BRET STEPHENS: EGYPT’S PRISON OF HATE Egypt’s Prison of Hate You know a country is in trouble when it blames shark attacks on the Mossad. Following the New Year’s Eve massacre of a score of Coptic Christian worshippers outside a church in Alexandria, Egyptians are wasting no time fingering the likely culprit. “With careful consideration,” observes commentator Ammar Ali Hassan […]

THE TRIBE OF BNEI MENASHE IN INDIA: PART OF THE FAMILY NOW Lost & Found By Aryeh Tepper In 1974, a strange letter from northeastern India landed on the desk of Israel’s then Prime Minister Golda Meir. It was sent by a group of Indians claiming to be descendants of the tribe of Menashe, one of the ten tribes “lost” to Jewish history after the Assyrians […]

BIG PEACE INTERVIEW WITH DR.PAUL KENGOR ON THE DUPES OF THE YEAR This is the most recent installment of exclusive interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College, on his book revealing how communists, from Moscow to New York to Chicago, have long manipulated America’s liberals/progressives. Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century is based on an unprecedented […]


Brzezinski’s wild take on China By Jennifer Rubin Zbigniew Brzezinski fancies himself a “realist” in foreign affairs. But his outlook (for example his notion of an imposed peace deal in the Middle East or, worse, his suggestion to shoot down Israeli planes en route to attack Iran) evidences little recognition of the real-world interests […]

DAPHNE ANSON: THE VULTURES ARE CIRCLING “And in this coming year we who love and admire Israel – we who know that Israel’s cause is the cause of all free peoples everywhere, and that if Israel falls, we shall be next in line for the jihadists – must step up our work. A ruthless war of delegitimisation against Israel is […]

IN THE UK CONVERTS T ISLAM GET PRISON PERKS….EVEN SERIAL KILLLER UK: Serial killer to convert to Islam to get prison perks In British prisons, Muslims get preferential treatment, so it is only natural that non-Muslim prisoners would want to convert. More dhimmitude from Absurd Britannia: “Korma Chameleon: Killer Turns Muslim For Curry,” by Andy Gardiner in the Daily Star, January 2 (thanks to Twostellas): […]

CONGRESS, NOT THE COURTS MUST LEAD: ANDREW McCARTHY Congress Must Lead, Not the Courts Republicans cannot punt hard decisions to the judges. The new Congress begins its session this week with historically rare fortifications: swelling ranks of Republican freshmen and a clear mandate to roll back Obama’s administrative statism. For the GOP, it is a short lease on a second life, won […]

CAL THOMAS: HOUSE GOP SMART TO INAUGURATE THEIR RETURN BY READING THE CONSTITUTION The new House Republican leadership is smart to inaugurate their return to power by reading aloud the U.S. Constitution on the House floor. Recalling America’s founding principles is never a bad idea. To some on the left, though, the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says, but is to be interpreted by judges and politicians. […]


Beware of Palestinians Bearing Demographic Numbers Yoram Ettinger, Second Thought,7340,L-4008247,00.html The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) declared in December, 2010 that 2014 will, ostensibly, usher in a Jewish-Arab demographic parity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean followed by an Arab majority. That projection has been reverberated by Israeli demographers and politicians, who […]

EGYPT AND THE DESTRUCTION OF CHURCHES…..SEE NOTE PLEASE WHY THE SURPRISE HERE? EGYPT IS THE HOME OF AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY THE LOCUS OF SHARIA AND JIHAD TEACHING ….RSK Over the past few days, Christian churches have been attacked in at least two countries — Nigeria and Egypt — while small packages containing improvised explosive devices were placed on the doorsteps of Christian families […]