Obama’s State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism – Alvin Felzenberg (usnews.com) http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/alvin-felzenberg/2011/01/26/obamas-state-of-the-union-was-tantamount-to-plagiarism Obama’s State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism Alvin Felzenberg, USNews.com ASK NOT WHERE THE PRESIDENT GETS HIS CLICHES…..RSK If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what can be said of plagiarism? President Obama’s second State of the Union […]
Keith Ellison’s alma mater, UMinn, to launch Islamic sharia law program « Creeping Sharia http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/keith-ellisons-alma-mater-uminn-to-launch-islamic-sharia-law-program/ Keith Ellison’s alma mater, UMinn, to launch Islamic sharia law program Posted on January 26, 2011 by creeping Sharia keeps on creepin’, creepin’, creepin’ into our country. And Keith Ellison continues to prove Allen West was spot on. Recall that […]
Brooklyn College Revokes Instructor’s Appointment to Teach Mideast Politics By LISA W. FODERARO SINCE WHEN DOES HIRING A BIGOTED AND UNDER-EDUCATED RADICAL UNDERMINE ACADEMIC FREEDOM? THAT’S ALWAYS THE LAST REFUGE OF THE COWARDS AND SCOUNDRELS LIKE PROFESSOR MARK UNGAR…..RSK “But Mark Ungar, a political science professor, issued a statement signed by 10 professors in the […]
http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2011/01/jewish-funds-for-justice-goes-after.html Latest Attack on Glenn Beck Shames The Rabbinical Profession and Desecrates God’s Name As the Torah says Thou shalt not go up and down as a tale-bearer among thy people (Lev. 19:16). The ancient Jewish Sages took that passage and said that there are three transgressions that would cause a man to lose his […]
http://www.israpundit.com/archives/33027 From high heels to military drills Anna King, 20, puts off promising modeling career abroad to don army uniform, become Hummer operator. Jerusalem-born model is one of only 100 Christians serving in IDF Khaki is the new black: Some prefer easy money and the glitzy cat walk, while others opt for grease, sand and […]
Click here to for an email form: http://peteking.house.gov/email.shtml ***Congressman Pete King Tells Big Peace He’ll Take On the Muslim Brotherhood Jan 26th 2011 http://bigpeace.com/smandel/2011/01/26/pete-king-tells-big-peace-hell-take-on-the-muslim-brotherhood/ Pete King is getting a lot of flack for the direction his planned hearings on homegrown Muslim radicalization have taken. But one aspect of the hearings that should be getting more […]
http://www.carolineglick.com/e/2011/01/the-aim-of-blood-libels.php For Israelis, the American Left’s assault on Sarah Palin and the conservative movement in the wake of Jared Loughlin’s murderous attack in Tuscon, Arizona was disturbingly familiar. Just as the American leftist media and political leadership immediately sought to blame Palin, the Tea Party and conservative media personalities for Loughlin’s actions, so in 1995, […]
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110127/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iraq OBAMA:”This year, our civilians will forge a lasting partnership with the Iraqi people while we finish the job of bringing our troops out of Iraq,” BAGHDAD – A car bomb ripped through a funeral tent in a mainly Shiite area of Baghdad on Thursday, the deadliest in a series of attacks that killed at […]
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/muslim-population-growth-to-b e-twice-as-fast-as-non-muslims-study/story-e6frf7k6-1225995579807 THE world’s Muslim population will grow twice as fast as the non-Muslim population in the next 20 years, when Muslims are expected to make up more than a quarter of the global population, a study published Thursday predicts. Using fertility, mortality and migration rates, researchers at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public […]