Last year, the Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project conducted a survey of opinion in several Muslim countries. The subject was the proper role of Islam in politics and society. One of the countries surveyed was Egypt, and among other discoveries, the Pew researchers found that 84 percent of Egyptians favor the death penalty […]
DEAR E-PALS: WE ARE DROWNING IN SO MUCH INK, SO MUCH BLATHER, SO MANY GUESSES, SO MUCH IGNORANT CONJECTURE. HERE, AS A SERVICE TO YOU ALL I HAVE IT IN SUMMARY. MUBARAK BAD….REALLY BAD…A THUG, A REALLY RICH CROOK, A MONSTER…..AND SUPERANNUATED HOW LONG CAN HE LAST? THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: REALLY WORSE….SPONSORING SHARIA, BEHEADINGS, HONOR […] Presidential Boots Too Big To Fill “Obama is not Reagan. He’s not FDR or even JFK. He hardly even qualifies as Carter. The media has been so busy dressing him up as what he isn’t, that even they have no idea of what he really is. In the 90’s, Time knew who Clinton was. […] “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative,” Jerusalem, Israel Mideast Turmoil and Israel’s Security Requirements Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative” Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #240 1. The dramatic developments in Tunisia and Egypt – and the potential regional destabilizing ripple effects which could dwarf the Egyptian upheaval – have a dramatic impact on the state […] Democracy or Jew-Hatred? More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests Posted By John Rosenthal In response to my PJM article [1] documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only […]
Honor Killings in Europe by Valentina Colombo Honor-related violence can now be described as a European phenomenon. Countries there are now starting to face the sad truth about honor-related violence inside their borders, starting to look at mulitIculturalism in a different way, and starting to ask themselves, “What went wrong with it?” Last month […]
The Future of Jordan by Khaled Abu Toameh KING ABDULLARD BETTER WAKE UP SOON…OR START PACKING…..RSK Jordan’s King Abdullah II has good reason to be worried about the future of the monarchy in the Hashemite Kingdom. If he fails to implement real political and economic reforms, Jordan could easily fall into the hands of […] GEERT WILDERS IS BACK IN COURT Meanwhile, Back in Amsterdam … … Geert Wilders in back in court, as Dutch state minions continue to appease their Muslim and Marxian overlords. Here is what he said. The lights are going out all over Europe. All over the continent where our culture flourished and where man […]
Chronicle of a Doomed Uprising: The Egyptian Revolution as a Microcosm of the Arab Masses’ Quest for a Share in Power and Resources By: Y. Carmon, T. Kuper and H. Migron* In January 2011, the peoples of the Middle East began their march towards seizing a share in the leadership and resources of their […] Egypt: The Realist Scenario by Srdja Trifkovic The image of the “democratic revolution” in Egypt, as constructed by the mainstream media in North America and Europe over the past two weeks, evokes the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989. The BBC World Service, NPR and other Western media outlets bring us young, […]