Column One: Israel and Arab democracy By CAROLINE B. GLICK Whether they are democrats or autocrats, we fully expect they will continue to hate Over the past week, Israel has been criticized for being insufficiently supportive of democratic change in Egypt. While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been careful to praise the cause of […]
治療したいけど怖い!そんなあなたが安心して包茎手術を受けるためのポイントをご紹介! ANYONE TAKING BETS THAT THEY WILL ISSUE A RECOGNITION OF A PALARAB STATE….? JUST IN TIME FOR OBAMA’S STATE VISIT IN MARCH…..THIS IS VERY OMINOUS….RSK ASPA is composed of 34 countries – 12 South American and 22 Arab -, with the coordination and support of the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Union of […] Since it began late last month, the turmoil taking place in Egypt has spawned no shortage of expert commentary here in the United States. Some observers have argued that, despite the current ferment in Cairo, strongman Hosni Mubarak will stubbornly cling to power and ride out the storm. Others, however, have come to question […] The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever Looks Totally Awful JOE WEISENTHAL THERE ARE SOME WEIRD THINGS GOING ON BUT THE HEADLINE NUMBER IS A JOKE….THE SCARIEST JOBS CHART LOOKS HORRID…. As you can see, via Calculated Risk, the pace of the jobs recovery is not only not in line with past “recoveries” it’s not even […]
Galloway Endorses an Islamic Revolution in Egypt Galloway insisted that “we have no need to be going around saying that this is not a Muslim revolution,” because “a very significant number of the population of Egypt support the Islamic Movement of Egypt and that Movement has no need to hide itself under a bushel.” […]
Opening Palestine’s doors By Rafael Medoff The reflections of three Jerusalemites, who were Zionist student activists in the 1940s in America, shed light on what was arguably the most pivotal decade in modern Jewish history. When Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin and I, together with guest speaker Moshe Arens, launched our new book in Jerusalem […] and read the update today: VMI Celebrates Muslim Invasion, Brutal 781-year Occupation of Spain Posted by Patrick S. Poole Stonewall Jackson is rolling over in his grave. Next month his beloved Virginia Military Institute will be convening a celebration commemorating the 1300th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Spain under the Muslim […] Senate Fort Hood Report Blasts Defense Timidity…STEVE EMERSON The Ticking Time Bomb Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s odd behavior – telling colleagues that the United States was at war with Islam, justifying suicide bombing and saying his religious loyalties outweighed his oath to protect America – provided ample justification to kick him out of the […] Napolitano And Muslim Brotherhood Affiliates Met SecretlyJim Kouri, CPP Last year, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet and her senior staff secretly met with a select group of Muslim, Arab, and Sikh organizations. Among the mix were three organizations directly associated with an outlawed terrorist entity — the Muslim Brotherhood, who are involved in the current uprising in Egypt. […]
In Search of the Moderate Muslim World Posted By Arnold Ahlert URL to article: As the crisis in Egypt continues, Western nations are faced with a conundrum of their own making: how does one simultaneously demand that Arabic nations abandon their “7th century” mentality, best represented by oppressive, often totalitarian regimes, even as one […]