STANLEY KURTZ: THE FACTS ON FRANCIS FOX PIVEN Frances Fox Piven’s Violent Agenda A leading light of the Democratic Socialists of America claims she is not a socialist and, after urging the unemployed to emulate the Greek rioters, claims she is not inciting violence. The campaign to use the tragic shootings in Tucson to silence conservatives continues. The latest twist is an […]

GAME OVER!PALARABS INDIFFERENT TO THE “SETTLEMENTS’ ISSUE British Foreign office, BBC, European liberal-left devastated by leaked revelations on Israeli settlements, Guardian furious at “weak” and “craven” Palestinian leadership Game over. No way back. An entire edifice of anti-Israeli demonisation definitively consigned to the scrap heap, never to be recycled again. This is the uncompromising message that comes out of yesterday’s revelations […]

DAPHNE ANSON: GO AHEAD AND BOYCOTT….FOOLS AND KNAVES “….dedicated to Marrickville Council in Australia, to the Methodist Church in the UK, to the Presbyterian Church in the USA, and to all those other boycotters and intending boycotters in the still-as-yet-Free World who have so single-mindedly eschewed focusing their energies on ways to bring truly villainous regimes around the world to heel, in […]

GLENN BECK AND FRANCIS FOX PIVEN AND A PHONY CONTROVERSY Glenn Beck, Frances Fox Piven, and How the New York Times Falsely Depicts the Controversy Posted By Ron Radosh Death threats are no small matter, and are to be taken very seriously. I know how upsetting they can be because in the 1980s, I was subject to them myself. After The Rosenberg File was […]

THE SULTAN: ANGLOPHOBIA OR ISLAMOPHOBIA-WHAT’S THE REAL PROBLEM? Anglophobia or Islamophobia – What’s the Real Problem? In the UK, Baroness Warsi, better known as PM Cameron’s pet Muslim, delivered a speech lambasting Britons as racists for in any way associating terrorism with Islam. If you have been guilty of trying to distinguish between moderate and radical Muslims, that too is now forbidden. […]


The Push to Create Palestine Posted By P. David Hornik A man in Tunisia — a college graduate denied the right to sell fruits and vegetables in the streets — self-immolates and ends up touching off a popular coup d’état. Copycat immolations follow in Egypt, Mauritania, and Algeria. Jordanians join the agitation, rioting against […]

LANG LANG’S OUTRAGEOUS INSULT TO OBAMA AND AMERICA IGNORED Insulting Chinese Anti-American tune played at state dinner Rick Moran It isn’t really that strange that the Chinese pianist who played at the White House state dinner for President Hu would slap America in the face by playing a blatantly anti-American song well known in China. What’s also not very surprising to me is […]


The Iraqi Jewish Archive By Alex Joffe ARABS HAVE CLAIMED THE COPYRIGHT ON THE WORD “REFUGEES ” IN THE MIDEAST….HOW ABOUT THE JEWS FROM IRAQ WHERE THEY LIVED FOR MILLENNIA…AND THEIR ARCHIVES ARE THREATENED…READ THIS: “By March 1951, 120,000 Jews had left Iraq, being permitted to take with them no more than 50 pounds […]

DR. PAUL KENGOR INTERVIEWED…AUTHOR OF “DUPES: HOW AMERICA’S ADVERSARIES HAVE MANIPULATED PROGRESS FOR A CENTURY” This is the most recent installment of exclusive interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor on his book revealing how communists, from Moscow to New York to Chicago, have long manipulated America’s liberals/progressives. Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century is based on an unprecedented volume of declassified materials from Soviet archives, FBI […]

NED MAY: MUSLIM MASS PRAYERS IN THE STREETS….FIRST PARIS AND THEN PLEVEN IN BULGARIA Muslim Mass Prayers in the Streets: First We Take Paris, Then We Take PlevenPosted by Ned May Over the last few years, we’ve all become familiar with the sight of masses of Muslim men clogging up public spaces in major Western European cities with their posteriors pointed skyward as they pray towards Mecca. Paris […]