SHARIA IMPOSED IN SOMALIA…BAN ON HANDSHAKES AND MEN AND WOMEN WALKING OR TALKING TOGETHER…SEE NOTE,7340,L-4010580,00.html SOMALI REFUGEES, NOW NATURALIZED HAVE A VERY STRONG AND AGGRESSIVE PRESENCE IN MINNESOTA….AND MANY YOUNG MEN HAVE LEFT TO JOIN THE JIHAD IN SOMALIA….RSK Somali Islamists ban men, women from shaking hands Al-Qaeda also bans unrelated men, women from speaking, walking together in public Al-Qaeda-linked militants in war-torn southern Somalia have banned unrelated men […]


Castro: Israel, US killed nuke scientists,7340,L-4010509,00.html Cuban revolutionist blames Mossad, secret services of US, UK for recent assassination of Iranian scientist. ‘I don’t remember another time in history when killing of scientists was official policy of powers armed with WMDs,’ he writes in local paper Former Cuban President Fidel Castro on Friday accused Israel, […]

APPALLING: 14 HEADLESS BODIES FOUND ON A STREET IN ACAPULCO 14 headless bodies found in Mexico resort city Victims left on a street near a shopping center in Acapulco ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Police found the bodies of 15 slain men, 14 of them headless, on a street outside a shopping center in the Pacific coast resort of Acapulco on Saturday. Police in the […]

JACK STRAW OF THE UK ACCUSES MOSLEM MEN OF ABUSING YOUNG WHITE GIRLS….SEE NOTE GEEZ THIS MUST HAVE BEEN AN OFF DAY FOR THE STRAW MAN BECAUSE HE SPENDS MOST OF HIS TIME SLAMMING ISRAEL….RSK If you want an example of the official “conspiracy of silence” that has allegedly allowed hundreds of vulnerable white girls in some towns to be abused by Asian men, the case of Ajmal […]

DIANA WEST: THE LIGHTS ARE GOING OUT IN DENMARK….URGENT I am posting (below) a letter from the Danish Free Press Society, the parent organization of the International Free Press Society, of which I am vice president. It is of urgent importance. It tells of the terrible turn of events in Denmark, which for years now has bravely spearheaded the West’s fights to save […]

THE CONSTITUION FETISH: ANDREW McCARTHY The Constitution Fetish Progressives are hot for Wickard v. Filburn, not the Constitution. Is there anything richer than a gaggle of smarmy progressives snickering at the conservative “Constitution fetish”? “Fetish” is the fashionable Left’s latest suggestive imagery turned talking point, a dig at the new Republican majority in the House, which began its session […]

MEMORY LANE: THE JEWISH PALESTINE LEGION IN WORLD WAR 2 In another leader quoted in the Jewish Chronicle (10 April 1942) , the Manchester Guardian stated that the Palestine Censor had thickly obscured the political situation in the Middle East, and “presumably we have been suffered to hear so little because there is so little good we could have heard. Except in one point […]


QUESTION:WHO SAID THIS? “The collection of any taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny.  The wise and correct course to follow in taxation is not to destroy those who have already secured success but to create conditions under […]

ANTI-SEMITISM GOES VIRAL: ADRIAN MORGAN Anti-Semitism Goes Viral FSM: Anti-Semitism Watch, The Editor, The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report Seattle Bus Campaign Update The last article in this series concerned 12 anti-Israeli posters which had been planned by an anti-Zionist cabal to adorn buses in the Seattle area. The article brought pro-Palestinians to FSM to express their outrage. It was also picked […]

THE MADNESS OF BARKING DOGS: THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Madness of Barking Dogs The session has just begun, but the media is already declaring that the Republican congress has failed. After 2 years, the only bad thing they can bring themselves to say is that Obama has not fully and properly communicated his wonderfulness to the ignorant masses. […]