Saudis Crow Over Biden Coming Hat-In-Hand to Riyadh The man who promised to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” now begs them for oil. Hugh Fitzgerald

What was once planned as a quick visit to Israel-and-the-Palestinians by President Biden has become a three-way affair, with Saudi Arabia not only added to the itinerary, but has become the main event, the meeting in Riyadh with the Saudi Crown Prince will overshadow his lightning visits to Jerusalem and Bethlehem. In Israel, Biden will attend the Maccabiah Games and no doubt discuss with Prime Minister Bennett ways for Israel to tamp down “tension” in the area – even though all such tension is provoked by the Palestinians – and he will repeat, in his conversations with both Israel and the Palestinians, the latest mantra of the Bidenites, that he “looks forward to reaffirming his lifelong commitment to a two-state solution and to discuss the ways in which we might rekindle a new political horizon that can ensure equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity, and dignity to Israelis and Palestinians alike.“

I’m not sure Israel and the Palestinians can have “equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity, and dignity,” given the failure of the Palestinians to create a free and democratic society – a failure that we see in all 22 states of the Arab League, where either despots or monarchs rule, but nowhere is there a true democracy, of citizens rather than subjects. Nor can the Palestinians, with Islam stunting their mental growth, ever hope to rival the advanced state of Israel, with the astonishing inventiveness of its people. In Israel innovation is welcome; Muslim Arabs regard innovation, or bida, with deep suspicion. As for “equal measures of…..dignity,” both Hamas and the PA have shown how little they care for the “dignity” of those they rule over, people who are not permitted to choose their rulers by elections, and who are arrested or even executed for daring to criticize those rulers. Why would the people in a “Palestinian state” fare any better than they do now under Hamas in Gaza, or under the PA in the West Bank? It will be amusing, however, to hear Biden repeat that mantra to Mahmoud Abbas – all that guff about “equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity and dignity” – that is, to the very man who is now in the 17th year of his four-year term, who had his harshest critic, Nizar Banat, beaten to death, and who has amassed a fortune of $400 million consisting mostly of aid money he stole.

The Odious Mapping Project Conspiratorial fantasies, Jew-hatred, and the paranoid style of politics. Richard L. Cravatts

As if further evidence was needed to reveal the fundamental anti-Semitic nature of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, the recently-produced Boston “Mapping Project” proved conclusively that anti-Israel activists inhabit an ideological universe replete with conspiracies, delusions, and nihilistic hatred, both for Israel and the Jewish community as a whole.

The BDS Boston Facebook page, which promoted the map, enthusiastically cheered on this fantasy of oppression, wildly claiming, as they did, that the map “illustrate[s] how local support for the colonization of Palestine is structurally tied to policing, evictions, and privatization locally, and to US imperialist projects worldwide.”  

The map was not merely an ideological map that linked various ideas and entities in an effort to expose alleged collaboration, joint sponsorships, and inter-connected social, political, and educational institutions as a guide to understanding how the missions of various groups and institutions are related in a collective enterprise—in this case, the so-called “colonization” of Palestine.

What has drawn intense criticism of the map from many is that it is actually a geographical, not an ideological, map; in other words, the pernicious aspect of it is that it plots the actual physical locations and addresses of the institutions, universities, organizations, and individuals who, the activists contend, contribute to structural racism, apartheid, colonization, land theft, and overall oppression in a vast conspiracy of the power elites to suppress freedom and, in the case of the Palestinians, specifically, to deny self=determination.

The Collapsing Pillars of the Iranian Regime A tyranny rotting from within. Struan Stevenson

There were three pillars on which the Iranian regime was founded, following the 1979 revolution, hi-jacked by the elderly fanatical cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The first pillar was the system of velayat-e-faqih, or guardianship of the Islamic jurist, which laid the foundations for the first fundamentalist Islamic state and was written into the constitution. The second pillar was the complete transfer of all power and authority to the Supreme Leader and from him to the theocracy of ayatollahs and mullahs, who perversely claimed their authority came directly from God. The third and final pillar, carefully designed by Khomeini, was the creation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), his own version of the Gestapo, to spread their revolutionary policy of violence and terror at home and beyond Iran’s borders.Today, the theocracy is so hated by 80 million repressed and impoverished Iranians, that only two pillars remain, velayat-e-faqih and the IRGC. Everyone knows that a stool with only two legs cannot persist.

