TRUTH IN REPORTING: JOHN BERNARD We have another brilliant example of how people can be so fundamentally blinded to an obvious contradiction. Ever since Representative Giffords was gunned down in a public parking lot in Arizona two days ago, those bastions of truth have worked at a feverish pitch in the hope of grafting the gunman to any political […]

JAMES ZUMWALT: OBFUSCATING THE NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT Today, the greatest threat in history to our democracy is that posed by Islamic extremism. Earlier generations of free societies were able to recognize, understand and defeat earlier threats to its existence posed by Nazism and Communism because those threats were made clear to them. But, the threat posed by Islamism to America remains obfuscated by […]

THE SULTAN: THE CRIME OF BUILDING A HOUSE The Crime of Building a House In Niger, two Frenchmen were murdered by their Islamic kidnappers. Saudi Arabia sentenced a 23 year old girl who was gang raped to a year in prison and 100 lashes. Iran arrested two dozen Christians for the crime of being well… Christians. Which of these awful things did […]


Death Orders Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Anna Geifman, a Professor of History at Boston University, where she teaches classes on imperial Russia and the USSR, psychohistory, and modern terrorism. She is also Senior Researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Her most recent book is Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: A TRIBUTE TO ISRAEL’S RETIRING HEAD OF THE MOSSAD MEIR DAGAN Saluting Meir Dagan Posted by P. David Hornik Last week Meir Dagan stepped down after heading Israel’s Mossad since 2002. He turned the reins over to Tamir Pardo, who was Dagan’s deputy for two stints and is seen as ensuring continuity with his tough, results-oriented approach. Dagan’s parting words on Thursday to the Knesset […]

MOSHE DANN: ISRAEL’S PHONY “POPULATION CRISIS’ Israel’s Phony Population Crisis Posted By Moshe Dann Many warn that Israel faces a demographic crisis. Their fear — that the growing Arab population between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River will endanger the Jewish and democratic state of Israel — is utter nonsense. The truth has been distorted by manipulated information. Promoted by […]

HOW AMERICA TREATS ITS MENTALLY ILL: BENJAMIN KERSTEIN….SEE NOTE PLEASE Loughner and How America Treats Its Mentally Ill Posted By Benjamin Kerstein THIS IS A TOUCHING COLUMN BUT THE MUST READ ABOUT HOW AMERICA TREATS ITS MENTALLY ILL IS THIS BOOK: Madness in the Streets : How Psychiatry and the Law Abandoned the Mentally Ill [Paperback] by Rael Jean Isaac and Virginia Armat When […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: A HORRID CRIME AND A DISHONEST DEBATE A Horrid Crime, a Dishonest Debate The same Left that embraces terrorist Bill Ayers seeks a tactical victory in Tucson. On June 5, 1968, a deranged 25-year-old Jordanian named Sirhan Sirhan slithered through a crowd toward Sen. Robert Kennedy as the Democratic presidential candidate basked in the glow of his California presidential primary triumph. […]

IS THE UK’S CAMERON “PANDAING” TO CHINA? RAY COOK Ray Cook on January 11th, 2011 Trade links between the UK and China are very important. Why? Because China is emerging as the superpower and economic giant of the 21st century whilst the United States is in deep financial difficulties. The Chinese market is huge. EU countries are falling over themselves to make deals […]

OMAR BASHIR, THE ONE THAT OBAMA IS STROKING NOW IN HIS OWN WORDS Sudanese president: “Sharia law has always stipulated that one must whip, cut, or kill” He said it. Is Omar al-Bashir some kind of Islamophobe? No, he is looking forward to using the outcome of southern Sudan’s independence referendum to ramp up Sharia law within the remainder of the country. Religious minorities in the north […]