Cyber victory in Iran Op-ed: Derailment of Iran’s nuclear program is greatest under-reported news story of 2010 Charley J. Levine,7340,L-3084,00.html Three attacks on developing nuclear centers have occurred in the world, the most recent scant months ago. It is amazing that the year 2010, pegged universally as crunch time regarding Iran’s atomic ambitions, ended […]

JOSH MANDEL OHIO’S STATE TREASURER SWORN IN WITH HIS GUNNERY SGT. Ohio Treasurer-elect Josh Mandel of Lyndhurst will be sworn in today in a ceremony on the floor of the House of Representatives, with John Ratzenberger (Yes, Cliff from Cheers … What’s up with that?”) serving as the emcee. Also grabbing the microphone will be Mandel’s Marine Corps drill instructor, retired Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Akins. […]

MARILYN PENN: MADE IN CHINA MARKETED IN NEW YORK The weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal featured a front page article written by Amy Chua, a Yale Law professor who is plugging her forthcoming book which I won’t plug for her.  The article that is excerpted from her book is titled “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” and the editor’s subtitle is “Can […]

ABOUT GEORGE FRIEDMAN AND GEOSTRATEGY…..GARBAGE UNDER THE GUISE OF STRATEGY “Restoring balance to that region, and then to U.S. policy more generally, will require steps during the next decade that will be seen as controversial, to say the least. As I argue in the chapters that follow, the United States must quietly distance itself from Israel. It must strengthen (or at least put an […]

DAVID GOLDMAN ON GEORGE FRIEDMAN AND GEOSTRATEGY McStrategy George Friedman built a private, subscription-based CIA. But is his intel any good? How would you like to tap into an exclusive private intelligence service staffed by ex-CIA analysts who glean exclusive information from shadowy sources, cross-grid raw intel to detect relevant patterns, and alert you by email when the product requires your […]

PHYLLIS CHESLER: THE DEATH OF FREE SPEECH IN EUROPE **** On February 24, 2011, the distinguished Lars Hedegaard, the President of the Danish Free Press Society and the International Free Press Society, will stand trial for telling the truth about Islamic gender apartheid. Europe, once the birthplace of freedom, is fast becoming its graveyard. True, the Church tortured and burned many geniuses as heretics; […]

MAJOR DICK WINTERS WHO LED EASY COMPANY IN WW11: RIP The Eagle Flies Posted By Richard Fernandez Major Dick Winters [1], who led Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion died on January 2, 2011 at 92.  He was buried today [2] at a private ceremony.  Easy was part of the Airborne spearhead on D-Day. It campaigned in France, in the Low Countries […]

KEVIN MYERS: HOW MANY MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS CAN A SOCIETY TAKE AND STILL RETAIN THE QUALITIES THAT MAKE IT AN ATTRACTIVE SOCIETY? By Kevin Myers YOU really can take your pick from the interconnected headlines of the past fortnight: the church-massacres of Christians in Egypt and Iraq by al-Qa’ida, and the murder of the governor of the Punjab, followed by a petition of support for his killer from 500 “moderate” Islamic scholars in Pakistan. Closer to […]


The ‘peace machine’ failed Op-ed: For Arabs, ‘back to the future’ means return to 1948, genocide of Jews, Israel’s elimination,7340,L-4011111,00.html Theoretically, had the peace machine worked correctly, and everyone played their roles and lightening struck the clock tower at the right time, past mistakes would be corrected and the world would be transported into […]


Will Conservative Media Elites Defend Lars Hedegaard? (Including, “A Guide for the Islamically-Perplexed”) January 10th, 2011 (43 seconds ago) by Andrew Bostom | No Comments 0 visitors have read this article This essay is also posted at Pajamas Media: Conservative Free Speech Diehards—or Blowhards? This past Friday, 1/7/11, I received a plaintive appeal on behalf […]