The IRGC controls around 70 percent of the Iranian economy, including its monetary and financial institutions. It pays no taxes and funnels resources into the pockets of the ruling elite. It also commands the regime’s clandestine campaign to build a nuclear weapon. Khomenei moved rapidly to eliminate opposition to his clerical dictatorship, ruthlessly using the IRGC to murder tens of thousands of political opponents whom he said were guilty of ‘moharebeh’ or ‘waging war against God.’ The secret massacre of over 30,000 supporters of the main democratic opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin of Iran/Mojahedin e-Khalq (PMOI/MEK), in the latter half of 1988, stands out as one of the worst crimes against humanity of the late twentieth century and is now under active investigation by the UN. Startling as these figures may be, they are only a fraction of the estimated 120,000 political prisoners executed so far during the clerical dictatorship in Iran.

The Feds: Fully on Board the Trans Train Biden administration doubles down on the transgender fad. Larry Sand

Back in March, the Biden administration celebrated the “International Transgender Day of Visibility” by extolling the virtues of the kindly sounding “gender-affirming care.” But this innocuous sounding term can be extraordinarily hazardous to the health of young people – puberty blockers, hormone therapy and “gender affirming” therapies – all irreversible – are part of the program.

This bit of insanity was followed by a major rewrite of Title IX in May, which prohibits sex discrimination and harassment in programs receiving federal funds, and now includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. As The Federalist’s Joy Pullman explains, any establishments that accept any federal funding for food, including schools, “must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas.” These organizations must also follow protocols “such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.”

Then on June 15, Biden furthered his descent into the child abuse abyss by signing an executive order that directs his Departments of Health and Human Services and Education to further push his “gender-affirming care” agenda, allowing treatments in children who claim gender confusion, and increase LGBTQ activism infiltration, under the guise of anti-bullying and anti-suicide programs, in public schools throughout the United States. As noted by Dr. Susan Berry, the order is specifically aimed at states that have “banned transgender medical interventions for minors, promoted parental rights, and blocked public schools from teaching concepts related to gender identity and sexuality to young children.” There are 33 states and the District of Columbia that have some legal provisions which allow minors to obtain routine health care without parental consent, while 17 states have no such provisions. In the states that do have legal provisions, it is possible for adolescents to obtain puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones under certain circumstance without parental approval.

As illegal immigration surges, so do drug trade, human trafficking ‘Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime,’ says Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.By Aaron Kliegman

The surge in the number of migrants trying to cross the southern border and enter the U.S. illegally is facilitating the flow of drugs and human trafficking into the country, with both the American people and the migrants themselves suffering as a result, according to experts and former officials who spoke to Just the News.

“The higher the flow of illegal immigration, the more inability we have to secure the border, and the more operational control we hand over to the cartels,” said Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). “When illegal immigration is up, the more Border Patrol is relegated to a travel agency for illegal immigrants.”

Morgan said that when an overwhelming number of illegals are entering the country, large numbers of border agents — about half the agents on duty at any given time — have to be pulled off the line to process, care for and transfer them, leaving huge gaps for cartels and smugglers to exploit.

“How in the hell did border security become a right or left thing, not an American thing?” Morgan said. “Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.”

His comments came after the CBP on Wednesday released its latest data showing there were a staggering 239,416 encounters with migrants attempting to enter the country illegally last month, marking a new record and the fourth consecutive monthly rise.

Five lessons for Joe Biden from Jimmy Carter’s one-term presidency Biden should learn these lessons from Carter who also faced soaring inflation and an energy crisis: Liz Peek

On the evening of July 15, 1979, Jimmy Carter gave his infamous “malaise” speech, in which he blamed Americans discouraged by soaring inflation and an energy crisis for losing confidence in our country.   

Days ago, Joe Biden gave his own malaise speech. Sitting down with an AP reporter for a rare interview, the president described the American people as “really, really down,” and repeated: “They’re really down. Their need for mental health in America has skyrocketed because people have seen everything upset.”

Like Carter, the president insisted that he wanted Americans to “be confident. Because I am confident.”

But Americans do not share Joe’s confidence, just as they did not share Carter’s. 

When consumer sentiment and small business confidence hit an all-time low – worse than when our country is in the midst of a pandemic or in a deep recession – something is terribly wrong. That’s where we are now, according to the University of Michigan and the NFIB, which track the nation’s mood. 

There are many parallels between Joe Biden’s first year and a half in office and Carter’s presidency: soaring inflation, a looming recession, international crises and an energy shortage, for starters.

Memo To The Clintons: Please Go Away And Don’t Come Back

The Clintons are back at the top of the news, claiming in recent separate interviews that we are at risk of “losing our democracy.” Of course we’re not a democracy, and shrieking about “losing” it is the Democrats’ cover for their campaign to achieve absolute and unchallenged political power in this country. And no one is more to blame for that than the Clintons.

