ISRAELI INTEL PREDICTED HAMAS TAKEOVR OF GAZA IN 2007 Cable: Israel contradicted U.S. intel, predicted Hamas would overrun Gaza in 2007 LONDON — Israel, unlike its U.S. partner, proved correct in assessments that Hamas would overrun the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip. A U.S. State Department cable reported on a meeting between Israel’s domestic security chief and the American ambassador on the […]

ADRIAN MORGAN: THE WHOLE STORY ON THE SEATTLE BUS CAMPAIGN Who is Behind Seattle’s Anti-Israel Bus Campaign? FSM: Anti-Semitism Watch A news report from King-5 reported that in King County, Seatle, a bus poster campaign will commence on December 27. This campaign will showcase the slogan: “Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work.” The posters are the brainchild of a group called the […]

THE SULTAN ON ISLAM, CHILD ABUSE AND RAPE Islam was Born Out of Child Abuse and Rape The Senate recently unanimously passed the awkwardly named “International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010“, which obligates the government to track child marriage rates globally and fund programs to reduce it in countries with a child marriage of over 40 percent. The […]

AMIL IMANI: CHRISTMAS SPIRIT AND ISLAM Christmas Spirit and Islam Amil Imani “I would like to join the chorus of peace on earth and goodwill to men. Yet, deep in my soul, I find it my solemn duty to keep on sounding the alarm about the fire of Islam even at this poignant moment of Christmas. Peace on earth and […]

THE UN’S TOTAL FAILURE OVER KOREA Global Security: We’ve observed often that the United Nations is useless. But its failure this weekend to agree on so much as a condemnation of North Korea for its bombardment of the south suggests something worse. The U.N. Security Council’s emergency meeting to come up with a common stance on North Korea’s second murderous […]

ROBERT SPENCER PORTLAND JIHADI IS PROTECTED….WE ARE NOT “It’s a good thing he is in protective custody: The rest of the prison population is protected from him. But we are not protected from the political correctness that focuses more concern on his safety than upon our own safety from other jihadis like him, and that allows him to steep himself in the […]


Follow-up to Kosovo ORGANized Crime It looks like crying “Serbian Propaganda! ™” can fool people for only 12 years. Or so one hopes. This has yet to play out, and the rapporteur Dick Marty is handing the evidence-collection and prosecution over to the EU “justice” mission in Kosovo. So we know what that usually […]

THE WAR AGAINST ISRAEL: FRONTPAGE SYMPOSIUM [Editor’s note: Below is the transcript — and video — of a distinguished panel discussing the threat that Israel faces at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, Nov. 18-21.] Moderator: (Larry Greenfield, a Fellow in American Studies at the Claremont Institute.) I have the honor of moderating a few panels this weekend.  Yesterday’s […]

A REAL PROBLEM IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ANTIBIOTICS New Antibiotics, Stat!The drug makers are in a bind — and public health is in danger. JOSH BLOOM, PHD AND GILBERT ROSS, M.D. DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND HEALTH The development of new antibiotics has slowed to a trickle, just when we need them most. As drug-resistant bacteria are on the rampage […]


The Ultimate Troll: Democrat Media Management Posted By David Solway URL to article: One wants to avoid falling into the deep, dark conspiracy well — where the hermeneutics of suspicion dominate one’s thinking, and practically everything of major importance that occurs in the sociopolitical domain is regarded as a nefarious plot foisted upon a […]