Glenn Beck’s Mindless Critics On The Muslim Brotherhood | NewsReal Blog Glenn Beck’s Mindless Critics On The Muslim Brotherhood Joseph Klein, Glenn Beck has hit back effectively against his critics – from the Left as usual, but some also from the Right – who believe that his warnings about the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood are […] The Center Didn’t Hold By W. James Antle, III on 2.10.11 @ 6:09AM In 2006, Virginia sent an interesting and unlikely Democrat to the U.S. Senate. Jim Webb was a decorated Marine who served as Ronald Reagan’s secretary of the navy. He left the administration to oppose defense budget cuts, especially those which threatened the […]
There’s Willful Blindness, and Then There’s Willful StupidityBy Andrew C. McCarthy James Clapper, the head of intelligence for the United States of America, has explained to Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” It further has “eschewed violence,” decries al-Qaeda as a “perversion of Islam,” and really just wants “social ends” and “a betterment […] Betraying the Brits By ARTHUR HERMAN Documents from Wiki Leaks indicate that the Obama administration, desperate to get the Russians to sign the new START treaty, agreed to pass on secret information about the British nuclear arsenal — right down to the serial numbers of the warheads. In 2009, the United States lobbied Britain […] Many believe that the Obama administration are just screw-ups. If only that were the case | In the midst of the political turmoil engulfing Egypt and much of the Arab world, last month’s revelation that Pakistan has doubled the size of its nuclear arsenal over the past four years has been largely ignored. […]
George Soros: I challenge you to confront reality — and the truth By David Suissa Our personalities and characters are guided by our actions, not the other way around. We become our actions. And you, Mr. Soros? | Dear Mr. Soros: I saw that you wrote in The Washington Post last week that Israel […]
Assessing America’s Foes By Paul Johnson VIGILANCE AND PATIENCE TO RIDE OUT ISLAM? HARDLY ENOUGH….. | Which is the bigger threat to the U.S. and its vital interests — Islamic terrorism or China’s economic and military expansion? History teaches that extremist phases in Islam’s development come and go and that the present surge of […] Another Tack: No one to trust By Sarah Honig “We make our fortunes and then we call them fate.”– Benjamin Disraeli Democracy above all mandates a preexisting mind-set. It rests on transparency, literacy, tolerance, the rule of law, a context of equity, prevailing rights-oriented legalisms, an autonomous judiciary and nonviolent transfers of power. This […]
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Prince Charles to Global Warming Skeptics: “How Can You Face Your Grandchildren and Admit You. Prince Charles to Global Warming Skeptics: “How Can You Face Your Grandchildren and Admit You Failed Their Future?”… He might be a prince to the Brits, but to everyone else he’s King Moonbat. […] William Hague – Israel’s Fairweather Friend – and Little Sir Echo from the Camel Corps: “We Will All Suffer if Israel Persists in this Present Course of Trying to Survive by Force of Arms” The actress Joan Collins once cruelly said of William Hague that he looks like a foetus. None of us can […]