The CDC Just Pushed Fake News on Covid Child Mortality Kyle Smith

Only because “an internet rando is more knowledgeable and paying closer attention than our top scientists and doctors” do we know that the CDC just publicized false information about the deadliness of Covid-19 to small children. This misinformation, presented at a conference among top experts, went viral and was promoted, notes Substack columnist Matt Shapiro, by dozens of well-known physicians and other media commentators and specialists, including CNN mainstay Dr. Leana Wen and a former surgeon general of the United States. Wen’s promotion of the false claim is still up on Twitter as of 6:45 p.m. on June 22.

The CDC displayed a slide at a conference that falsely claimed Covid-19 was the fourth or fifth leading cause of death for all pediatric age groups. A writer who is publicly known only by the name Kelley immediately saw that the claim was “completely and utterly false.” Among several errors, which are so blatant as to seem like intentional massaging of the numbers, Kelley discovered that all data from a 26-month period were being crammed into one year, and that deaths were attributed to Covid, regardless of whether the death was caused by Covid, if the disease was mentioned on the death certificate. The CDC slide, which cited a pre-publication British study that is now being re-examined, also bumped up the numbers by altering the definition of pediatric (ordinarily understood to mean under 18) to include 18- and 19-year-olds.

The danger to children from Covid is very, very low. For instance, babies and toddlers are 25 times likelier to die of an accident than of Covid. And all-cause pediatric mortality in the pandemic era for young children (up to 12) is 30 percent lower than it was a generation ago, in 1999. All-cause mortality for children over 12 has spiked in the pandemic era because of accidents, drug abuse, and other factors unrelated to disease. Covid barely registers as a cause of death for teens or small children.

Tom Fitton: Our Military Is Being Undermined From Within By Woke, Racist, Marxist Democrats

“Judicial Watch” founder Tom Fitton talks about the anti-racism training the officer corps of the U.S. military is being taught on FNC’s Tucker Carlson:

TOM FITTON: We had to sue to get the documents, and they’re mandating or pushing critical race theory training on the cadets [at West Point]. This is where our next officer corps is trained and they’re being told “whiteness” is something that is what the critical race theorists say, full of characteristics that are negative.

They suggest that blacks are still the equivalent of slaves today, and they’re pushing queer theory, which is a cousin of the Marxist critical race theory.

And so, you know, our military is being undermined from within. You know, this is the type of Marxist revolutionary language that our military was designed, during the Cold War to try to protect this nation from. And now they’re on the inside.

And, you know, this is the Biden Defense Department. Because you remember, Trump tried to slow this down and it’s now the animating force for the Biden administration, and our military’s being abused.

So, you know, you’re pointing out senators are controlling our guns, right? While ignoring the abuse of our cadets at West Point with racist theories. When you have a white cadet come in and told they’re bad people because of the color of their skin, or blacks are told they are being oppressed because of the color of their skin, that’s racism and frankly, it’s banned under the law.

There’s got to be a rescue operation for our military from this woke madness.

Arabs to Biden: Shut Down Iran’s ‘Expansionist Project’ by Khaled Abu Toameh

Ahead of Biden’s visit, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, in a clear message to the US administration and other Western powers, affirmed that any nuclear agreement or future negotiations with Iran must address the Iranians’ “destabilizing behavior in the region, their support for terrorist militias, and their missile program.”

“Western countries prefer to talk about upcoming measures, preparing us for their failure to stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but the truth is that we are in a race against time, and it is still possible to force Iran to abandon its secret plans to acquire nuclear weapons. The problem is that the entire international community does not seem serious and resolute in dealing with this issue and deterring Iran.” — Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, founder and chairman of the Gulf Research Center,, June 14, 2022.

Iran thinks with the “mentality of an empire” and that is why it is continuing its efforts to extend its control to several Arab countries. — Dr. Abdulaziz Sager,, June 14, 2022

Washington’s Arab allies have repeatedly warned that the US against complacency with the Iranian threat, “specifically after the instructions of the administration of former President Barack Obama to build a partnership with the Tehran regime under the roof of the nuclear agreement that contributed to Iran’s pervasiveness, and gave it free rein, allowing it to increase its hostile activities against the countries of the region without being held accountable for the consequences of its reckless policies.” — Khaled Al-Yemany, former foreign minister of Yemen,, January 26, 2022.

[T]he Arab countries have always preferred dialogue with Iran, but this was seen by the mullahs as a sign of weakness. — Khaled Al-Yemany,, January 26, 2022.

Tehran is using negotiation diplomacy to achieve more military gains and develop its arsenal in the nuclear and missile fields and missile technology,” he said. “The reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency confirm that Iran is far from the commitments it made in the nuclear agreement, and it is progressing to build a nuclear bomb. A nuclear Iran, its expansionist project that destabilizes regional and international security and stability will be more ferocious and its ambitions will transcend all borders, and it must be deterred before it is too late.” — Khaled Al-Yemany,, January 26, 2022.

