BY VICTOR SHARPE— So take it, Israel, and take it soon, for the Muslim Brotherhood neither sleeps nor rests, and time in this instance is most assuredly not on Israel’s side. Despite the present “assurances” from the Egyptian military that they will continue to honor the peace treaty, it is imperative for the Jewish […] The Tragedy of American Education by Srdja Trifkovic Chronicles Online, February 15th, 2011 Robert E. Holloway is a high school teacher in suburban Northern Virginia. He is probably considered a decent man by his neighbors, a competent educator by his peers, and a figure of some authority by his students. He is the embodiment […]
Austrian Court Upholds Islam’s Blasphemy Rules – By Nina Shea – The Corner – National Review Online Austrian Court Upholds Islam’s Blasphemy Rules Nina Shea, Today, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a young Viennese mother, was convicted under section 283 of the Austrian penal code of vilifying religious teachings for her negative commentary on Islam in […],1518,745526,00.html “Caution is the watchword,” writes Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan, referring to the tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Ramadan, its leaders know that “now is not the time to expose itself.” Islam’s Spiritual ‘Dear Abby’ The Voice of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood By Alexander Smoltczyk He is a hypermarket of dogma, dispensing advice on […]
RUBIO IS SO ARTICULATE ON JOBS, OBAMACARE, ECONOMY AND DEFENSE….THIS STATEMENT IS A LITTLE ANEMIC…AND HE NEEDS A LITTLE BRUSHING UP ON FOREIGN POLICY AND THE VARIOUS THREATS TO THE US…..BUT HE SURE IS A STAR….AND ROS LEHTINEN IS SUPER GOOD….RSK Two Florida politicians in Washington are reacting in slightly different ways to the Egyptian […] WHAT ARE UNDERGRADUATES LEARNING AND: DECLINE AND REVIVAL OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION Amid despair, there is still hope that the West will find the anti-toxin to cure what ails us. By now almost every American has heard the lamentation about American primary and secondary education: our children are failing to meet even minimal standards […] THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF TIME FOR CRITICISM…HE’S THE FIRST ONE TRYING TO SPOTLIGHT THIS ISSUE…GIVE HIM A CHANCE AND A BREAK…..RSK King’s Speech… Robert Costa Rep. Peter King battles Islamic radicalism — and political correctness. Rep. Peter King, the New York Republican who chairs the Homeland Security Committee, will hold hearings next month […] Stop the Presses: Shutting Down the Civil Rights Commission’s Investigation of DOJ President Obama and Harry Reid have used their appointment powers to stop the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ investigation into the New Black Panther Party voter-intimidation case. (Don’t miss James Poulos’ PJTV interview with von Spakovsky and J. Christian Adams from CPAC.) […] Military Voting Accountability Starts Today: J.CHRISTIAN ADAMS Today, there will be testimony before Congress about the Department of Justice’s failure to protect the rights of military voters in 2010. Expect to hear two wildly different accounts of the DOJ’s behavior. Today, two very different stories will be heard at a hearing before Congress. Eric […]
BBC highlights exhibition of Israeli “war crimes” in Gaza by German photographer who uses Nazi analogies with Israel As a leading player in the global deligitimisation campaign, it is never a surprise when the BBC lashes out against the Jewish state. Sometimes, though, the presence of an agenda against Israel is more blatant than […]