In an interview with talk show host James Corden, a hopelessly silly man who apparently fawns over every Democrat he talks to, Bill said he believes “there’s a fair chance that we could completely lose our constitutional democracy for a couple of decades if we keep making – if we make bad decisions.” Two days later, Hillary, who said she won’t run for president in 2024, assured a Financial Times reporter that “we are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy.”

It’s become a Democratic Party talking point, and fits in neatly with the Jan. 6 show trial. The implication is that Democrats’ political opponents are authoritarians who will, well, we really don’t know how the Democrats think “democracy” will be lost. They never say. Voters are simply supposed to believe them.

This type of talk could never happen in a country where the political divide wasn’t white hot. Yet it’s where we are today, and the Clintons were central to the destruction of civil politics in the U.S. (though not to the extent that Barack Obama was, but they did set the table for him).

The fall of the Israeli government and the upcoming election: Ruthie Blum

 The moment that some Israelis have been dreading and others happily anticipating finally arrived on Monday. Though the announcement by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid of a call for the disbanding of the Knesset was virtually a foregone conclusion, it came as a bit of a surprise.
Earlier in the day, it was reported that Bennett had bought his teetering coalition an additional week. This was attributed to the fact that Likud Party and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu was postponing a no-confidence motion for several days.

Still, the public response has been similar to that surrounding the death of someone who suffered a long and drawn-out illness; despite the inevitability of the demise, the end is slightly jolting. Nevertheless, nobody skipped a beat—certainly not the politicians or reporters scrambling to address the new reality—at the sound of the government’s last breath.

Judging by the polls, those who had hoped it would survive aren’t numerous, but they have begun to reiterate the rhetoric of the anti-Netanyahu camp. Sadly, some voters who experienced buyers’ remorse at having opted for Bennett in the first place—as he represented for them the uncompromising Zionist who would annex Judea and Samaria—are singing the same tune about Netanyahu.

What Do ‘Men Give Birth’ and ‘Defund the Police’ Have in Common? By Dennis Prager
Unless you are brainwashed, you regard the statements “men give birth” and “defund the police” as absurd.
Why, then, do leftists (as opposed to liberals and conservatives) say these things and even believe them?
I think there are two — related — explanations.

One is that the Left seeks to tear down every normative institution. If men give birth, “man” and “woman” no longer mean anything. “Men give birth” means the end of the male-female distinction, the most basic distinction in the human race. Racial distinctions pale in comparison. So do national distinctions. 

Marxists support the obliteration of the male-female distinction because the only distinction that matters to Marxists is that of class. 

The other explanation is that the endgame of leftism is chaos. It is related to the first explanation, since the obliteration of all distinctions is chaos. Distinctions mean order. Having no distinctions means chaos.

The Case for Donald Trump 2024 Kurt Schlichter

Time for some real talk. There are a lot of Republicans with doubts about President Trump running again in 2024, and you hear it often when conservatives gather together. They worry that him going Grover Cleveland could spoil a sure thing, but that’s not necessarily so. Whether you love Donald Trump, or whether you doubt him – if you hate him, shut up and go back to the Bulwark offices with the other losers – you need to look hard at the facts.

We’re not progressives who let our feelz control us, and we must ruthlessly assess our own potential courses of action when it comes to replacing that desiccated old pervert masquerading as our president. We must look at his downside, but also his upside – and he has one. The fact is that Donald Trump 2024 has a reasonable chance to beat anyone the Democrats launch at him – hell, in ’16 he defied the conventional wisdom to crush Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, the Smartest Woman Ever Was, and there are a lot of reasons why he might well pummel whatever pea-brained nimrod the Dems deploy against him in 2024.

Let’s look where all smart tacticians will look first – at logistics. Trump has money, oodles of it, and his supporters now have two campaigns worth of experience instead of the none they had in 2016. He also has his own social media outlet, as well as friendly conservative media, and Twitter may even be under free speech advocate Elon Musk by then. They can’t shut him up again.

Then there is the opposition. He faces a clown for an opponent – Grandpa Badfinger is the only guy dumb enough to forget how to ride a bike – and some polls already show Trump beating Biden in a head-to-(empty)-head race two-plus years out. None of those who will be seeking to shiv the Crusty-in-Chief and send him off to Sunny Acres so they can grab the Dem nom is a bigger threat. Kackling Kamala? Supply chain chump Pete Buttigieg? Maybe AOC will run – voters will love her. Perhaps Hillary will step into the ring to get humiliated yet again. All of them are potentially beatable by DJT in 2024.