[T]he Arab and Western media have remained silent about the Iranian people’s protests against the corruption of the regime, which spent its wealth to destroy four Arab countries (Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq). — Abdul Jalil Al-Saeid, Syrian author,, June 7, 2022.

The Arabs are saying that they expect the Biden administration to reverse its stance on the mullahs and act in accordance with reality: that Tehran poses a catastrophic threat to America’s allies – all of its allies, Arab and Israeli alike – in the Middle East.

As US President Joe Biden prepares to visit Saudi Arabia and Israel in mid-July, Arabs are sending him a number of messages regarding the need to deal with the threat that Iran’s mullahs pose to their security and stability.

The Arabs, especially those living in the Gulf states, continue to express deep concern over the Iranian regime’s ongoing efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.

President Biden’s Nobel Peace Prize? by Pete Hoekstra

As President Joe Biden reportedly prepares to go the Middle East next month, a positive development for him to build on and turn around his poll numbers, and possibly win a Nobel Peace Prize for totally eliminating the threat of Iran going nuclear, is the signing on May 31, 2022, of a groundbreaking trade agreement between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel.

[T]here can be no downplaying the importance and scope of this deal or the potential for greater peace in the region without a nuclear Iran destabilizing the area….

The UAE-Israel Business Council expects up to 1,000 Israeli companies may begin operating in Dubai by the end of the year. This is also a major development.

CEPA is a win-win-win accomplishment. The agreement opens a window of opportunity not just for the US, but also for Israeli companies to do business in the UAE, and more importantly, it will serve as a gateway to other parts of the Middle East and Asia.

The announcement of CEPA pointed the way to three real and potential impacts that Biden could have in the Middle East:

A blossoming of bilateral initiatives within the private sector and civil society;

Geopolitical and economic benefits will have spillover effects across the region, and possibly the world; and

Opening channels of communications between the Arab states of the Gulf and Israel to further peace and prosperity in the region, including the Palestinians.

May this work — especially, under the far-sighted leadership of Biden, if he eliminates Iran’s nuclear threat — continue to bear more fruit.

As President Joe Biden reportedly prepares to go the Middle East next month, a positive development for him to build on and turn around his poll numbers, and possibly win a Nobel Peace Prize for totally eliminating the threat of Iran going nuclear, is the signing on May 31, 2022, of a groundbreaking trade agreement between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel.

Europe’s Leaders Must Not Stumble Towards a New Munich by Con Coughlin

Mr Macron, in particular, has emerged as the chief European cheerleader in favour of Ukraine making concessions to Russia to end the fighting, while the leaders of Germany and Italy, which both rely heavily on Russia for their energy needs, are also said to favour Ukraine ceding territory to Moscow – a result that would only whet the appetite of other predators looking on.

Rather than agreeing to their demands, Mr Zelensky responded by pointedly reminding his visitors that the more weapons Ukraine receives from the West, the faster it will be able to liberate its occupied land and end the war.

In this context, plans by the European Union to offer membership to Kyiv represent a welcome gesture of support for the Ukrainian people, one that should provide a much needed morale boost for Ukrainian forces.

In what amounts to a significant geo-political shift in Europe, the European Commission has given its backing to Ukraine’s bid to be given candidacy status, the first step towards achieving full EU membership.

The challenge for the EU now will be to make sure priority is given to processing Kyiv’s application, and not allow it to become caught up in the stultifying bureaucracy of Brussels.

Any attempt by the EU to delay Ukraine’s membership of the bloc will simply be taken as a sign by Mr Putin that Europe is not prepared to defend its allies, and encourage the Kremlin — and others — to launch further acts of aggression.

At a time when there is mounting concern that European leaders are suffering from “war fatigue” over the Ukraine conflict, the prospect of Kyiv becoming an official candidate for European Union membership constitutes a much-needed morale boost for the Ukrainian people.

Nuclear Sea-Launched Cruise Missile: Badly Needed for Deterrence by Peter Vincent Pry

President Biden, overruling his top generals and military advisors in the Pentagon, has defunded development of the Sea-Launched Cruise Missile-Nuclear (SLCM-N). They warn, correctly, that SLCM-N is vitally necessary for nuclear deterrence.

Throughout the Cold War, and today, in order to prevent nuclear war, it is foundational to the concept of deterrence that the U.S. should allow no nuclear adversary to achieve significant advantages in the balance of nuclear power.

Indeed, the U.S. under President Biden is not willing to risk nuclear escalation on behalf of Ukraine, which is why Russian nuclear blackmail is succeeding.

U.S. President Joe Biden, overruling his top generals and military advisors in the Pentagon, has defunded development of the Sea-Launched Cruise Missile-Nuclear (SLCM-N). They warn, correctly, that SLCM-N is vitally necessary for nuclear deterrence.

Throughout the Cold War, and today, in order to prevent nuclear war, it is foundational to the concept of deterrence that the U.S. should allow no nuclear adversary to achieve significant advantages in the balance of nuclear power.

