FRANK GAFFNEY: A TIME TO CHOOSE FOR CONSERVATIVES Tonight, World Net Daily continued its pathbreaking coverage of what amounts to an assault on the conservative movement.  Ironically, this assault is not coming from outside the movement’s ranks.  Rather, it is being perpetrated by some of the key organizers of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month in Washington. First, WND […]

SOL STERN: UNDER FIRE…. A REVIEW OF JONATHAN SPYER’S NEW BOOK Under Fire By Sol Stern Returning from Lebanon, 2006. The second Lebanon war in the summer of 2006 forced Israelis to come to grips with the definitive end of the Oslo era and the shattering of two fundamental assumptions about the nature of their conflict with the Palestinians. The first was that the struggle […]

THE SULTAN: ISLAMIC TERROR IS AN INSIDE JOB Islamic Terrorism is an Inside Job At the start of the new year, the Governor of Punjab was murdered because he had opposed the call by Pakistan’s Islamists to execute a Christian woman on false blasphemy charges arising out of her harassment by her Muslim neighbors. The murderer was one of his own security […]

HIT AND RUN JOURNALISM….TARRING ISRAEL: LEO RENNERT Hit-and-run Journalism — The Way to Tar Israel Leo Rennert On New Year’s Eve, there was a Palestinian-instigated protest at a West Bank village against Israel’s security barrier.  There’s one every week at this particular location — it’s well-rehearsed political theater to stoke anti-Israel propaganda.   Except this time, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad […]

A CHALLENGE TO OPPONENTS OF “ANCHOR BABIES” Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment Opponents of illegal immigration cannot claim to champion the rule of law and then propose policies that violate our Constitution. By JAMES C. HO A coalition of state legislators, motivated by concerns about illegal immigration, is expected to endorse state-level legislation today at the National Press Club in […]

THE STATES VERSUS OBAMACARE:HERE COME THE GOVERNORS AND ATTORNEY GENERALS As new state attorneys general take office in the coming weeks, I expect an increase in the number of states challenging the law in court. By PAM BONDI Ms. Bondi is the attorney general of Florida. This week begins the inauguration and swearing-in ceremonies for newly elected officials all over the country. One thing […]

ISRAEL’S STAND AGAINST ISLAMISM HOLDS: P. DAVID HORNIK….SEE NOTE PLEASE Israel’s Stand Against Islamism Holds Posted By P. David Hornik NICE AND OPTIMISTIC BOOK BY SPYER, BUT ISRAEL’S GOVERNMENT INCLUDING THE FAUX HARDLINERS ARE PREPARED TO ENABLE A JIHADIST STATE IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA….RSK In his new book, The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict [1], Jonathan Spyer maintains that what was […]

TWO LOSERS….THE GOVERNATOR AND BLOOMBERG: BY JONAH GOLDBERG Duo’s Undoing Bloomberg, Schwarzenegger, and the perils of “pragmatism” ‘Unfortunately, partisan politics has immobilized Washington,” New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg told Time magazine in 2007. Bloomberg, according to Michael Grunwald’s cover story, was the diminutive half of a dynamic duo revolutionizing American politics. The other partner: California’s then-still-shiny governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Together, they […]

GERMAN MEDIA CONDEMN JIHAD AGAINST THE COPTS….,1518,737493,00.html Global leaders have condemned the deadly New Year’s Day attack outside a Coptic Christian Church in Egypt that killed 21 people. On Monday, German editorialists call for greater protection for religious minorities living in the Arab country — and warn further attacks may be imminent. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned a deadly attack […]


Andrew C. McCarthy Another National-Security Flip-Flop The Obama Left has changed its mind about executive power. No sooner did Victor Davis Hanson compile a prodigious list of national-security flip-flops by the Obama Left (posted on the Corner under the title “If We Say It Is, It Is . . . ”[1]) than we learned […]