Big government doesn’t come cheaply. According to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) figures released Monday, the budget deficit for February hit a staggering $223 billion – meaning the Obama administration added more in debt last month than was borrowed in all of 2007. It’s no secret that these mounting bills must eventually come due in […] By Seth McLaughlin Saying extremist elements of Islam are a real threat that need to be confronted, House Republican leaders on Tuesday defended the Homeland Security Committee chairman’s decision to begin hearings this week to investigate the inroads radical Muslims have made in America. But Democrats, as well as religious and civil rights groups […]
Our World: Women’s surprising defenders By CAROLINE B. GLICK Whereas many feminists obscure the plight of women and girls in the Islamic world, a haredi group is rescuing Jewish women and children.Talkbacks (27) Every few months, we are presented with media reports about Jewish women rescued from their Muslim husbands in the Palestinian Authority […] Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” at 65 Posted By Paul Kengor ONLY ONE MAN TODAY IS OUR CHURCHILL AND HIS NAME IS GEERT WILDERS….RSK It took the rest of the world a while to awaken to Churchill’s reality. When it did, it recognized the prime minister as a political prophet. But on March 5, 1946, Winston […]
Somali defense minister says reports indicate American who joined insurgents killed in battle | Somali defense minister says reports indicate American who joined insurgents killed in battle By ABDI GULED and JASON STRAZIUSO , Associated Press MOGADISHU, Somalia – Somalia’s defense minister said Tuesday that intelligence reports indicate that an American from Alabama […] (CNN) — This time it was the intruder who called 911. A man who broke into a house in Portland, Oregon, called police — afraid the homeowner may have a gun. The suspect, Timothy James Chapek, was in the bathroom taking a shower when the homeowner returned to the house Monday night, Portland police […] CNN’s ‘Expert on Extremism’: ‘Radical Right’ Bigger Threat Than Jihadis By: Matthew Balan Mark Potok of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center claimed on Monday’s Newsroom on CNN that radical Islam wasn’t “our biggest domestic terror threat,” that instead, “that pretty clearly comes from the radical right in this country.” Anchor Suzanne Malveaux touted […]
Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Professor of International Law,Department of Political Science,Purdue University History takes no sharp corners. Despite ongoing and very consequential current upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa, the core issues and principles of war and peace remain essentially unchanged. For Israel, this means keeping an ever-sharp focus on the […]
By ABDULATEEF AL-MULHIM | ARAB NEWS Arab League fails to wake up to ME crisis THE Arab League was formed in Cairo on March 22, 1945 with seven members — Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. The number of Arab states that have joined the Arab League over time has increased to […] ANDREW BOSTOM: Uncovering the roots of Islamic radicalization King hearings should probe imams whose teachings threaten Americans Despite opposition from the usual Muslim Brotherhood offshoot “advocacy” groups in the United States, Rep. Peter King is forging ahead with hearings Thursday on what he terms domestic “Muslim radicalization.” Mr. King, New York Republican, has cited […]