by Efraim Karsh Turbulent times often breed nostalgia for a supposedly idyllic past. Viewing the upheavals sweeping the Middle East as a mass expression of outrage against oppression, eminent historian Bernard Lewis fondly recalled past regional order. “The sort of authoritarian, even dictatorial regimes that rule most of the countries in the modern Islamic […] JOSH GERSTEIN Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans ‘my people’ Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American. Holder’s frustration over the criticism became evident during […] Muslims Plan March On Washington To Support A United Shariah Of America As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks…..,errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. […] Channel 4 is not ‘Promising’ for British Jews. Many British Jews woke up this morning feeling a little less welcome living in the UK. The overall feeling of watching the four episodes of The Promise is one of inciting racial hatred.And it says a lot about the current UK environment that anti-Jewish propaganda is now […]
Selected updates on the random insanity from the enemy state Obama expected to reciprocate our outreach, from Is Iran’s Fist Still Clenched. A check-in in on extended hands, carrots and sticks, reset buttons, walls of fear, and miscellaneous other hackneyed smart power metaphors in Central Asia and beyond. Iran’s Fist Is Still Clenched… With A […]
Radical Islamists Propose Camp for Children of “All Religions” in Rural New York Posted By Lisa Graas On March 1, 2011 This popular post was first published here on Feb. 18, 2011. Residents of the Lake Luzerne area of New York have Muslim visitors from New York City bearing what some might consider to […] There is a division of the house. On one side are the politically correct in government, the leftist mainstream media, and a raft of Islamist apologists. One and all are tripping over each other in reassuring us that the mass murderers such as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and suicide bombers who detonate their explosive […] On Wisconsin, Obama Appeals to Fear Posted By Rich Trzupek WELL NATCH! THE UNIONS DROVE REGISTRATION AND VOTING FOR THE DEMS…THEY USED FUNDS FROM MEMBERS FOR POLITICAL ACTIVITY….BUT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, THANKS TO WISCONSIN NOW SEES HOW UNION GOVERNMENT WORKERS’ PAY AND BENEFITS EXCEEDS THOSE OF US VETERANS…RSK,,,, It was only last Tuesday that […] The Times THE TIMES(£) reports that half the board of the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics, which has received money from Libya among other Arab dictatorships, has called for a boycott of Israel, the one democracy in the Middle East. It figures. Now, apparently, there are some red faces: The […]
Israelis in no mood for massive protests and that includes Israeli Arabs Leo Rennert Take a look at the news coverage of mass protests throughout the Arab world and you will see regional maps pointing to turmoil from Tunisia to Bahrain. Except in a tiny, barely visible country wedged between Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and […]