THE WAR AGAINST ISRAEL: FRONTPAGE SYMPOSIUM [Editor’s note: Below is the transcript — and video — of a distinguished panel discussing the threat that Israel faces at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, Nov. 18-21.] Moderator: (Larry Greenfield, a Fellow in American Studies at the Claremont Institute.) I have the honor of moderating a few panels this weekend.  Yesterday’s […]

A REAL PROBLEM IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ANTIBIOTICS New Antibiotics, Stat!The drug makers are in a bind — and public health is in danger. JOSH BLOOM, PHD AND GILBERT ROSS, M.D. DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND HEALTH The development of new antibiotics has slowed to a trickle, just when we need them most. As drug-resistant bacteria are on the rampage […]


The Ultimate Troll: Democrat Media Management Posted By David Solway URL to article: One wants to avoid falling into the deep, dark conspiracy well — where the hermeneutics of suspicion dominate one’s thinking, and practically everything of major importance that occurs in the sociopolitical domain is regarded as a nefarious plot foisted upon a […]

JHIMMI CARTER BACKS UNILATERAL DECLARATION OF PALARAB STATE Jimmy Carter back to old tricks, backs unilateral Palestinain statehood even as Palestinian PM opposes it The least successful US president of the 20th century seems hell bent on backing every anti-Israeli manoeuvre he can attach himself to, rarely missing the opportunity in the process to blunder into a diplomatic minefield he is clearly […]

EUROPE ON THE CUSP OF CHANGE? By Peter Zeihan Europe is on the cusp of change. An EU heads-of-state summit Dec. 16 launched a process aimed to save the common European currency. If successful, this process would be the most significant step toward creating a singular European power since the creation of the European Union itself in 1992 — that […]

THE KILLINGS IN DARFUR WERE ALWAYS ISLAMIC JIHAD By Ashish Kumar Sen Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has alarmed human rights activists and non-Muslims in the south of his country by saying that strict Islamic law will be enforced in the north if the south secedes in a referendum next month. Over the weekend, Mr. Bashir said that if the south secedes, as […]

WHY ARAB LEADERS DO NOT CARE ABOUT MEDICAL SERVICES IN THEIR COUNTRIES….SEE NOTE THEY ALSO FUND PAVILIONS IN THE BEST US HOSPITALS AND TAKE THE BOARDS ON JUNKETS TO THE EMIRATES…..AND THE “GUESTS” COME HOME GUSHING ABOUT THEIR NEW FOUND ARAB FRIENDS….RSK by Khaled Abu Toameh “In the past year alone, some 180,000 Palestinians received medical treatment in Israeli hospitals, according to Israeli sources. These patients are […]

TERROR THREAT FOILED IN THE UK….ARREST 12 PEOPLE IN NATIONWIDE RAIDS Anti-terror police arrest 12 people in nationwide raids An al-Qaeda plot to target Christmas shoppers with a wave of suicide bomb attacks in London was foiled by a series of raids across the country yesterday. Twelve men were arrested in Cardiff, Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham and the capital following intelligence that a terrorist cell was at […]

THE CLOCK IS TICKING FOR OBAMA: ED LASKY….SEE NOTE PLEASE Stopping Obama: A Republican Game PlanBy Ed Lasky THE FOLLOWING CLEARLY RELATES TO THE ILLEGAL, UNTIMELY, WITHOUT CAUSE FIRING OF INSPECTOR GENERAL GERALD WALPIN…..RSK “Darrell Issa may hold hearings regarding Barack Obama’s hostility toward inspectors general — the unsung heroes of the federal government who watch our tax dollars.  Issa seeks to give more […]

LAND OF THE CRESCENT MOON? ELLIOT JAGER Land of the Crescent Moon?By Elliot Jager “More plausibly, Islamists will continue to strike at tolerant Sweden not in retribution for any particular “transgression” but precisely because it forms a part—and a conveniently vulnerable part—of the hated West. Like London, where al-Abdaly was trained, like Paris, like Madrid, the Swedish paragon of national isolationism, neutrality, […]