SLCM-N, if developed and deployed, would be a long-range (2,500 km) cruise missile, stealthy because it can fly under radar, highly accurate, armed with a warhead of variable yield (5-150 kilotons), and launchable from U.S. Navy tactical platforms, submarines and surface ships, including nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs), guided missile cruisers, and destroyers.

No more excuses, Republicans must secure the border: Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX-District 21)

Today, if  migrants wants to enter the United States illegally, they pay a cartel to cross through the Rio Grande into the U.S. and then seek out the Border Patrol to claim asylum. Because of the Biden administration’s policies and existing loopholes in our laws, they know they will almost certainly be released and likely never removed.

Allowing “asylum” to be the exception that swallows the rule of border security has caused a catastrophic deluge of our border from around the world. Since President Joe Biden took office, we’ve encountered over 2.7 million illegal migrants at our southern border, over 234,000 in April alone. Ergo, Customs and Border Protection agents are processing migrants, leaving stretches of the southern border wide open for exploitation by cartels and traffickers.

More than 700,000 people have evaded law enforcement at our southern border since the start of FY 2021, and thousands of pounds of lethal fentanyl have evaded capture, while over 100,000 Americans have died from drug poisonings. Hundreds of migrants have died along our border or in the Rio Grande, while thousands more have been put into the human trafficking trade as cartels exploit the entire situation for profit.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The people both need and deserve a secure border, but ending the crisis is going to require Republicans in Washington, D.C., to grow a spine, dig in, and fight to keep their promises for once.

If the people ever again entrust Republicans to lead the House of Representatives or any other part of the federal government, there can be no more excuses. We must secure the border by closing the physical gaps in our border infrastructure and the legal ones on the books. That means requiring the Department of Homeland Security to carry out border enforcement policies, requiring ICE to remove all illegal immigrants through full interior enforcement, completing all physical border infrastructure, and bringing cartels and criminal organizations to their knees.

NPR visits a swing district — and much to its surprise, learns that voters don’t care about Dems’ Jan. 6 hearings By Monica Showalter

“Even NPR is tiptoeing around that issue, not being able to find anyone to claim anything else. They must have tried. They came up empty. Nobody cares about the Jan. 6 sh**show while inflation is ravaging the country.”

Someone at NPR came up with the idea of finding out what voters are thinking in the swing districts, now that the Democrats’ Jan. 6 spectacular, starring Liz Cheney, is in full throttle.


To say the least, the prim Victorian-gentlemen leftists at that award-laden outfit were in for a surprise:

Kimberly Berryman lives in the countryside outside Fredericksburg, Va., but drives 20 miles to the suburbs to do her shopping. She keeps a cooler in the trunk to keep her corn cold as she travels from store to store, trying to find the best deals on groceries.

For Berryman, it’s worlds away from the hearings about the Jan. 6 insurrection going on at the U.S. Capitol.

“I got other things to do,” she said with a laugh.

Berryman, who works with special needs students, said she was shocked and scared by the attack at the Capitol. But she said she’s more worried about price hikes and supply shortages than litigating Jan. 6.

“Just move on to something else,” she said.

Manufacturing Social Justice Warriors on an Industrial Scale By Robert Weissberg

For over a half century, American institutions of higher education have been guilty of promoting oikophobia — hatred of one’s own people and, more generally, Western civilization. Instruction initially only occurred in traditional academic disciplines like English and Sociology where youngsters learned about America’s racism, sexism, and multiple other sins. Within a few years, America-bashing had its very own departments, notably Women’s Studies, Black Studies, and other “grievances studies” departments.  

Remarkably, despite the plain-to-see pernicious impact of this “education,” it continues to thrive and expand. America-hating academics resemble drug addicts unable to achieve highs from the original dose and thus must move on to ever-larger amounts. At some point, alas, this addictive pursuit may prove fatal, and the same may be true in education as our schools continue to demonize America.

The latest installment of this national suicide on-the-installment urge is the burgeoning field of “social justice” as a separate academic major. This is not just sneaking in some criticism of Americas in a traditional history course; nor some freshman orientation lecture to exorcize white privilege. Far worse. This is ROTC for the woke.

Bill Barr Hits Bottom Former AG backs the Democrats’ Jan. 6 show trial. Lloyd Billingsley

Last week, former Attorney General William Barr told the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Committee he hadn’t seen evidence of voter fraud on a scale that could have affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. In late November of 2020, Barr told reporters, “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Before the 2020 election, voters may recall, Joe Biden openly touted “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Voter fraud is a crime, but Biden’s boast failed to spark any investigation by Attorney General William Barr. The addled Biden hunkered down in a basement and scarcely campaigned at all.

For AG William Barr, the Delaware Democrat won fair and square. Barr saw no need to look for evidence of voter fraud, now available in the form of Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules.

The film used cell phone data and government surveillance tapes to document illegal vote harvesting in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Texas. In Georgia alone, the film reviewed four million minutes of drop-box video. In his deposition for the Democrats, Barr erupted in laughter.