . And it is of course also true that Trump likely would have lost in 2016, had Jim Comey not reopened the Hillary Clinton investigation 11 days before the election, due to the contents on Anthony Weiner’s computer which were words, and not photographs. Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all by less than 1% in 2016.

The Great Unraveling is Now Upon Us — It’s ALL Breaking Down With Stunning Speed by Mike Adams

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels. North Americans won’t be spared either, as rolling blackouts and food scarcity will dramatically worsen in the coming months.

Food, fertility, energy, transportation and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled demolition of the western world. And taking its place will be the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more to join soon) that control most of the world’s commodities, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold.

Western governments are waging genocidal wars against their own people

Informed Americans are fleeing US cities as lawlessness and violence take hold. The FBI and DOJ have been fully weaponized into a lawless crime cartel that terrorizes America’s conservatives. The CDC, FDA and WHO continue to push deadly “vaccine” shots that are killing people by the millions, and Big Tech — which we now know rigged the 2020 election by censoring the true story of Hunter Biden’s laptop — is pushing woke transgenderism while protecting groomers, child mutilators and abortion mass murderers.

The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time.

Joe Biden Demonizes Trump Supporters in Unhinged Prime Time Diatribe: ‘MAGA Forces’ Are ‘a Threat to this Country;’ ‘Fanning Flames of Violence’ By Debra Heine

In a prime time speech to the nation Thursday night, Joe Biden targeted about half of the citizens in the United States with an unhinged message of condemnation, calling those who support former President Donald Trump “MAGA forces” who are a “threat to this country.”

The Biden White House has sharpened its attacks against its political enemies in recent weeks, calling out Trump supporters a far-right “extremist threat” to Democracy who are motivated by an ideology of “semi-fascism.”

To justify the attacks, the White House has cited what it calls “attempts to undermine the right to vote (voter integrity laws that most Americans support),  support for laws banning or restricting abortion, and talk of repealing gay marriage.

Biden’s speech on the “battle for the soul of the nation” at Philadelphia‘s Independence National Historical Park was his second appearance in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania this week. Biden also took the opportunity to attack “MAGA” Republicans during an political rally in the Keystone State on Tuesday touting his latest gun grab.

Biden’s unhinged remarks targeting his political enemies have been seen by many Republicans in recent days as a dangerous dog-whistle to radical left-wing groups like antifa and Black Lives Matter, to attack conservatives.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” Biden intoned. To appear fair, he sought to differentiate Trump supporters from more liberal Republicans.

Biden Chooses New IRS Agents Over Border Security By the time you read this, 5 million illegals will have entered our country since he took over.Jenny Beth Martin

By the time you read this, 5 million illegal immigrants will have entered our country since Joe Biden took over the presidency. That’s a stunning number, a number that destroys all previous records. You might think that with an all-out assault like that on our immigration laws, Biden would be begging the Congress for tens of billions of dollars to hire more Border Patrol and ICE agents to better get a handle on the surge of illegal immigration.

If you thought that, you’d be wrong. Instead, Biden asked Congress for funding for 87,000 new IRS employees, so he could double the number of audits targeted at middle-class taxpayers.

Clearly, Biden doesn’t mind that many illegal border crossers. That’s a fair deduction, given his decision to stop enforcing our immigration laws.

That Biden actually made a decision to stop enforcing our immigration laws is evident – not just on our southwestern border, where the number of encounters with illegal aliens is at an all-time high, but throughout the rest of the country, where more than a million so-called “asylum seekers” are allowed to live while awaiting their immigration court dates (for which a huge percentage will never show up).

Top Med Schools Weed Out DEI-Skeptical Applicants, New Report Finds By Isaac Schorr

The best medical schools in the country are weeding out applicants who are insufficiently devoted to the leftist creed of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), according to a new report released by the non-profit Do No Harm.

Do No Harm, a nonprofit dedicated to “protect[ing] healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology,” conducted an analysis of medical school application processes which found that these selective institutions are raising an additional barrier to entry on top of the strenuous testing and grade requirements.

“A review of the admissions process at 50 of the top-ranked medical schools found that 36 asked applicants their views on, or experience in, DEI efforts,” reads the Do No Harm report, which was obtained by National Review. “Many were overt in asking applicants if they agreed with certain statements about racial politics and the causes of disparate health outcomes.”

According to the report, medical schools are asking these questions in order to “turn ideological support for health equity and social justice initiatives into a credential that increases an applicant’s chance of acceptance,” “screen out dissenters,” and “signal to all applicants that they are expected to support this new cause.”

“Top medical schools have woven their commitment to woke politics into their application process, asking future doctors to prove their commitment to divisive ideologies or risk being rejected from medical school.” concludes the report.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb founded Do No Harm after serving as associate dean at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. In his view, the use of ideologically slanted application questions will stunt the development of those applicants who do make it through the gauntlet to enter a top medical school.